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"VOTICK ! Ahj i ,1, ror the Fhite can mnk: smngementa ly caliitic nl the QRKQORT HOÜ8B, AüD Ai t;.r. Mi' 'áan. Oclober 81 , 1810. 1290W2 Wanted Agents- For our New Work By Dr. QBO. II. XAl'HKYS. PricoiS.OO. Thii brave, pare book i Ibra n-:it ntocett oftbeyear, and is selllng at ih'i rato of iho isnmls of co;. raonili. Among the latest report ar : win 'hv 'l.ivs, a in oae neek, :ir In une dy. STO in thrae wcekp, &c. Uttuy agcntfl ncvcr order less tban-l&O to 300 cofJee al . 5 H 0 copie hare beon iold in a ?ioylc cuunty. aond tot pümplilet, Ac. Adtfreu E. HANNAPOKD & CO., PuWishera. I2Mwi [68 Bonth Clark Street, Chicago. FTÖURi PARTRSDGES MILLS. NEW MILLS! NEW HACHIÏÏERY! Witb all Tiltest Improvoments. Fïour Trarrantcd of vcry Superior Quality aud d)lveretl to any part of tho City. Ordt;r Box at Postofilco and Couk's Hotv], Trv it and yoii will boy it. FLOUR! 1200W4 jVACK & SCH Al 1 D, AI'.K BOW SECK1VINO riIF. MO.ST SXTSNSivE ASSORÏivöT CLÜT11 FOB LADIE8' 8ÜITING8', UKI'l I.l.ANi.--, FI.ANXKI.S, PEI TH K. BLEA'.'Iir.]} AND BBOWN COTCOH8, V Hl!, t.inlcil Vailciy of WHITE GOOBS, EM3E0IDEEY I&CE, GLOVES AND EOSIERY, KVER OFl'JSItED I.VTUK CITY, Al IHEIR POPULAR I'KICES. MEW ÖOODS, MACK & SCHM1D, OFFBi ! XTRAO '.i:n -.Y BAROAINS IX CLOTHS, CASSiERES. LA2IES' ASE 6ENTS' UNBERWEAB AKD HOUSE KEEPING GOODS, OÚvB STOCK CONTAINS ALL THE NOVELTLKS IN FOB' EION AND DOMESTIC GOODSOPTHE SEAS O i. CUSTOMERS AND 8TRANGERS ARE RESPECTPÜLLY INVITEO TO CALL AND E X A M I N E BEF 0 R E MAKIXO TIIKUi PUBCHA8ES. TpALÏi AND V,r I :,: f E I :. 8V3ACK $c SCHmSD IIAVi: NO'.V OPENKD A. IMMENSE STOCK OF POPULAR MISS GÜODS, SUCII AS Salín, DtOhine, Pópttht, PkeüU and Bergt, ..!. Hiiot, EptjtgUne, Brittianliwt, Bíapresi Cloíh, 'doun, GKO BeLURICKS, ÏIOHA1K ALPACAS, ÍK., &■■., iVc, &c. ái, am which for (jokútT and STVIlE CAN-NOT BB EXCK1.1.K1). THB PUBUC AHE RI8PECTFÜI.LY INViTKIi 10 EXAMINE. ZÍACK Sf SCJIMID. Batata of Ezra Houbtcn. OTATiiOl' MICHIOAN', "f Washtenliw. P. Cj ai a seulon of the Probate Oonrt tol ol Woshtelinw, bolden ai Lhe Probate Office lu H.i City nf Aun Arbor, on S;nnn!nv. ti,,, (lrut diy of . in the yuarouc Ihousaccl eight handred ■ uy. ■t 'HirnmJ. Benke, Tadg of Probáte In the mattor ol thp estáte E#ra iiouhton, id. Allwrt L. HongUton( AdnDlitratot oí aald sítate, IdIo Colín and representa that li s now prapartdbo rcnder h 3niu account ae en,ch a UfUtir. Thereiipon )t 1 Ordered, that Mondar, th tbtrbriirsi daj ofOotober insuut t ten ivl-ik lu the forenoon, be nnstsned for i 'liniii; and allowinj account, ftnd tnal the helrs at la - . .( ( -i i [a s:iid tate, :u-c ■ "llrt, tliel) to !)!■ buiden al the Prooi . r Aun Arbor, i ii f.'iiii Oouuty, anrt came, t :iny Hiere be,why IBe said accouut ehould rut Ijouilüwed: Ainl it s lurther mlprnl lh:il s.iid Admirill give notoe to t,ne poronc LoU'reBted in Bnid ■ of Lhe ])fii(!'-iiry of Bald acecupi, :nir] the lic thereof. by oaaeinff a copy of lui ciMer to be uik! ctrcalattag n ■ , threé ■ weeks i r -, i 1 1 - to Bald dAy of tiéa Ca irúe copj ' HIIÍa.M J. BEAKE8, 1Í90 Ji(d c,


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