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New York, Oct 4th, 1ST0. The iifmal qulet of tho flnaucUl conditiou notcd n our last continúes, and the mnrkct has no ucw features except high borrowing rntos lor cash gold are biing offered, and many holdcr of bonds aro turnini; th(;m lato the Treasiiry in order to avail thcmtclves of the high ratos pald. $521,000 were turncd iu loiLiy, There is etill nn abnnlancc of moucy In the market, and cable report! eay las lutt'-d the London maiket nnd thut it can be Itd :isily therc fr 1 and per cont. interest. Ow_ ng to the favorable? asueets for peace in Europe, 'Vmerican sccurlties are buoyaut in London, though .h' y may be sfimcwhat afft-ctcd by the easy money marlcet, The Ilour rat rket is better to-day and a vcry good export dem and 3 current. We note to" day au advancj if Sc on disirablc grades. The leciipts aud sales vary very much at preneiie. Somc days drin the past week tho ealcs h:vc cxcecdi-d and snme days lallen short of the recclpts. ïo-dav, howtïcr, the receipts havn nearly doubled the snlei thouh thn domand much Improved. The cur rent ratea now are about ;e bettcr thcu a week ago. Eitrn mUi for $s.ü55.40 ; whlle we qnote supcrllm1 t 4.0(ifi.lO. White wheatflour is held at íí.Iinia; T.00. The wheat morket exhlbits a decided improvomentón tho condiiioa of last week. Tho supply that ha accumulated dnrlng the heavy reccipts of the past week Is now growlng emnl!r under the bfivv b:i!(b nndthn rfjult in whom is fenren nd flrin.jin'1 pritt src Jvanclnf. Tho raiaa to 0y I were over four times aa largo as the rcctlpts. W quote winter red and amber western at $1.31@1.35 and white western at $1 .50. Corn is ín gootl deuiam at 87SSSc and the sales oí to-day are slx-tlraea aa large na the receipt. Oats unsteady and domand fair with an advnnco of about 1 Vc. Detroit, Oct. Glh, 18"0. The ralny weather continúes horo, and though the business of our city U very good it is very plaiu tha! i f wo had botter wcather trading woulrt be more lively. The receipts of flonr and grain contiuuo heavy and the mark.t to day Is active except for flour, which U stitl q'.iiet though better thau it has been for the past weck. The better feelinj no doubt Is OCCMloned by the advance. in whent. Choicc brauds of flour are held ui $0.50 mediums aru held at $.i.75'.cG.O. Wfl qni'te anlbers at t5. 5005.00. The impruveui'jnt In wheal continúes and thi morniug thero :iro hopea of au activo week at The foljOwíuí; tttbUï of areruge pricea ior vartjun grades dTtrlng tliH past voik up to tu-dny wil! furnisu a better Idea of the genera! teudeucy of pricos ; Extra. No. 1. Kegular. Amber. s-pt. 2", $i.s i.2a 41.14 i.i 2, 1.3 i 1.55 1.1 i l 16 " 29, 1.S6 124 1.11 1.14 " 0, 1 .1(1 1. 4 1.11 1.16 Oct. 1, 1.8-I i.U 1 10 1.14 ' 3, 1 36 1.24 1.11 1 16 " 4, 1 .37 1 2 1.11 1.16 Cors i? Una -inri the inpplti are very scurce. Oats have advanced and are firm at prlces quotcd belowd The apple markel ia h t il] glutted and price ure com [ng down. Chokv bllttn is in eXMltent demautl au selH readily atprices quoted. In the provisión marleet we notloq Ihat pork has decliucd and mea i now held at $2ti'ii;ü.5O. DETROIT PHOnUCE Í ARKET.-The followlng quiiiationürcproaentthc correal net pricevreaüzed by commisiou dealers. and are careftilly revisedevery week. i'nr the Akciüs. by our Detroitcorrespondont. DedactluuH fr'-m theae prices for cminisaions aud ebargee, wili show the net rates tufirst hands: Apples,- Dried, S@9c Green, $1..'iO@$2 65 per bbl. liarlcy -per cwt. . $2.00 No 1, a $1.75 for NoS. Beeswnx - per Jb. 30. Beuu - white, $i.ts Butter- Ruil and crock 30c. Firkiu, Í.1 i24. Cbeew- Michigan Partory, r?(n 14. l)Kry,Si&U. Ohlckens- Dreasea.perlb., n&lSc. Oom- pei hu.. 74c Oanberries- Perbhl. 0 00Sj.$'.4 00 fur wild. - perdos., It iïi.lci- ilrv . per 1b. . l'Jffy 14c-; green, GL(&7c. Lamb Skins -por 1b. 2&@t0c. ;nli Sktú- Graan, ISwlCC; dry, ít(tS0. Sheep Skins- Mi'il.T.v Hopa - New,j)erlb.. 8a,I0c. Lnrd- perlb.. ïti'c. Bye- 80c. Data- per ba., itfg 48e; Oni me- per bbl. ï.60@S00. I'ot-itocb- a i 2"v. per bbl. 11 6 e. per bn. Smoked Ilaius- iHy cured per lb 18c Sl.oulder Tallow- 9A Turkevti - dressed, perlb.. 10(ííi20c. Wheai- extr.-i white, 1.81(8188. No. I.l.ï9@l2T. ' Ambrr 1.1611. AM AUBOR PRODUCE JI1UKETS. Argds Office, Oct 6, 1Ö70. We quote, thif afternoon ae follows 1 WHB AT- White. 115 Ked, looc CORN- J6C. OAT- 32c. BBANS- $1.15. BUTTER- B80. EGGS- 18c. LAKD- 16c HAY- $10318. AI'PLES- S85c. POTATOES- 50c. OIIICKEN'S- 14c TURKETS- 16c.


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Michigan Argus