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Tö PMMS ! New Yokk, August 15th, 18CP. ...

Tö PMMS ! New Yokk, August 15th, 18CP. ... image
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Tö PMMS ! New Yokk, August 15th, 18CP. Allow me to cali your attentioo to my PREPARATION OF COMPOUND EXTJIACT BUCHU. The component pnrts are, lsUCHU, Lono Luw, CUI3EBS, JUNIl'EU BEVRIES, MoBH of Pbbpakatiox. - Bticbu, in vacuo. Juuiper Ben es, by ditillation, to form a fine gin, Cubeba extractad ly displacement with spirits obtaiucd from Jonïpei Berries; very littlesugar is used, and a small prnportion of spirit. It is more palatablc than any aow iu ufe. Buchu as prepared tiy Drugcrists, in of a dark color. Jt is a plaut that emití i(s frafirance ; tbe action of a flame destrovs this (ils activo principio}, leaving a dark and glutinous decoc'inn. Miuo is the color of ingrediënt!. Tlic Bucliu in my preparation predominada tbe smallest quantüy of the other ingredientB are added, to prevent fc-rmentation ; upon inspection it will be found not to be a Tiucluro, ca made in Pharmacoprea, nor is it a Syrup - and tbercfore -an be usod in cases vvhere fever or inflaromation exist. In thi?, yon lave tbo kDOwlcdge of tbo ngredionts, and the mode of preparation. Hoping that youwill favor it witb n trial, and that upo;i inspi'etion it! must wi'h yur ■pprobatioDj ' itu a feeling of profoiiud cojifidence I am, vei-y i'pspolíully H. T." il!-;i.MBOLD. Cbemist and Druggist of 19 Ycars' Experieuco. (From tbo largost Manufact;:ring Clicrn ists in the World). KoVEMBBB 'I, 185 f " I am ac(juaintcd with Mr. 11. T Helmbold ; he occopied tb; Drug Store opposito my residutue, anil was pucc.opsful in couducting the business where otbei" bad not l een ccjuaüy so befor hi:t). I bave been favrablj impressed with bis cbaraeter and enterpriso," AVILLIAM WEIGFITMAX, Firra of Powers and Weigbtninn MaDufaoturing OhemÍBts, Ninth aud Brown Streetsi, Pliiladolphia. HEIIIBili FLUID EMTRACT BUCHU! Ffir wealmcfi arlslag from imU-rrot on . Tborx lu ustt'd iowiiri of Nat me whloh are aocooip nif-1 by 60 many alarininj; (mtoins, among wLicli will bcfjund, f:idiípositin t exerttontLoi of Mcmorji Wakvfuloess, Ilnrror of Diseftite, or Foreoodlngs of Etí!; In fact, Universa] Lasaituda Tiostrntloo, aud [ÉftbUityto enter jototho enjo menta oi tociety. the cöiSwrii oèee a(Tectd wiih Organic Wtkiiesi, rqulrvi tlie nii of Uedlefn to ifYflctJieJ! ju.d (iviofate tlin ■JBtm,which IIKI.MBOLD'S EXTKACT Bl' IJ i lavbriabl y doM. I f uo t rent ment is aubmi ttd to, Con íuraptiüu oí liiKatiii v cLsiits. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU n afToctions peculiar to Femiles, is uncqunllcil by iiiiy other preparaiion, as iu Chiurosis. or Heteniion, PainfuliiOiisorSuopresBionof cugiouiHry Kracuatioo, Ulcoratad or Schirrus Ltate of tbe Uterus, and kI complainU iticideutal to the sex, or declino o cbanse of lifö. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU AND IMPR0VE1) ROPE WASH Vi]lrri'1icllv extermínate from tbe system (liseaso trntngfroiD hftblts of dUript41oaf nt üttlc expense titile ir ïjo chango in .liet, no iDOOBVéOtencfl OT W I opnrfl ; eomptotelf cupersediui; thosp uuplearoint ftnfl dangaiOU remedien, Coptlva audMtrcury, in all these diKeases, USE HELMEOLD'S FLUID EXTEACT BUCHU d uil diBfaa of these orgHnn, wjiether crxiftlliff ín uialcor témale, from wliatfvr ciiusc orltfDfttibffi nn!ni matter of hnw lonc: standing. It i ..a-:i 1.1 n tasle and odur, " immediate" in actioi, and mnrf ■trengtbMÜDg than anj of Ibe preparatious of linrk or Imn. Thoso iifforini; from broltpn tfown or dclicat conItltullODa . [irocu: e tlie remtdj Mt once. The reader munt be airare that, howoTer iligbl muy be tlie attvckof the above iliceafies, il is eer tAin : o affect the bodiljr lifallh r.d im-nial jiowern. All Hie above dUeaiea require the au] ui alliure Ha. HELUBOLD'9 EXTRACT DUCHU I. a grmt Diurt-tic. 3old by Diuggista Evcrywhere. Prlce $1.25 per Bottle, or 6 Bottles for $6.50. Delivered to any aádress. Ue aoiibe Symptoms in all cemmunications ADDIIE99, H. T. HELMBOLD, Drug & Chemical Warehouse, 594 BROADWAY, ISTew York. NONE ARK KINlJilNE nnIcss (lonenp in st"el engrayed (Vrapper, vih fae-slmlle of my Chemical Warclicusc, nul BJued H. T. HELMBOLD. yi-itsr. ! WASHTE WAW CÓÜNTY. ] DJfaali[cDWVLYAWCER jfcïj REAL ESTÁTE ÉXCHANGE ! ! Tbc n tul TftfgD] baring e pariré t líccord h1tnry f ;'!! "f Ihe Kt-al Kiate Titlo in tbi 'Jtiy. aml í t lio Cüunty of Vasht'niw, lake. mW-. 'xro in airntinc.hig i., iln ;.:.i. [e ti.-i po wil! rxinniur t i tle.givg ab atmctuni Eeil Esf.-íü til .'- mnrtKair, qo a tracto and otbor legal papera on ui noticei Will nlso mnkr naleofCtty propertj n.l farm . ip nt houtns, anl fbrec)o#e tüortfigou Por som wiiitinií a hfatnry af Real Etate tltle, will i-eolleoi iiai blu Boot taketn Tas TltlM mul 1! coi.intn-i toui-'li .'M.:h ;rtiru!:r lU-rip tion; ■': i -'1! ni'r!i ís, a ■ ■;.■ ,t t mortero, whtcli appewr l oe still snbsNii hl; i' rftcord at the present timo. I oïw the lollowiog Real En Ut 0 fnr sato : fio, 100 Tlifl Mftlonj ll-iuse and Lat oa DlvEtion si rotl . Mo.101. tïoiifp .Tnl Lot i:i IHscock's aMt ion. i'i Ie $3 000. No. 10. Tro Btory Brlok HoU8 on Spring ftrect . NTo.l03. TwoStorv HTood Haan onSprfngStfOAt. Xo. 101, Kifip T!'e, I.ot tvn-l fï.uii ]tt vreet oT La w o. ïit". Flfce Hob4, Ont -house, Bh rn nndSiicrns of I und, Water Fount, &o- vrj ilenirablu Propartj. No.100. Ilotiso and 3 acres of I-uid iusile corporatiun. NO. 107. TTottsf nnd Lot junt so'ith of thnlJiiivorpity bslldlng. No. 108, V}4 Aoroíof íjand eist of the Cniveriity Gl (1!, ■ .V. ïno. i'v Loifi Dflarljr oppoaHe I)r. Chaj'a Prtoting ltablishment. NTO. 110. OnnTwo BtOIT Woud DwctUiug 'üi Btatfl Street. N'u.1.1. On eli mui Two Stor; Dr tok Houm near Nro.ll2. S0 acru Ktth bulldlogfl just northof the No.118. OneTwo ttorr House jast nortb Cemetnri Oronndn No. 114. Tw.i ilrick II ..iiaei west sideof Üuirorsitv Square. No. llf. C acres ju ut west of the City. N'o. It6. 5 eres with building 4 att wet of the No. 1J7. lf0 eres wlih buil ilnxi and inproroinentn 5 miles north - good sitaatioa. No.119. Ï29aei tt - iue farm in Sblairasaee. -Vo. 110. 2.Ci)0acnJ8-f Wild Miïd in tlie Counties o' W;i vu1. MoDruè, S-iiu&w anil Shia WRfisee. MjAbairact B'ioka are poatcd to Ntü. 120. Oii rïferant Three Story Building on Huroa Xo.lVl. 175ííioon Uidillf Roadla Ypvilnnti. No. 1-Ü. 40 eres on Scatb lïoad with lïui Idings au J imirovclH"i:l ■;. No. 12.'i. '2-J0 :icri's ..; Nnrth "oxter ltoad. Símiles out t with hnpro emmts. No. 124. Anl mnrh o:h'ir Rpffi K-siate oot hen-in iv clU'.li-'l, Tlicr-1 are muir oíd mortga?es iü Waxhtanaw Co on. ged of lïccur'I. nnd t!i law oí' Limita tionfi.iii from thtt H[ijlica" t, t ■ fal Eslato.. Termi of GumrmssTo"ñ on ale s of RprI Egtnte, one it, if sale ma r iiearch qT üeal Rata t6 '1 1 1" 1 - t; 0ot ii(t 3 fnr fot Deedü nl si cents a yearfoi Uortgaget until ehano of ootloa. No chargfl vill be made for exatntnatinn of lïtle, mak ing paper? or record ing, to partios lundlog nondj thruugh me, Uooof wantsd to loan dd n Dtncum beredKeal E-ln'e trom uu to five jt'iirs, ut 10 jilt t-.i'nt. Interes! oit t n the '■ Aun Arborj.Mau-hUjlHTO TRACY W. ROOT. ë: " o. JOHNSON, At No. 7 Soutli Main Streed STILL II AS A HAT OR 2 LEFT, LATEST STYLES, AND Just the thing for the Season, Wblohvill bcsold HO-WER. TH .A-IST E-VER I AI.S O A LARÜKSTOCK oLÜAb Vh GLUVES, COLIAKS, NECK TI ES, HAXDKERCHIEFS, S4TCHEL3, CANES, Vmbrellas, Parasols, &c. PJpas" rail an'l (fxamine my gootis bcfove purchasing c!sf wlirro . May, lSTOt ■jyTONK ï CAN NOT BUY IT. FOK. SIC3-IÏT ISPBICELESS Tlir. DIAMOND OLASSKS, HoDafaotaied .!. E. Spencer k.Co.,N. V., wblob re nw affered 't i the public, lire {irmiKi; liy :i il I ed Oj ti " cïiins i.f Ihe World Ui ie the Most Perfect, Natural, Artificial help to the bumaneje OTerknown. They ind uti'ler Ihftir uwn fluperTÏMOD. from iiïiu flal !' -iililc-, nulterf le derive tlieiiii', ountnj tli'-ir h;ipln'sM uw] brtfliun v rhe Scicntific Principie "i whir'i tli'iv :ti i cují .; i ïic'ti-i! biingKtlio core or eenIreof liö en diïèc' ly n rrmt of the ive, protïuiïIng :t nibar aod (llKthlct visión, hs in the natural, liralthj Hiiïlit, i'l pt-vMiting :il] tinplpitKant :l. tic, sucli u plimmVvinti :"i! wnvering of gight, dÍ7.zlne8H, ko , pt.'niili! to all ntliPrs in use They aro innuilta o tl"' FIN'l'".-iT MANNKR, in ftAniei of tlie best ituolity, of U mutpriaU used for chat Jun-po-''. Tlu-ir linuh anri dorabilily cannot be pur; !C(. - N' nc i-nnini' iililc.'S bnililig tllfiir trade m.irk EtainiiftJ í.:i erery frame, .'. Cl. WATTSi 11 r ) . . l.v.. !,:.-■ irir! Oplicincii, ave „gentil lor .NS' AÍtliOK, MI 11., lroin wliom nincil, KOodH are not Mupplied to Pedlern ntany price. l-fi7vl PURNÏTURË CZrHUK! J F I The I.arr. f! ihe city', of alj v.irietiesaud tjlun, n' .M-„f i O. M. MAETIN. i Finest AssartnienfröirToileU Goodsintho City,


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