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Wcnui-'s I ! K in (( J' limi' til l'ViMI Jll Ol,r. (■;.-(■) tO CUY'1 t ' ■ Vi'IV V(il-' Wind , li: .. ■ . ; I !.■ I iy otlu ; .1(Miipc. ï : !i;i .-; cm : il ' 1 !;i ' t ■ h (i ■ ■ li re Wftrliér'a l)j)tp'in Ton le Djffi] ;'l 11 11(! thnfV H.ll! It Ík i '■' : ; :r .■'.;■ ' ... ,■ ' ; .,n. rbtoX'i Hip l lu-alt li v state. Wenk . i m .- 't. i-u M i ui Va !■."■ i i n bi ili u -i - i' ree ' iTcHunrrríoRET Warner'a Cough Itnliiuiti is ! . Ing und èxppctorai Ing. Tn extruoidlnsry p-m er U pnflew ; n iiüiui (i.. - 1-; 1 1 1 ■,■. ■. t.,:. :. ti i evirntuallj Co] ", Attre Tliruat, BroncJiili, InflucnzA, natarrh, M.. . t : .i urne, Ast] mm nud m ki n , Iji i :■ i .nu ; inI t . 1 I I' l--:j( 1 Hl il Ct'l t. j-i , i0Vtts in n. 11 ll:e j: lm e c t ■ ■ . or any hlTecti D i 'Inand iuiitr, 1 i.;u tbmisnnrifl qI th Riet ana are Pl P n nd ;.■!■■■. :1 :i [ it [ i ne I . .i :■■■ .i; 0 .■- . .!■■: rein r, a ril in n o on bottle fU.-ct-' n cun;, Mbld by drugglsts, In tiwrge Ixiulr-. Prlcfl Que I ollar, it i. . . , , l.u;lt Jf y ou i Dd suffer. Tbe Balam wjII cure. - - PWHr:nwi ' -ww.-! iiiui.iuwiMijia[nil,r,, Drink Wan;. Vliitim VU Of. er iVtitc of Llf Is frcO fi'oin ny poíno n; us drugs or ítapurítíes, b : ui In .-■ n '■! im.ii r' a tttmilact. I ■i.l t Ua li nvi lh liiuod. ' .- :i i ; C " e . t I' e!''-! o Mm (lubflc , (:-.:■ i apei tor i " i ■■-. nAy w Itl I ■■ al !■■ i 1 1 pel ■■■. n ií re hca i :!. v nn} ■ takc ha Wlne of Life. !i i. in fact, 11 fe i :■ ■ t r v ■ .■ ; ■ flitl .-■ lïow (f ivf j BpiritH. wiil qo ■. 1 ]! tv tak 11 ■■- Ü (ïitTtTtnl fr W I D ■ Ui ; ■- -■■ ■ 1 :■ .- m. pri i Ui i EMMEAG G SITE. Warner' Rmmriiagogiu Is Ibt only ariiele knowi , . ,,i „il ,.,,,,, „ ,M.rv Mae.) Where In tbe hmlly in trhlóli Ihi ] apart ael lei : Mnthen, i li is ; . rery offered pn.and foa HbouJd fmine relt. It Is t Ino t, ure ore tor Femah IrreguUritins, :n.'] m:,v I i ■;. pe i n . Umt Ims h n ih . i!iriM:-'i or dU I'rlcü nllar. 0rnt]7 nail onreceiptof On Üollar and h Qjíii lor, 019 (ini Street, (tilingo. FAPRAND, SUELEY S: Co. Who!ealo A"fnt Detroit. ForsalebyEberb.ich ft Co ,n,l RW. El; IS AGAIN Ili BUSINESS, With a full line of Choice Furnjture, Pari. r und Bedroom fSett, Mirrorn, &c. Cali aud sec li::n. l-26vS rlt. KKLLOHUS Indian Hemedy, fti ver f'.iiM to cm e COüGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, anl Dtbec affíctinn. of tlr Tlimat and I.untrc T"S A LTNIMENT DR. KELLOGG'8 I.NDIAN EEMEDY. ■mivfilM aa a cure for H dioanea attonded liinmuiatiüik, andta equally good for raaii ot tieast! HOME AGAIN v.Ii H A ri'l I 3J0CK OK ïd BE O:,;) CHEAPEI? THAJJ anvíi;!::;;. i.-:: í. uu: st uk. Aïlllrf Oll) STORE, I1AIN ::r, ax AhJ ■ . Hiiver Irtvigorator !■ ft Sííín'ai1. Medicnft, au.l is compo al pió me o) tbe uit paou .;iiii-.:('. oL loo combiiied r . u" Boots i ;i ALL KINDS Oi' C% ■ :■ THE SKW it-curcd by Dr. Kellogg 'e CRAiiriüW 01NTMENT. Couimisöioners' Notïcc. CTATEbF!ÍCniGAK,Cohntyof'Wí'htehaK8. ■ The nndersigned, hnvlng been fltpolnted by the Probate Coun fur wid Connty. i'cmi.-si onere to rcjeive, nxÁmtue and ndjust all clftii innds of ■11 per i h' of John A rmbrn-t. Inte f sul I CpuDty, si:.l, htrcb] ■ Ihnl sx nonthti fróm ttp nre Alluwcd ut order of ■-■ :ll' COI ■ c!:iiinv ■ wulmeeï nl Iho repidencoof W. Ilankc. In I water. In sald Connty, on Satnrcbiy, the twenty t x tli day ei . . the tenth l.'iyofW Bi 10 o'clock A. M. of 'cacti oJ Hulil ihiys iu red Ive, i'Xftnïiii'',iinï jidjustsaidulaime. Uutea, : tli A. D. I i: Jïo:.l Ëatate for Sale. OTATE rofW'nvhttnaw.u. li; tito matter i ■ oí Williuni I 1. Notice ÍS li'Tt-by irivi'ti, t.h:il in pi ■f an oi ■ [minlstnitrix of tlicist:it', of sflid decpa?ert, hy t,h Hon. of ProUatü for the Cpunty of Wa&btcnaw, on ho 11 f toen th day of A.ugn?t,A. ï). 18T0, tbere will i)t' Boldñtpnhllc vendue, tothe Uighest bidder, at the dwrlliui; boose of tin; underftigc d. in the townehlp f AiiL'uLa. i.i the Couuty of Wanhtouaw, in sald ■ u i'i. !chiy. the iiiïitli day of Novemler, A. [). 1870, at ten ocloek In foren oon of tl (sutyecl i1 all ■ :ea by mortg&ffG r otherwiie existlnft -t tho time of the denth of said,l al?o RUbJIect to Ihe richt of rtoww of hls wldow thcrelnj wing ueecrlbed real estat to wil : Th ■ ( ut half of the eouthwest Qnai ter of Bectlon eleven, in townehip foureontb of ranaeñev■i: DaSt, CODtaioIng : , in .ui{ 8 inte. Uatod, September 19 th, A. D. 170. IE KKLSKY, 1253 Admiiüstratrix, Mortgngo Hale. DEFAB I.T haviug tw bh 014de In ;l;o conditlona o 1 cettaiu mortgage made i- Adam Pinkbiuder ire itui pui I of i-.nfis therefo am bcreinafter desertbed), : Orrin beaÍD{ date Hh1: t2d day of Angust, A. D. 1863. and t ■ in tbe oüice of Lhe RugUter ol peede for Ihfl Countj of Washtejiaw, and State of Michigan, In Hl mortgj - 1 -- oji the I , day o Muy, A, I'. (.KC9 . !i!id Oll whlcfa ïald mui !_':!'„'(■ ih'iT lg tliiimcil te be due at the date of tbia notfce, the Bnni )i fuur büfjred and nine doIJaru and pinety Bi? cents ,-nni uo suitorpropeeding, eitherat1a%i ■ (■(nity, having been LnAtitótjed to recoverth or any part thereof ; Nów, Uiereforc, pocn is hereI that by vlrtue (l the power o( :ili In saU3 mortsago contnined, 1 wil] seli at Bnbllc suctlon,tE licst hldder, on Wedoèsday, thi1 twen: it, at ten oxlock In tho forenoon of Bftld 1 onth door of the Court Honte, 11 1 lic city pi Aun Arbor, and County of Washte mw aforeald, (saló í.'onrl Hongo being the place "'t loldtpgtho Circuit Conft in eaid County), owtni , tn r.ii't mortsmee, towits ll t Fr ot# nurabpr fonrteen (4). ilftoon ■ lf), nnd I6j), nlsn one and une half 1 1 ■ ■; r h off tl e üiéöf lote onnibcT one (1), two(?)j nnd three '::; In rldck nnmber èlht C). in the sylvnn, ottnty and 81 ftte aforesaid, or bo ntuoh nv sneb pur: ' ;is sliaillic uecesaarj to eaüafy thaaauuuU lui on I 1 ■ at the date of thra nol lee, tofettier with tbe fnrihtl1 Ihtefest which fhnll hrfve1 nc■viud tlu'rcoii, (tnd twéntt -1 ti In sald mortfrnce proi Icted, fttid - and expeBsea ftllowod by lam1 and prörlded lor ha nul morLurti:c. Dated, August ad;1870. ORlïIN THATCHKR, MotgAgee. A. J. Swvvru, Att'y for Murtga Mofigftffe Palé. DKFArii' li ivlnc 'it'il'i iniwle in the conflltlonp of n certa! n mortgage made and exeented by Juli . Ockford.ol city of Ann Arbor. State of Mich'.1:. to Charlea Panile, hearing date the èlghth day ■I' Mny, on-: iIhtsjuk! ïch t bnndred and elxi ml recordetl on the nintb Uit of May, A. D ! he offlee n( the Rejrlpter of Dr. -ds of tho Conifty oi 'i llber BB of mortagee on page 19 ". by which the power of sale I fin become operatlre, ;n..i i ; ■■ niount claim ed to l)-"1 dnc "n Mid Riorrjraffe ;it tho VhiL' the bh m of one bnndred ndixty dofiare and ao AttorneyJücfl h thirty dol■ ■eding be talie 10 firtcloe ;ii'I ñTortgnf, y-v( no ui' orproceeding :i' lawor In eqnty hiivln ■ ïstimtril lo recover the fnvn now renififning due nnd npatfl on Mïd mof tgage, r rtny part thcri'nf : No ce Ií I ■■ ■ Wndny the wenty-fttdith diïy ol Octohcr, A.D. (870, al ten i ii k in the (orenoon of thai tlay, ! the froi I 1 rmri Hknwe, tn 1 '■ nn Arbor in inty of Washtenaw, Stnte of Michlfir.iii, Jli" :id Court Honne, belng the place of MdTdfñt! the Ircnlt Uovirl for fjiid CojiQtyj, by virtie "f ïlifi .vi-r of av iti lid tnon u:l in juuanc Idedi Üifre III bc solcl at poblóle aoctJkp or vcn11 n. to i if :■- m.-iv be iry lp ntisfy the nmount dtífi and unpalá óti pnid - ', ::t fne date of fchi -! iqrpenpeg nHowed hy nyr tm pmvit'f] for e deftcrilted In ;ifl fcïllOVP : All Of lol ilUUll'íT flx cordlitjï toiiie te ordrdpïat of n!scíc)cí i in pro veil Jilitinn to the city oí Aun Arbor, Rtate ol'.d aWo lal seren on tlic samo .ttlLlitiün 1 ifced..Tnly2Cth.lW. r.'iJ ' viiAiii.i::-. i'AN'; i Moi !aïe. WfTork, ■ ou tbfe ■ ■ . ■■ utctl ii moi '.- n -ïaiii's Uibbard of ■ HU' 1:IV)KMI ufCtTÍAlíj priurfpul UNtl llitl'LVM lllODCVh Ün i. ., ,1) ] .;:,. :ii iiK.'ch ck fl i.;, el .,. ,■ [HbbardiQ ■ ■ ;f -Inly, Aj iSü% ut lü o'ch)qk.ra. ,in líber 4 of m 011 i';" 1 : l(l O'! I lock ra, e -'.:;i and '-"-1 ; anü i .. Á I. 1 ■ I Mttrch . Count} ■ . . In Li.v i n the ' üi doy oí }). ra. of eald dny, in lïbe - ore ■ 'UIV A. J lTlt. ) o :,i,, piUHllHUt t'J ■ ■ ■ ; principal üi o ie and pftyabli ftnmedlately : Aud, w npaid Hiüd tuurt ga;e. jit tbc d m of two Inpti. od fort; rilqo dollai fi and au At tomey'd .■■ taken ndrtffa'ïreatKi no rilt proef et] ■'i-.;n ilistiüiirl nlliiT 1(1 luT or Hillity :{'■■■ . ■ or uuy pan ire b reby nivea, ihát on ttw f4th J) cember n j (Vont door ui t Cour t lio , i : CoilQty Ís .. I mortI muiII sell ot public BOjction, to traa I i tviruca ui'Mi.;ii eale. In ■ i Attonu-y'a (-■■ olforty rtollarè, the followlng decriufi ! ii.r!. to-wti : All thai ■■ i ■ ih trnct or ■ ■; lund ttituatedln tlie Com:ty o ;uiii State of Mi'cl ' ■.-!!, ki .;s followa, to-wi; ; 'j'hi! Boiithemrt gitarter of n&tton iwu Umi mo Miclbixty aerea ofland more or li e j Di ; .1 ñept. 8lh, " . . PAVtDBAunnn, Johs ::.r. Attomej for A&iiiin'f offfr.i ! I M-ntgage Palo, DEFAULT '■ In the condllton of :i ciMt;lin n [voh ;nni a. il n Ivory, of the townshfpof Dextor. :i:'.'. Connty, Michigan, lo . im Ul.irk, uf wn, Connty and Stnte nforesaid, befli )!:■■ il.vt-iiih (i;,v of December. A. I). }$ötf, and rocordpil in Hie offlee of the Register VV natal rUy of December, A. JX 1606, al 6 o'clock P. M., v libi r No ■■■'- f mortff ig e, on ]■" ■ '.c. by v of íiU conl to !■ ''!■ on i ftid morl Mini of oue huudred inni twenty seven dolla ■■ cent?, mul the fqrthcr Hum of twenty five niey f.-c ie 1 ikr-ti to . . ■' :'i enit or procceding havïi lusü.btedat luw ot tii cqnity to recovqr I necured bysaidraortgage.or any part thereof , Noticn !s héreby ffïven, ihflt nu Prinay, the sfventh day ibejr,-A J 1870, at i opdoek A.M. offhat diy, at ihe I Üoarf H-n-.-, in the ('iiyoi .';■!■ Ai l or, in tftlfl Oonntyof Was! ■. i i boöold Hl palillo nuction, tu the tiuit c . Oï pare-I of lniui Rttmrtcd ín thf ■■-. nuri I nowo, houn r'olinws, to wit : bi "o. i'i::j ■ wtiy, nn'i rnnniiij; ivrth :':i m!n. ons! i i fy fii ■ thiiiice Honth 40 ('cl' west two chfitft, tnence north 89 rlei 20 n. weel ulong (he hihway fteventy five líice oí h -:':' Datt'ti. Anii Arbor, .Tuly Rth. IST1. 12TÏ JAMESCL I JVJórtgagt) Öftlo. DBFAULT havh:ü I 'on of th( pow :■ ui 8i Ie tÜBrelu ive, excented by John i ■ Kol let aiu! S)j ne Hulltr, hia !. dated the nincti September, & IK . the liögUterof I) cils t(r the Oountv i Wn-hïv.-.-.iw, A. D. 1m:, :i! 11 ocl"Ck a. M.,in IJ ui1 Ü4 of Mort. o il the 14ili d.iy c(f ii. . . V.T.' 11 . Utor of Deetie al May, A , : M., In Mb ', u; on wltiiii ■ ios i'KT' ui , nij'ï i'cmalhlnjt nnpald at tl of m la nolle ■ tii e ■ t:n: of three bubdred aud thtrt.t i n at torc . in case h nndred or proce dingat Inv liavii jr tern ii fore lien bj plven f iiai i V 1 ■ ■ rnoon we shall n! public auetlon to tl ■ Ier, at the fruut door of the Conrt 11 thcCHtyofAnn Arbor In ■.■ of Woshte■ re, wii h neven P'-r cent ïh teres t aud i tlic premtecs described Ïh p;iid pari il! nnty ol ' au. vl - : .Part i I !ot number nvo Ie eection font h ded by :l line córame ïicin at ;ï poi :ei weetcrly from the nortl ot eatd lot, . altel witta ( theuct eonHi . . . . riyht B-re i'-ft ti) the v.v-t Ihu of sal 1 lot) snd om !' i ly on !.'■;■ 't rode o tbc r ar ■ : lu; Uoe of eaid l"t thll :'ii the i r 11 ons i] 's lot nnd p&otel ■ pervlug ; o u fo Uio In . t the rear ol eaid lot. fiud the rivr:t of V.w use of n talie reerved hj Artam BTalW . . :,ii i i! i be vil 1j ■■' at :i jioiui on the smit'i . ly line of the i d at a dírtance of one bunñred Mul rijlii foet westerly from the aottth ■■ Aun Arbor road, aud rnnninc nthcrly parallel with Baid Adrián Btreet eicht; t hi north line ofan alle twelve . t heneo jvesterly aloug the line ofsald alley tweiity-fonr fee! i alltd with Baid Adrtan eightyeiut fect tó the sotith Hne of eald i---"1. ■ lerly alons the sontberly Hue ■ ■ o road i wcoty foor feel to tin1 place , :ii accordiüg to the cecorded plat of said . Dated Jac . i .Mi r. oouki W n il. v VAs: Coxn.r A-Simui' Attorncyi for iísí-tti1 of Kllfufl Kü'íit. STATEOF MICniGAN,ConTitjof rt'aehtonaw.M, Nol '■ ty -■ i ii order of the Probate Conrt for tne i-onntj of Wastitenaw, made ■ twelfi h day of f? monihs fro-n i allowed for creditorH to tii'. -ir latine ogainst the oetate of Rufas Kni','ht. late of kiM ('oiinty, il credïtorfl of said ■■ ■ l to present lainifl to paid Probate Court, nt the .' Oníce, 1 1 alt o wai oi or before the thlrtecnth 1ay of March nis w]] be neard before sald Probate Court, ou Saturday, the ten tb day of I - -=ii : " . i ■:, the thirti i M:u li. next, at teno'cïockin ibe üf i hope d;iyf!. Dated, Ann Arbor, Septemlier l?th, 1ST0, UIRAÏ1 -I. BEAKES, i :' Comtni.ssioncrs' Notiee. QTATBPF M.ICHIOAX.OouDtyoiWi ÖThe nndersiirned having been appolñted by the Probate ïon'ri for viii:! Coi (■■' !■ . i-xfxniini. and ndjnsi all claims and dwnands ot ailpcrionpagainet the eetate of Carolina i lato of ' . hcreby gïve no tice ix monthsfrom date are allowedby or'■i' ProbateConri foTcreditoríi i tjialmsagalnBi tbe etateofwaidíleceased, (tndthntthey h & Uo,, i; ■' oí Aun Arbor. in said Connty, on Sattirday, tbë twelfth rtay of November, . the seven th iiny ol Mtirch next, at t#n nviockA. M.. oí each ol v, to repeive, exanxlue an.d Datcd ScptrmbprTHi, A P. TííTrf. VUBTi MAX.N. r. Estáte VWch Ilill. BTATÉOP MICHIGAN, ConotyoT Washtenawvffl an ordvrof ti bate C mí: for tho CouQty tf vaehteiuiw, m tne iwelflh dáy of Beptemfièr, A. D. '■- - frorn thatdate wewallowod fot crcilirorp lo present their claims nalnsi tn: eetat of Vlwh Ilill, ].■■' ■■■mi;:iv, dcceáFvo, nnl t h.-it al) creflitor? of pld deeeníed are required to present their Btaimi to raid ProUate Cöftfft nt tbe i OfHce in the cuy cf Aun Arbor, for oxiftil ■ w.ui't, on or before thé rhirfefinth dftv ol Warch pexd and tbat snch clnlm? will bi Court, on Siitnrday, the teoth dy of December, and ou Mondar, the thirtwnth ihiy f MajT,h in-xr, ar. ten o'cíock ín theforo:ioon ofeach of those daya. Dated, Aun Arbor, September r.1. A. D. 18T0. IIIKam .r. BEAKES, .iti.i„'.'of i'robato.'Hicrs1 Notice, STATE ■ 0 lN,Conntj ñM, k: a appointed by the probate Conrt for na I toñera to reeeive Rjfamïnc Bfad :■?.;: ' t ni) clainii and déimuidsof I b of Fr.-mli Jenoin ised, herel that -i; tnon I ; llowen; by i i Court. frtrcredltóra to presen M.h!r clainis utalnfi (I ■! eaM - -. ■■■'■.. and thut tbey wili mei ■ . ín Aun Arbor, Ín said Connty, nn Satumay, -íth d:iy ofííovomlxír, nnd Thnrwliiw, Ketwi i .-ii Qtclock A . hi. o ■; adjust said Dated, Repiemhor2ri, A. 1). isro. ifiKrjN JöortmfeSfönéi. PHYSIGi A KS' TrÜCBIPTÍOS s"accv;:atki,y a.!'I CAKSFULLY PREPAHED BY n. ii'. EiJfi J oo., Mar? Smitli. STATKOK MIOIIKi A N. ('..'.int vofW Ai a htfenaw. hoid oHy of An Arbor, on Frkhiy tl ■ ird dny ouo thousaud chjht hou . In the matter of the I th, de. af bh] I ■ iiuw preparad to - Ltor. . tch b ■ ■ ■ i 1 Q 1! th . 1 1 1 1 A i i ■ ' . alUiwcd : Ai minUtrittor pve boI rder to I ■ [ve wei (Atrnecopy.) HiKAM J BEAKES 189 ,r ite. Estáte of Frcd-ri ■:. [IGANjCouutj o ■■ At a peealon of tho probate Conrt Tor the Countj of Wn-titcnnw. bolden at the Pn . in th City of Ann Arbor, on Friday, tl hird daj of September, ín the year one thouaaríd cíglit han dtcfi juni eeventy. Present, (Iiram J, Bcakee Judge of Probate, In tin; matter ol the Kstateof Frederick ■ ed. ■:iflïiifr nnd fiiintrUie potlMon, f! ui y verïflfad, oí lylna thal i eert lin Ii 1 1 Duw on fllfl in this Coin-r, purporüny to be llu? lattt wlll afrd ted to probate .-nul tm.t - and Eirnít ü. Harrcf may be appoiaud E t In-ren1. foarth d;y of aften oi lo nedfor hfuringoÍKnld petlii n and thfl' th ccased, i di all other persons interepti d rmirt. thên m He holden nt : ■ . in the why tN; praycr r the phould . granied : Andit isfanhér ordered, tl ■mc to tho persons taten ated of the pendt-ncy ol ■ tb oreo f, OyCaashij i hi order to shed ín il;'' èliólt$a% Arg'ig,& ucw 1 'ind eiren!: I weeks prevlout to C . tfnetíopy.j H7RA1 . ' . S, ÓS Probate. lisíate of Eliza J. Osood. OTATIC ( ïF Midi tl hteni w. ? 0 Ataseuslonof taePrüofttfl Conrl f htenaw, holden ai the : i City of Ann Arbor on Vï nty-firt i'n'r. in tiie year üüu thuusao I hnndre i y. Pi to. In mattei of the-Estatc ofLl!xaJ. ugood, on ríndÍnTíind lili ton, fluit v 1 : ■ ■ ■ ■■:. pcaylng thAi may be Rppotnte6 Admia iaed. Thérenpou it tá Otdrêd,tTiai ! eeeventt'i'iiiii day f Ociobfr, n ■ cd for the hearing o) and al! ■ Interested in sald en to i)-' te Office, in thcCityof Aan Arbor. .' rsliould nut lx"ranT ii: Anditisfi U] pel itloner Inton sti-il In safd estáte, o ereof, by ca i ■ iHshed In tl i tcccs&ive wei i;;.-. Öpy.) iniïAM J.r.FATxFS, Jndyeof iJ: l'sïfitc of Soplirooia Spear STATEOFMJCHI ofWashlcr CoantTof W . I tlden at tti . ol A un A I f ( Septernber, is : y . ent, íüvaiii -1 In thcinarrer 'ol the Etate óilSophronla Spear, ed (ij roiuliPL' and filïng the peüifon, dnij veri Gilman Wulkcr. praying tlüit a certain Inntrument iïow on lil" in C'oort, purport ing to be l wil) and testaraeut if eaW deceaved raay !"■ I tnat he noay be appold ■ Tberenpon Hia ordered that Monday, tlio sevcn' i ■ next, at ten o'clock In tiic! iion, and that the I bnv of e er perrons Ini iu s;iid estáte, aru ceqnired io appear al en to ])-■ holden, :.t the ' Ity of Ann Arbor, and i . If any ' the pet I lio oer Bhonld not . that said pc d :n eaid of pald pctUlon, and r!ie ' a copy (r ïliis order to bè :■ printed anti c ■ ;. thro tu i CA tniecopyj É1R.VM 3 BEAKE8, JadLe of Probate. Estáte of Silas Whitmarsh. ' 'omiï ; hanfl ■ Present.Hïram J. i fe of Prat lu tin' nintteraí the IJ, ■ Ui kmsrth, y thai ehe ;ií:cl D raturé vt ilc ■ ke fonrtoenth i .in the 1 p-r: '. : ' M t , I aud all Dtbêr persons iutereeted tn snid are rii; then to bc boliVrn at thePn Anir Arbor, ajad ■}■ -.w cane. tlttid : - An-t a . . thatsaid petttloner give ■ pendency of saidpetition.ii i copy Qi tbis ("'■' -; in i'ne Gotinty, three succcssrvii weeks previon i sal dai ofhcarlng, A tin Jadfitof Probate lasstd Estáte of Samuel Ortt. S[EOF MICHIGAN C nmtyof Washtcnaw. w. At a Bepsion tha l'i ol of Washtenaw, holden at the Piobate Oflice, In tbc City if ■]]!! Arbor, on Monday thi nlneteenth day ! I , ■ Rlld sewuty i resent, Ellram J. Ben kei, Jndgc "f Probate. In the matter of the e-tdte of Samacl O. tl. ding and ftlïi n. daly verifted, of at phe may fttratrix 'f the enlate of eaid ueee TUoretipon [tixordered. that Monday, ihe ?evenrtay of Octol) n o vloek in tl noon, I ■ and that the i-ir- -it law ol ■ lid ceased, and al] otb 'T p ■ itate, are ri 10 appéar ;ii n -■■ -i"n of ëaJ I tioldn, at th and phow amw, if :-nv iher ol :;.' petiti" tïot besrantod: And 11 is furtUer oí deredi : to til peronfl In ten lienrin tht i cawsfni; a copy orthia order to bepuftnshed In the i ■. per prinicd aod circnlating In satd Connty, three bucci riona to Bald day ol hearing (a truec pyj HIRJadue of Pi ■ Estáte of Frank V. Groodal. STATE Off MICHMAH, Cotnrty oXWï of Wapntenaw, hoJ ■ I Ín the City.of Aun Arbor, i ptc)ber, iii the yjeár on ■ tuoasand elht hundröd . en tv. I" ■ ■. . i."" ' ■ in the matter of thï Estáte of Frank W.3 minor. Un rej Evtwjrrd . beauithonz 4 i u$eoninchof th propertvof viid uccchmi'j tp euable him to pnr.' . ■■ ■ r. h ..■'.. juut o c-rry on the bUin83 o) floluïïlg, '..■: in what an3 uther grafii and ul;istor. raaiiufiititurln tt Delhi. in :ui Couuty, ín pai ■ ilcy, ol Niiid vfflagfl, nud fo conlirtfe the samo bu ,i (i on by the late flrm ■ II. uUy, ■ Fcvcti tfi i.jlt ■ . ■ i'-n ocloi e i lor the 1' ■ lid peti. . ■ iftf f e ■ minor, :md fill i -inl in Bald eetate, $?c ■■ i to ;..[,cai' al. n PCStlon of ?:ti-'. I 0 li 1M tiokieu, -l llif PïOt) of Aun and kIkjw caiufii if any tbcr praj'er óf !:c ■ ■ ttTd not be :■ H Is inrintr rdeeetfc tlmt Bttíd petUlouer flivO noiice :. ol kin ol apd all oth ate. of the ■ . .: uu ,Hnü tiiti beari der to be pnbHshed ín thtí M ■ rinT.-rl and Cltt il . tlireu succowve wet ka prei Löufi to .-:i.l tl;:y CA trdeoop.) UIL' Judt of Eiobatc. Estáte of John Po.well. STATE OF MIGB fGAN, l i fiw, ps mrl lor tito l ounty itcsutv. holden ju Ene Probate OflKé', in t!i City ol Anii Aibm-, on Tiuil.'iy. the twi day '-f 9 □ tho year. oaö thooaand huudrod ;iiü1 ffvoniy. Present, Hiram J. lïeakea.ndgje of Pj in tho mafi-r of the eistate of John l Ci ■ ■ ■ t - . isfil. On r adln ; and Glïi ..' Uiejietition.dnly verlfled, of Ing thal a c rtft Inetiomcnt ilc in this Coiirt. pnrporlipg to boihe last atilland ttament ol ■■! may be i led io probate, and tbal ma? be app ■■ of. isonlorcd. that Moijdfty Mïe?rvonteentjgt d : i''" o'clock iicd fpr I:'-' ' s:1'[' a ■.■nu1 h( Ira ; ■ .;(! cntMte, aro rcqaircd ri Mi II ;i! thf . in tho t il ttoner rintild not be ernnted! : Atíd . of ttie nen! -:lid pi'tilloil, Dtld thfl li'.'iríl: . order '■■ l In tuip iftWid f ;oustü ■ rincr. ■.'CFW, L'Jdtd Juílfir ol Pi Eslato of Lucas Kitte!, S'""ntvonvnn'tc '?,{' ' obate Court f,,rti "f W, ;,!,.„„. ti,,. Proba,. ( 1'ynWnn ! Imraaay, the flraía,' ludelght hunorjSI I Itram .T. Honken, Jndge of Prnh.. ■ Inreal etkte"whjN I 1 that Monda? ti,, ■ ncxt, at tcii'ovirJP! for the henil1 'I ' tb bel 1 I ■ ' On illli.rJ.1.1 i to appenr 1 .,V" thcn lo bu holden, at the Probat-nl -r. and show ,■■„,- :y prayer of ihe pctRionSXSfl :■ ronlr-rwl ■ o copy of h,Ul "S I ne I V""' Ci nty, foar .ï? I Ivo wi .h.,r "ttfii.l (A trnecopyj IlliUM .;. BE.ÍKRS ; ' ' :Tub,k. of Helen E. O'Brien-iüÜÜp CT' lIIIGAN.Coiint.vofWa.htei,,' Al n ciwion I the Probate Cónrt lor the S? n nl Probate iidv ' uu ! rlday.the iiinth Z , imler ii: tb ■ ■ arone tuotisaDdeigbi hmTj andteventy. """n I " f Proliat Iü the mater i,{ th: etaie r Helen E. u.i'rt Ot rei ding and f.linit the peilt! n. riulv veriiuj j i.prayhi;; tlmt h.'m. lm heeused tojell certaiu real catate beloi a ld minor. Str Thcreupon H is oriipred. thnt Vondav II October next, at t.n o'clock in ihe lo'enV? bc :.,,..;-.., ,i „„■ ti„ hcarlnsofaaMpKiiinn 'sl "' Wno' n :■ r. a i.IImt nm? Intpri i ute, ore reqnlrrd to w ... , ■ mi-I :hcn to bc bol den nl l.ate ( Mee, In tbc City of Ann Arlior, m„i „i . '.iv the prayer „f ,„. ""! tlomr should nol 1 Erant. (1 : And it is ftirthn . I : (r zive nol ice lu I] , k r. ol nul minor and all other nrrson int, thehearlnir th-rrof. hyraufinir a copy ol t lo be puhllsht-d In prhited and i Ircalatlng in said County, thrw ,ïïü' to aid dity ol "" f. t, ne copy.) 11IRAM .1. ÜKAKF.S 1287 Jncge ol Probifc!; F,st!ito of John lloirnüin. OTATE OF MICH1 AN, County of Waslitf-nn :i sespion "f tbr l'robatc C'óiirt fi.r tbe w. holden nr the Prohntc Office. Infi nn Arbor, on Tueaday, tbc tblrleemhï of s ijumhii-, in the ye.iroucthouaand ei"hihnn2 nndsoTcnt. "" t, Blram J. Bcakes, Jndge ol Probate In the matter of the estáte ui John Iloffm. On reodin) .ind fllinp; the petitlon. i!nlv vcriSe,) r ; tbat il rrrtain ii ■ oow mi die in D:i eourl pnrvortlng to h.1 ;" iS ■ : ti-at io may uniuinted ulI ■ed " M milav. tlietcnthè, ofOcti t ten o'clock in th forenoon, bta I 'us of said petition, and thn 11 IjRai :: ir :it law of .:i d íífwJ I and :i!l othi ■ .■ ■■-.. il in s: quir ' ;nrt, thontoli holdi .: ibate Offlcit, In theCity of Aniu,! lor. ai -'.il anytlicrcbe, hy tbc er Khould iujt 1 cranted : Anr' : ordere'l, thal aid petitioner plve noli per-lid enlate, of ihc penilunj ■ bereof, by csiiiin, - t lm pnblisbct! in the I slaper, priiited nnd cinnlatlng in ui! i 0 nreke previona lo said dn . y.j HIRAM J. BEAKKS Jadjje o' Balote of Ar si in Wlicfilor, Sen. v'!' v flIOiN. Connty ofWashlent -j At ;i uensiou of the Probntc ('ouri lor the Conti of Wnshtt-nuw, holden ;it the Probate Office, intli Oity i irhor, rn Momlay. the iwrlMi dn the year one thotis:inIclbtbn drfd and aeveuty ' : Jildse of Prohnte. In ;!n-m:ittvrof MieEstateof Anson Wheckr,So. On rendinjr and filipjr tho potitlon, dnly erl WIlHam A. lylng that n ci-rt-iin injinmcnl now mi die in t: ï ■ orting totwtlt l'i wül and testament of said deceased. mar 1 . nnd he may he nii(iir.tediíli ■of. Th' lered. Vondnj-, the Int dny of Ocrober next, nt tn (i'clock in the fñrenoon L ned for the hearing of said petitiou. nndihatfc lopaM'c--. devisepe.and heirsa ilcceiwt and :ill other parsons int lid ertate.anre. qnired n otmli Conrt, thentobt bolden . al the Probate Office, in the City of Adü . Dor, and show canse [f any tbere !. why tbe pmtr qf Ibe petitioner honld nol be friaoted: And it i furti;: it sa:d petltionerivenoticetotla l""s ' i estáte, of the i endencyil snid : :irinir thereof, bv i copy oi' [is order to be pnblluhed in t'bo Mklvn ■r prlntea ail clrnilating ir. nl :y. three eucocivti weeks prevloaa t, ssidin of hearing. fA trn copy.J HIRAM .r. BEAKES, l-"'"'1 ____ ndge ol l'mlisie. :c of Sarnli Paey. CTATH OP MICHIQ VN. Connty ofW n ! ■: -m.i; ■ ' of I Pnibat1. 'onrt for li. : : the Prol ate office, ii the ir, on 'J'hursduy, tlia cishtk dn; tetnber En i!iü year one i I ;:lith:nilr:-il und se ■ : t. Hlram J. Reakes. .TikIl-c of Proliate. In the matter of the estáte of Sarah P.icy, St aMx of said estlK. that fhe ii sat prepi "lint ;lb Buch Adniw tratrix. Orderjd. Mond.iy, tlic temt 1 Cwtobrr next ,'it ten o'cl"Ck in the to■. uniliiiiR and niluwiiijinri hi ira at law oí nid dcceivi. ■iis interested in said -ptate, ire rcqu;r(l loappuaral ■! seseion of .lid ('mirt. tliea t ■. In the City of . Ajrbor, in said Ooqnty, and show cande, i f any tbere ■ int ibonld not Iw ailoirfd: And Sl ordered that paid Admbusiratm , In f.tii! estatftj of thi ..fsaiil account, and the heiita v of tbls onlcr to be ptb, i nowspaper ;itiBti 1 Cotinty, tbrue eucemh is to Hüiii dat of hearlff. (A truecopy.) ' JIii;,M .1. BRAKKS, 12ST Judge of Probt Esute ol' John D. ArrastroDg. STA'l1: OP MICUI8AN, Coonty ofWashtei At :i Besdlon of the Probate ('imrt for thé CooMf ol W.-.-V !';v. liolih'li ;i; Uie Probate Oflice in tlw '. A.un Arbor. on Tnesday, tin1 tiiirteejithdvrf onethonsand eit'bt hntixt Precent Kiram J. Itenlce?, -Tudpe of Probats !n tbe matter of the estáte ot" John I) Aimsioaj, i d. h'l ira Armstronir. Exertitrix of the lapt triTI tti testamento! s.ïii! defiaaaadj comes into t'ourt ui ■ w prepared torcniwlff final acconni ts such Execntrlz. ■ Thereuj mi it is ordered, that Monclay. tlic tuti next, at ten uicïock in tb foren iroxamining and lloiif such Kcor.nt, and that the legatees. devipees, srf helrs ut lmv ol' p;iil ic:'.-i-cd, nnd :ill other in p:id Cítate1 are requiredto appeir at a session of raid Conrt then tobe holden at il ite Oiliee. In the City ol Aun Arbor, in H Connty, and show canse, if any therebc, why tH ccoant shonld notbeallowed : And it Isfurther ordered, th:it said Bxecntclx give notice to Ifci rested in Baid estáte, ol the pendeïtj of smhI account, nnd the hfarfne Ihereof, If luga coty of thls order to be publishrd I m per printed rnid intr in said County. three successrVt W1W previos of beli inc. CA trae copy.} 1IIKAV .1 BEAkY;?, l'.ST Jnde ol ProlW EeUte of William Roberts. QTATK.H'MrOintiAX.r. ..:NTvoF -jnntn, M i Atasessiunof Ibe Probate Coiirt forilicCmutl of Washtcnaw, bolden attheTrol ateOfflceln theflij n Arbor, on TaesdSy, the thirteenth iby ' tbe year one thottsand elghl hnndw ■ . fndce t( Probate. ín the. matter of the Estáte of William r.oberli. i : randfliingthepetition, verlifii.1 ing that certalninstrOBW io on file inthis .',,itV:, purportln; tolwthel rillftnd tevt:nu-nt of salí ncceasert. may be ui""' ed to I .vu WallerS.Kicb míj bc P ■ ri "f. mon ir Is o-ilereil. Monda, the tm" '!..v of on. ii ton o'clock In tlic ( noon, he ass! hearing' nf said pptitjoti. aw ! and hetre at law of" d. ::ii;!! other percor8 interepted in paidwtt nlrcd to anpear :it a fession of ?nld Coart. '"' ice, In the cuy oí W Arbor,] . any Inere be, why the prayer of the pe i : Aiidiï" ■ i ner give nötlce tf ' Dsted in saideètate, of the pendí1? . and the hearing thereof, by ca8'55 COpyOfthis Order to l'e ]-:l'.li.-b-d hl tlie M"''f" and circnl:itBg t " Conniy.three successtvë weëlïs previous töaaitfW pyj HIKAM.r. BKAKEP. Judie olProbale ]v-!t:ito nf Keiran Costollo. TATBOPMICHI ■ "iiv-'.sl O At n for the CnJ" iti-Mw, Iniliieii at the Probate ortlre ' " ii!w. .ui 1t:!:;i'. the ninth day 'Of E toneand ei'hi in""" ■n3 ■ Iram J. r.o.ilro?. .Tnitge of Probatj. In thb natter UI Dm utata of ken-al C(is:ellOiar % rTnfte, A-öminlstrator wlth the wfll ""'"j} eomef iiiin Conrl and i-epr" ( thiit he Is uow nrtpared to rentier Wa íinil : as Mi'b Artnrnisühtor. ,k d. that Mondayi '"."K , ..;t ten ocloi renoon be aspl-rned 4'i-r examininf ■ te ■■■ 1' ' i ■■ i . "' "". all other persone interi ion ol Court, bchoVd ICminly.and sbo canse fany I allowed: Au"" fnrlhei : ntslratorslvi : .-:i)l etate, ol the I ' f 't'it? a co] v of th!a íínler (■ '." ,„ (i eircn'-i' ' pvecks previo salfiaay .,,-r; II1UAJI .T. . . WO. - II . ■ I 1 - - QotoR.W.EXLISft CO's for strictly Puro'Drugf anú Modi cines ,?aints , OiisAc_J


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Michigan Argus