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Latter Of Victor Emmanuel To The Pope

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Tflo fbUowiog is the tet of a letter froin Vwtor EmtoaMèl CO t!ie Pope : Hoi.v Fatiii':: : Wi'.h the tfction of ïii with tlie faith of a OtAhoKiq witli (liu loynlty of a kitig, vrith tlio feeliuijs of an ltalian, I addre?s myBult once move, s I liuve d'one before, to the heart of your Ilonness. A storm ftill of daigr threaten8 Enrope. Under ccver of Iho war wbich is díSdlatinp tlie enter of tho continent, tbe pari y uf osmopolitau revolution is gnining hr boldness iind audacity, and is prcpar iog cspecially in Itiily and in tho proviirues under tho govermusnt of your hollhess, to dcliver Stial blow ut the tnonmrehj and the Fapacy. I know, Most Holy Father, thul the greatness of your houI is such that it will uovor give wy %o i'ao greatness of cvents ; hut I, n Catlmlii! and Italian Kiog, and as such tlie responsible guardián - by the dicpoilion of Diviuo Pravidence aud by the ■will of the natiou - of the destkirea of all Italiana, feel it my duty to take on myselt, in taco of Europe and thoCa'holrc world, the responsibiliry of niaintiiining 01 der o the Península, and tbc necurity of the Holy See. Besides, most Holy Father, the state of feiling among tbe populatioos governed bj your Holiuess, and the presenco among thcm of foreign troops come from vaiious places and with varicus intontious, constitate a hot bed of ipitatiou and evident Hngers for all. Chance una the of pasion may load to acts of violenct and to an effusion of ïiiood which it is my duty and yours, inost Holy Father, to avoid and prevent. I see the inevitable necessitv, for the iiecurity of Italy aud the Holy See, that my troop, alreadj postcd to gnnrd the frontier, should adVanoe nd occnpy suoh positious as may bo requisito for tbe seourity of your Holiness and (ne muinienance of order. Your Hoüness will not, I hope, 6ee any act of hostility in this measare of piecci.ititra. My fjoveminent and my loroes will conöno tbemBolTe3 8floly to the duty of gnardhtciBcf the rights of the Komau people, and tha inviolability of the Sjvereign Pon hi spiritual 8ithrity, vvith tbe iüdcpendence of the Holy Seo - thiiigs quite compatible with une anothor. Ii your Holiuess, as I du not doubt, and as your snered character and your goodness of beart give me the right to hope, be inspired by a desire etjtial to ray own to avoid all conflict, and to escape the peril of violence, you conld arrange with Count Ponz di Sau Marlino, tho bearer of this letter, who in farnisbed with the instrautions deemed opportune by my government, the means wlitoh appear bost titted to conduce to that end. Yuur H lioess will permit rae yet to hope thut the pn-sent mnient, issolemu for ítaíy ss for the Ghurch and fr tlie Papcy, will ret'der active tbt spirit of beneTi'lence which haa never been ex tinuuished in your huart, toards that land wbich is ulso yowr country, aivl the sentitnents of coociJiation which 1 have alwajs studied with indefatigable perseverante to carry into acticm, iu order that while satisfying the nalional appirations, the cliief of Catholiuism, Mirrounded by the derotion of the ltal ian peoples, ebould preserve upon the banks uf the Tiber a posi:on gloriout and independent of all human eovereigntv. Your Holine;P. io fretiu Koiue Btsnt peril ol lts Decommg a liaftlefield of revolutionary parties, will have accomplisbed a marvellous work, giviug peace to the Cljurch, aod sliown to Lurepe, horrified by tho terrors of war, how U t possible to gain greut battles ad to win itnmortal victorie by an ac! of juatice and by one single woid of af fection. I beg your Holiness to bestow pon me the Apostolio benedict ion, and I renew to your Holinens the expression of my profound respect. Your Holiness's most humble, most obedieot, aud most áevoted son, JfJorence, september 8.


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