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pClU jMMib"CWLttti5u NOTICE. Whereas, therc has txu rebscrilwd to the Capital Siwk of the Toledo, Ann Arhor and Northeru Eailroad Compauy the fr.ll minthi-r of 8hai es of suíd capital, aud tne gobscriptmii bóoka bavlng been duly closed, and tle Btook dlstribtted atoonj; the snbecciberfi thereof as providrd hy law : la bereby glven ttaata neenqg . f the stwkUoltlera of sjüil Tolcd'i, Ann rbor and Xorlheru Kailroad Compony, will be beid lor the El.'ctiou of Diri-ctors of aid C'nipanv. at the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, in tho County Qf Washtenaw, on Thnrsday, the nith day of November nt-xt, at 10 o'clock in tliu forenoon of .aid dav: llale, Aiju Arbor. Octohcr lltli. 18T0. JOHN N OOIT, C. H lilCHMOND, IRA MK1ÏK1LL. HAKMON ALLBN. JütKi'll WILÜOX, CoramtsFionirs. Bátate of Asa Williams. STATE OKMlCUIO.AN,CouutyofWashtenaw,s. At a ííession of the Probate l ourt for the County of Wahtonaw, holden at the Probato Office, in the City of Ann. Arbar. on HondAy, toe trnih day of Octobor, in the year ono thousaud eight hnudnd nml seveniy. Pi'L'st'nt. Iiinuü J. Bciiken, .ïudye of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Asa WiHiama, deceastÜ Philip Bich, Execntor of said estáte, comes into Court and representa thut he is now prepared to reinier hle fliml aoroantaa sueh Ezecator. Thereupon it is ordercií. that Monda, the seventh day of November, next. at ten oClock In the fore nooit, be aesipned lor examiuinp and allowiijj; BUCb accuut, and that the legatees, tlevisecs aud beira at Law of nid decensed, and all other pereoa interested in aaid estáte, are required to appcar at a sespion of sa ld Court, theu to be hulden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbur, in said Couuty. and ahów canse it nny tberèbe, whj Mie id ai-ooimt should nutbüallowcd: And U is furtherorticred that aa!d Bxecatof gl6 notlce to tlic ])críoü8 iuterefted in eaid Catate, of ihe pndencyorldacoonnt, and the hearinfc thereof, hy caulng a copj of tlii order to 'c publtsbed In the Èfichifa Argu% a newsinted nudclicnlfitlDg io Mld Connty. three - e weeka picviuus to pnid dny of heai wg. CAtr I11K.AM J BEAKE8, 1201 Jndjie of Probate. CommissioMro1 Notïce. niTATBOP MICHIGAN Coimtyoi nThe nndefátened haring been appointed by the Proba t e (.-'o.irt forsaid Coooty,Commtaionerato recamine, and adjost al i cíaima and dfinands oí all peruons aainet the estáte of Williiini Hc)bert?, late of aald Coonty, deceaaed, horeby glve uotice that tlx momlis from dato nre nllowed by order ofsatd Probate Conrt rorcrqdUorttopreMnUheir claimaagalnel theestateofsaiddeceaaed, ;iinlthittticy will meetSt the reddence of Jeratma Roberts, iu the town ir Superior, in oaid Connty, os Satprdaj. the icntli da? of lc:cm]jcr, and Moiiday, the ten Ui (ld y of Aprtl m'xt. at tfii o'clo"U A. 31.. of each of unid tliiyis, tu Kceirtt, c&Hinine and adjnei eaid claims. Dan-d. OrtnlnTlCth. A 7. 1 Tf. Shcriff'e Salo. BY Vir.TüE of om' ril of Finí t Vin i.wicd outof and u'mI.t tlif -i'f.l of the Circuit Court lor. the Uonnty of Wahtonaw, aml dated tin' slzthdifof Octotier, A D. 1870, In l'nvor ofAlooso clrk and Edwin W. fTreew, plafntiffa, and agalnsl thu (t"od and cbattels, ïind for w.tnt tliereof, ihen of ihii himls aod tenoBMnia of Jacob Fulk6ron. defeodant ilicretn named . and tor tu ■ anra 01 ibroe bnndred mul loitj tnd slxty-elght cnta dureagMi aml inriv-om1 dollíirs ïitid íixtv Ivi; cenU wwto of solt . I i!. Itali i tii ii.-iv ofOcioWr, . Dl 11, !tïï opou, MlieaDd tnke allihc riant, citlo and loterost ol ilio nld Jacob yalker&on, i" and u (bllowiog descrlbed property, to wit : Th ot half of the uorthweal qoartÁ ma Domber tbirty-alx (::0j in Townahlp mimi ter l'"ur M ' .■■urli, rane fonrHj ca-t. tnthu -s Ulchigan; wblch propcrty I 8hll i public auctioSf -'11111 .".'11 10 Uw blghstt bidder, uu mbet iH'xt. at 1 1 oefc Mreuoon of Ihat dny, ut thr front door of the Court Hoitsu in (Jilv of Auu Arbor. Datad, Anu Arbot, Oct. loth, 1810. U9Ud BYBOHH POKTBR, SHMff


Old News
Michigan Argus