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Estáte of WiMum V. ;,;„,. JT ATB OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Wnht.j " At i station of the Probate Conrt forti,.?''1 . i.uUun at the Offl '.iyi Am Arbor, en Wedoesdnr, the twint ' l.iy of ÍMJ).lcm!ifr. In Ihe ycir onc tuoui. ! Bei enty. u jki Present, QlramJ. Hcak.-H, Judgeo! Vrob In th nutter oi the cut= of Wüüamv ■ leceued■u't, on roadlnn imd flIUis the petltlon, duw veri)l C. l'u;;e, Kx cutur, prtyiu that k le-llceneed to s-il cii.ii rr.'il (Htjiie wher i0! leícaaod die 1 Beiz -a for ttie purpnac of disirh ll' rai wlii m!d . '' i tereiipon iii orricred, tliatMiuulay, the fonr V srKuvemnernxt,nt ten o'clock In tt fofT' u :hclic.irinr.(jfsakl],clitiiiiiailrt,v"l cv and heiri. Ht lnw of sald d '-nll othei persou Intprestvd in Hk cslatt , V''-: lo ai-pcnr ui n tim ofKiidCunrl thm. '" ""li. al ll.c Probate O!tic-, in IheCiij rif ï. ' ""rd show canse. II anjtliere bc, whnbenr. A' thc kitlDiicr 'hiiuld nol be granted : ADdln'V ' th"r dered, tbal Bald pethimcr rive noticV , '■ perto ioteretcd In cald eataie, of u,r peni0" " Wtion,and tlie hearins tliereof, br Ï.ÏÏ3 c"Pïlhis order to ba jmiiliehcot '.n thelil?1 of n,.áJr'rCC su(::e8"vi w:eks Pre"ou t„S„M tUfoPTO HIRAM J. BEAKF.S "üommiseioneni' Notice. O The nndgned havlng been n,!.?!' Probate Cok lor sairt Ootuity, Comini,",, coive, exaim,.. aI11 B(j„M afl claim, ,lm, '''■ of aïVpur.n„L.11illst lhu otate of ChmtoS Í' bon laUof iJCoonty, deccascd, hercbyX'tice Uitixjntlfrom date are alh.wcuï, of.ald l-plm. court for crciltors to w.,, " agahtsttte of saiii dcc.anïd ,„,. ,?' '!';■ "'' "e t office of J...ÜD & Wodm uï? city (of JpnUanf l„ ,Md ConntT.ons.turd,?!: lüinh day oí Vc-mbcr, and Mond, ihi' S tl.-iv of April, U.,1 u.„ oV]„ck A ïï oí !3 datau'1 ' ïive' a"d Ijiit hï Dati'd, October M a. D. 18T0 ii , JAMBS AKNOjjj ƒ Con"l'loai,, Keal Éffato for Sale. ö I .. tho maller ol ihe ute of John }"■, thrift Noll.e i hereb, jrra, that il. ,,u""n : an order L'ranttd lo the "■(icr.ii.'ued.GuardUni?,? of ssid ppcunthrtfl by the II n J '?l ■ bate for the touHv of WahUna ,L: of October, A. O. ISTO.the, will ),c gold tiVJS. vendui, lo the hiahest bidd, at the dwHllïifiï on tóe premies herelnafter lescrilwd iu cS1 of Waehtfiiaw, la aid Stat, on WednerinTT thlrüeth day of Novcmbe?, A D s"o ' Í! o'c'ock in the forenuon of th day. (uhjiet 1,51 f ncunibranccs by mortgage ot kenrlu SI, the tiipe of tlie alej ihu f(.ll,v,ii,o (tiïirii!!?"! I ■.late. to wit : Twrnl j-flve ac,e8 off VhTí&J I qnarterof the nnthaat qniirfiT of naUn iSüf Ave, in t..wnhlp one south of range tonZ In md Slate. commrnciiijt at t? o"i, corncT th.-r.-uf and nmaios Acico n.irth une w k belf dsgree went (dgEten chains ,ra Í link, Uwnce nnnh ciirhty-nhe and a halriw eart tUrteeo chaln and f .rty-ftur llnka, thctS "!■■ and a half deerec east mikteen cbain.audiS ltoh?,thenceonin el-htynmo and a kulffaïï degrees west thirtcen cbainBanc {urtv.fonrl'nl tbeplaeeol beglnnintr, Ceictptloe oio rrc hi'u, DOrthwetl corner thereof. bíhlí eintei-n roèlï east and west and ten rod Wid? nonh aoöij 8OI.I by mul John PeaU to Kubi-ccaE.TuttJc.Oaü, Dated, Oc'.ober lst, i. D 1RT0 GEORGE O. ARMS, I . GuardUi, Mortgage Sale. DEFAÜLT hsving been niade ín tlw eoüditioo r a ci-rtaiu mortage made and exeented buit, Ivory and Ann Ivory, of the townshiof"!) Washtenaw Countv, Michigan, to James Clark ii town.Couutyaud State aforesaid. berinèi I Uw i'k-venth day of December. A. D. lMCud! cordcd in the office of the Register of Deedi i 1 Wa.-htcuaw County. Michigan, oa tüe tweniT-iiu I day of December, A. U. 1S66, at 5 o'clock iüier S :.' .1! mortgngs, ou page 556, by whldi'tk, I power of ale comaiued shcrein beeaine operuin I the amouu-t claimcd to bd tl: on saiil morisaniaí I accorapanyiug note, al the date of itire noi j tK Mim of one hondred and twenty gevpu dollars rJ thirtcen cents, and the ftirthe'r urn of twemjfn dollars provided in said mortage as an Atuirnejtin case any proceedings should bc taken tofondw the same, and no guit or procecding hariogfca insti:atedat Inw or in equrty to. recover the &; ccuredhyaaWin.ortgaue.or any part thereol J tice Is hereby given, that on Pridaj, thv x-venttln of Ctetober, A D. 18T0, at 10 o'clock A. M. oftli day, at the front door of the Court H'uw.tothi City of Ann Arbor, in faid Connty of Wahtein, there will bo snld at pubric fluctioa, tu the bkkajt bidder, the prcmise de&crtbed rn said roortpageu that ceruin mece or parecí of land eiinated ia tkt township of Dexter, C'ouuty ol Washtenav, ui State of Uichlgao, known, bounded and derlM . follows, to wit : beini: a parr. of sectiOD Ko. (Ur thfrteen, iu tOWDsbJp ore poulb of ranee fonr'on, hogtliniM a; a srakc in the north bomid of theiM. way. and running north 40 d'g. cast twocbalnj tbencc goitfh 8í t].:. -o min. ea3t seventy fireliaii. tbencesouthificeg w:si two uh.iiis, t'hctiS9 dejr '20 m. west aloni: the highway fleventy-Brc t link to tïie place of bepinninp. Dated. Ann Arbor, Jnlj sih. 1S70. 127T .tAMKS CLARK, Mortsiget. uwftsioi & Frazeb. Atry: for Mortgagee. Th: aboyeuk 1 postponcd to Friiiav, Octote twenty-flrsr kat the same place and time of d&y. Dated, Octouer 7tn. I8J0. JAMK8 CLASK. Mort:g. LiWRtNOK & Fkazsh, Attorneys for Mi jYACK. & SCI1M1D, ARE fiOW KECEIVIN'G THE M08T ÍlXTSNSíVS ASS0RTMSN7 o y S ü jft. -W L S , CLOTH FQR LADIES' SUITIXG3, RLFFÏ,LAXTS, FLANNKI5, PRINTS, T1CKIXGS, BLEAriiEn AND BROWN COTTOB, AVIth the Orcatiat Varlciy of WHITE GOODS, EMBSOIDEKY LACE, GLOVES AND H03IBT, KVÉR O7FERED INTIIF. CITY, AT TIIKI R POPULAR PRICEi1. jEW GOODS. MACK & SCHMID, OFFER KXTRAORDINARY BARGA1XS IS doras, mm LADIES' AMD GENTS' ÜNDEKWEAE ASB HOUSE KEEPING GOi)DS, OUR STOOK CONTAIN8 ALL THE NOVELTIES TN EIGN AND DOMEST1U GOODSOFTHESEA. SON. CUSTOMERS AND 8TR ANGER8 ARE JRESPECTFULLY INVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE BEFO RE MAKING THEIli PURCHASES. ipALL AND WINTER. IV2ACK SCHSVIID HAYK NOW OI'KNr.P AN IMMENSE STOGK OF POPULAR DRESS COOI& SUCH A 3 Satin JDtCMne, Poptin,riaUU and Serges, Merinas, J-Jpi nylines, Briilmntin", Kmpress Cloth, Velo""' GRO DeLURICKS, MOHAIR ALPACAS, &c, c., Se-, c' AL!. OF WHICH FOB QIAI.ITT ND BTYJiE CA.NNOÏ BK ÏXCJiLLüD. TUK PUBI.IC AH1 ;l.!.V IKVITKD ro BXÍMIBÍ;


Old News
Michigan Argus