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How Notes Are Paid At The Bank Of France

How Notes Are Paid At The Bank Of France image
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&eUcjnpukrg}!s It w not gonorally known tbat wbeo ;t piomissory noto beid bv the great Bank of flVaooe- whliA aiaeounts 81,000,800,0o0 of bilis reoeivaole every yoar, fnlit duo, llic drawer does pot neeáf to go or aend to tho b:mk to pa it. He m;iv'ii bil couutiusi-rtiom OTBBop, and a ruoner, tmlled a Qarcon de recettes, oalla on biin Pof tho Bioney. Tho city if Paris }.■ divided iuto 15 dirttriot, clled brigades, 'w'fclöli are undcr t!ro chn-ge of Wigadiers. Each biiguáior lias onder bi nrderi 10 garcons ét rttétlct, dad ii nuifoirn, wearing cocjecl liats uiidcanying ou tboir bríasis a plato ongraved ■with tlie words " Sanqtttt do France.1' Por greator security their poilfoliosar 8Fa:acJ to UiOT perseei. The lills are prèsented at tb e residenoo or place of buHiiièss of tlie i)raver, by tlie runners, ifte day when they fall due, and in the eveüiug the brigadier couuts tlio Dums reocivcd in bis distriot, und haiuls ever tho amoniit to ;he casbier In oase irf non-payiuaiit, the runner leave at tho debtor's house a littlo squiiro piece. of paper at the head nf wbit:h is priuted tlio Word, "La 13an[ue de France," and on whicb is writlen a memorandum of the liour and tle panlcnlar tiesk at the bank where and when the debtur eau go to tako up bis not. Tlus supplemoatary ettlement takes plneo m t!io latter part at tha aftenioon, ii a basetivent of the bank, whera tho deüiujuent finds behind a grátibg tbat otie of the 150 runners who ealled at li is residenoe; tho brigadiers are present to hear complaints. "Nctbing is more singular," tiys a writer in tlio Rcitue des Deux Mondes, "or butler calculuted to exc:te the ouriosity of tbe looker-on, tlian tliÍH erowd huddlcd togotber in a conilned apartment, and composeJ of persons of both sesea and of every age. What efforl, what running about during the day, to rnako up the 8uni duo, and to save tho credit already eomewhat taioted by tl. is fint delay ! In the eveuing the unjiaid notes are handed over to be put in tuit, and niany debtora hurry the ufxt inorning to the ushers to pay up before their notes go to protest." The runners rnerit a particular mention. They are meu whose oharacters have been provcd by lonor service, and they soroetime mikt in bank notes and specie overSlOO,000 a day, returniug faithfully iu the eveüiug t render au account to their chiefs. Never'heless, none of them get over $600 or STOO a year iu gold. Tho Bank of Franco sometinies discouuts Dotes fjr atnouuts as srnall as hvu or tbree franca, ud in 1868 more tban 80,000 wero done for sums betweeu 1] and 60 francs.


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