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Plltt i; jut d ■ ■ BC II Jl l-'i 1 - h'-all Vj v .- ! .. ie . U ■■. t; . DO) ■' iu Da - : . tlar. COÜGH "MTlvíOllTr im ih Conglk Balsona n ing umi ej ■ - r.' Tii:it. Brom-hiti . ! Hoiii .- ..■ ■ i ..... c redltili . : cf 1 ! in 1 1 h ■H'. cta in II tin' h'.f , ir. n of 'iie ■ ■ hut it Ík 1 he men 1 li' . ' Dn do . :i ik1 1 Ji mo ohe bi il liirge bot t la. Prlca Oo6 1 ■■ 1.. . r [ y out own 'au 11 : UD wil] cur1. .. 1 n 1" Vliiiiin (Iií, Or Vint of IJ IV ■ ■ tb Hifi u. wond : moet plfasaut and riel ici ■ lic . ai1 Kvpeiior bitter, r auy othr arde1"1. U 1 ;. 1 b --i Rl -i i' male, rom Uke ii.c W;:.P rtf 11 Ir, 11 or. ",:■■ Üow nl ■ il t. tfike (he IVmc of Life. Il iv different f 1 1 1 lonas, l'i . ■ ■ , . ottles. SM Lpl: AG OGXJE. MBMmHMHU0SManwMMfunVt.-'. - Win di 1 ' RmminHgogae ;,■ th only artlole kno-u id cure tji.e V i ■ rooure ü. . are mu for P iual 1 r regula 1 .[;■■ . : 1 d 01113 I . ::i :■■ the 1. ■ ■ ■ ■ Olí) Mati; 6tret, Chloago. ' v RAND, 8HELEY CO. 1 ut tlior ; 1 . v f 1 " ' . :.i; '. ■■■: i , ,-. all '■ . . uta ti ;i comí ■ ■ . :i ! ■ i ■ ,tli il' y ■ .. ; n hipe oï the .'■kin. in ' ■ e Ücinai '■■!.!.- ;,-l i.l'-,! ii, j ; 1 Dg Ui anti ijtor of ; !,.- sa n ho . ■■f '- . . . (ts retorfttlve M"T.i 1 i.j. ti trirtl. Ir yvxf f?el (fftü ■ ■ or bïlousnrfls. In n unlj .-) p 1 chial, 1 ■ ■. l' e . '. V. ftfei o. 11 Coi ■ thei'etn ra nl ' ■'■ ol the V, Jen iniah k . i$4 Couul v ol ' ■■■ h'enaw, on 1 1 a. Dlock in. .in tflwr ' .: Ui:b:tr.l i(r: the 14th day ol December, A. H im'.t and ;■ 11 Ui, uffict ■ ■ o;, the lotfi (1 ■ ■ lock m , iu líber 40 of tnortgugusi 1 i :■. Levitas O Jauuai-y. A l ] recorded in th office oft!i ' Bald i'inmtv of ■ A. ]. . lock a. ra ol aíñ ány. in llbdr 411 of mortii-"-.-1. or LeVltiu O. HiUch to Dm ' '■"' Lhe f outry ■ ■ ■ qf New Vot k. OJ ). ' STf, nul recorded in tli fthe Kejiister of Deeds, on t! ■ . ■ ■ in libci sixtymyg lo tfe prïieül pf au iuatnlmeul Interest! money '.-. I I .Uilv. A. D : P muit to ma ofsald mo ■ ti! so much of tuiid i)iin I piiul with all ■ ' !y : Anti, 1 tlnT' is 1 1 limed V ■ I m Btáá mort : tbia notfee, the --.nn oftwo tnouHand !■■■ md furtjr nno dolUu 1 ■ t.:;..:: v :'■■-,-■. ■ be taken tu Ipri Btitnted elther In law or to ïec ■■■ orany part thereof, noücj íb re hcrby jüveii, ihat on m;1 ■' 1; ii Öay 01 Decem J ■ ai the front-door of the Court 11 1 "f Ann irixir afores Yiiit Court for s-iiii County is belu, and by virtui' ol the pnwr 1 tned m ■ :u mort i g'ual) sell at public tó the htghest . 1 he premUes described in sald mortg 1 sniisfy tin.' ;i mi umi e of prindpal and lm t-i be !t;i-, with the charlea ofsuch -■■■;'. in and an Attorne8 f e ol : - he follovinff ■ .■■■: : All that cêftin trad or rl land ituated In the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, known ai a8 fol I0W8, to wil : 'itquartir pf i ■vn f.Hir xfitUh, rawjre eix east, dng one hnndreQ anduixty acres of land more or lesa DatedSept. 80lb,1870, T)vinr..: Aflsl Jüun N Qo . Attoroc tor A5tne 1 . . 1 . ■ ■ . ■■ - - - Mortgagtí Sale. DEFA.ULT I a ct tliereiii o Rolh r nía w'ili-. t" ieterof D etls ror I and Si i . benjuí n F. Conrl . : Ma .Ai'. - -I oí' ■ Mortrnge th -.lis üicri uf, and i'emalnlnjE aapald at I of t! La .:-;■.■.:.■■(■■-■ M.rly il'ii.-.:.-, pro. uf toro ■ 1 : aiui eevi .,1 -V ]L Ut i i I 1) 1 ■ cuvrr hnid f-'U! í(ire herebj ■ ■ f.-: bidder, at : he fi oui doi r of the C : the ( U OÍ A111. AüH.r I. oaw, and 81 ite if ! ' - by vi Jí : ■ I Ddttton, inri. ■ ttio pr.'. ' r FLCh jiavt thereof 1 tbal 8 to Bh} : 'fi ■■ folios land BÍutate 1 1 . : - : dn! liy a une rumi-.uwáiJCíU a I - :=t Ciillici Of Píiiil lO. tli'-ln 1: wfeal parallel with Cl ■ Ï twnty-eiRht feet, Bottth iztj ' right " n oí r!. ' ;■ 1 he of ale! lot, thri ■ cUvitffoi : Daniel H 1 ■ ■,' at n point o . 1 tuin■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ illlt Of .-lid vil!; ! Dated J j:i: íüRTERl .. II KRBSTJgXt, ■ O3LT SjUJU' AKl'.'. Mo Draadfl in the conditlone J i a?;(KJ ■ ■■!-. ti' ai m'O. ■ ■ ■ ■ (4 '■ . ■ . ■., ur in ■ i Mll.t.O il iüi I. tloilü Uie (■:■ : ■ -iMilh qua ol lots uuu tw .; :-.' :', ■'(:■} In block mimber CoudI '■ ■ . or bui ii pari ■ imoaoi dlie )ii ,■.,,! ;,-,.. [o'.. iih the fan b ... and i u-i-ur v-.'ïvi" dot] ara Attorney fee noi ■ provioed, aud the costs, charges and expenses alUwod by uw and provldedfor lu said inoi :! i . 1 70 (ji;i::n THATCHKR, Mortgagee. A. 3. S k"W .:.::. A I i V ÈJ1 Mortgage Sale. "TVEr.". I ■ roNdHions of A a ei rol iiv .iülin .!or. State ofMfch_':i:i. I . .■ himdred and sixty-eight, ■ ui the ninib :-!■!■ of Duecta of tl i mort■. by Vrhlch I b .■ powi i ■ therein contaiued b ■ ■ ivo, and he , .■uiumii ■ ..i thirl v il..imy pro. and no tl law or in egulty ha ving been iDBtitnl . ainfng fine and impaldon oM morl ■ ■ : Nó ay . the . ut ten tit door , in the CÍ1 ■ ! bor In i.i, Cthe ■ :" holding ilir CircOft !TOft lor ■ of tho powiíi i ined. mul in vidcd. therè wiH I or vendoe, i" I eary ;rnvir..? Tor ■ Dprnved i d Arbor. fi i iilno lot seven ou the aaiue iidJiiiun 12W ttórtsaLe. ] lötate for Sale. STAT] G lN,CountyofW lit i iic im l 1 1 nnd . ilminii - by tha Hoo. ■ e wül be ■ in s&id ■ . ■ ■ r other . bt of dawer if hts l' ■iiiiwinu' di i' 1 1 wil : ■ LflET, Adml Commissioiïcrg' Notïce. . l&tcd by the Prohate ■ in rc. n ::!.-■ of --hii Armbrn-t.late . cbiiuid In Bridjre ►Vloek A. M, of ■, cxaminp, :uifi adjuat said A. I). l&Tü. - itice. SI N.Connty ofWaehtenaw, s: ■ ice uní '., by ord i' of tald ■ clafoQfl bat thcy al ten o vloek a. SÍ. i . tu recelve, ezamiae, ..; I X)Atd. Poptemijor 23d, A. D. 1S70. I2@0w4 }cnm.M.oBOT Ule of Fitcb II iü. 5JTAÏ"KOF MICHIGAN. Ooinitj oí WaehtMw. I -i of the Pro [lie twclflh iiny ol Ki' I ors t( : af Fitel iïili. íaíe of wjiiil i . aud that al f ..:! Al'Uur. ËW -"i:t . lowanee, n or beforti liic tliirteou oi' Ma; ■ ■ beari . H ODdar, the il.i day of M.itc): next "'t ten o'cioek In (he fon lys .:. Auii Arbur, Septembw i ■'. . n.. i-i70. HltíA.M .1. BBAKE8. 1ÍS8' Judgeof j'rob.ite. ; te of Rebeooa 'aii8. [icniGAN, ewNTTio] Win in-M., s of Washtcnaw, holicuatthel'rol tlieClt ■ i ■ thlrtieth ■ Septdmbtr, iu the yuaronu ilioubund eiglit i. lii! m ejity e of ProKitc In the uiaucr of tbe becca Wde ■ pi':i:i-'i!. duly ti ' ■'■ ii Si Wü rooien ortlnj! to lx ■ :y be ü(!utir Uondav, khe ilrtt d.! uoou, be ■ ofsaldpetitu Ellat tbe irt, thcu to b,. ,;. eroftb should Qotbc DditlB .- to tb l( ndeucj o ■ aidilny Ati WIUMÍ Junte üll'röbale. of Samuel IJ. Vo!cott. QTATl ■ ofWa8htonaw,s. At a session of tl ourt for theCounty ofWu ' ■ in the . Aim Aebut. on U ■ day of the year oae tboosasd eigiu hun nl V. In ■'. l il. VVolCOtt, :. On Teiidlnirana tlilnfr the peHtl i apuobited AumiuisLiutiix of Mondny.thethlrtynt, at ten o'cloek u the . Of Fïttc'. and al] tiin: i., beho i tfeor, and Bhc shoukl nol : . mtul pethion, and tU bfrli ■ ■ of this Order to bc publiibi fl mth iprpflnted and clrcnlauiig weeks prevloueto tAtniecopT.j ' i:s. 1280 " Judaool l'robate. Eétate of izrn lluublon. Sa .. ís. mrt for the Conuty tennw, bold - i the Cliy of Aun Árbor, ou Saturday, the Hrtlïyof . in Ihc jL::irviio thouaaud iiUl liuuilreil ■ .,r. 3. neakei , i d. i. Houghton, A4!0iultrator of said ■ mi'.v ..■fliis Spa! uxüiuit ib i . - that Monday, the tbirty.'■-:-:i (I:.. ■ . ::nd tliat Ibe hein at law ol ■■ ■ be bpldi ; i iu the City ol Ann tbere :ont shoulil nol ivr nol i . and the i. ■ ... . tbft-e . R. V. ELÜS Sc CO1 Eatatc of Miiry Sinith. ?ATE UofWMlmJ ' ourtfoi IheC Washteittiw. holden at Ihc Probate ñ?9 y of Anu Arbor, ou Friday, tlie twenty.third i tenty. "Hinj. ofPrabate ti ... .-..: v Siirll, j ■ ae. ■ '. non, of lad r-reeiitg tnuih. ■ llrsl itcouut us !!',' ..r.or. "■ "reupon ItlSnrdered, That Honda t!i,-i-,., ■ . i,..i,; ai iavr .'"k Ti "" loa. f 3J W-J IIIRAM J BÍAKE8 _ Jndeof Probate; ' ;tcof Frtdoiik 8 taller " OTATEOFjicHIGAN.CoinitjofWashlena O At a srs.-,, of the probau c t ""„ec1,?1 ;;;;;vi,,,ld,.,, a, th, Probate Office. ■ ',:■.'■ r Probate he matteí ,e jb,, of Frederick 8tiMer; ' 'Wllngthepetltloo, dnlvTerMMi . ' ln ""Court, purportii.g to I." ,!,(" ■.-.■,Ci,,:,v ',", l , V tod topábate and i,,, he, John Jacob BreX ' may be appmmed S ii Is ordred, tbit Mondy, the tam. tten o-duík íb Si! irlngofaaldpetlti „ i' i 0181 lí luwof.lL ■ na lnt( are requlred to appi íeatlon i.f suid (', , I róbate Office i i „ City ni Anñ Arbor, and sioweauseif.B, „,;,. why prayer ol the puHou r hould rot I : 'ordered. ti ni suitJS ■■ renotícetothe pe,Ons intcrcsHd I u of id petitíon aid th. - "coiy of tlii.-. order í, printed and dren atíng :■ . ty.threeSS I ctaive-weeke pcevlons t 8:iiiav ol r: rlu ' CAJ 11 i;. kk, Jndite of Prohan, Estáte of Eliza J üsgood. OTATFOI.'MICHIOA.VCmnt. „f VWwbtena ., At:. jessionof Ule Probate Ocart tot ttiiConmi 'róbate Ufflcc intkí Arbor.on Weda&day, tbe,' aayol ■ d tlie year me thonsand eleii ut.Ulram .J. Bcakea.JndjeofFrobate i-u Ite muiter oí tiic Ketale'jf ELia J. (.ooi indíUüigth . , j pfayljlg th..l n r.-.íiy )t. apuolnltd .' "i ií! ■ ■ si:, ■ txai Meodaj.thewTa ober, in-xr, at ten u'docklgth. 'fsaidpetlüü .i iw oí s:i:i cU'Censed, iud ;} !vi:ib Latere&ted íd said ■ ciuirtil ar ;ir a sessiou oí' s;úl C'iart, tíion to he ni the Probati OtH i,in theCItj ol'AnuArbu - ■■.!■ Itieprayer ottS ï cantea: AsdttUfurtiKrof. tliií peñón! ln hearlujr tncreof. nj caMsing a copy 7 1 der :.o be pnblinhed in ti ; olating Ib s;ii; vy wceksprc ..ü úv uíhtii. I py.J HIÜAM J.BEAKK8, Juilítuf Prolltè. Estáte of SophrÓMta Spejir, CT.' IK F MICHIGAN, Connti óf Waa&tBaw,t A'. :i Betiaton t tbe 1 : tíit' Coutv of Washtenaw. holden t tin: Prohute OIBcc,U ilu: City oí A nu Arbot, "n Wedueeday, tlic tweniT. nber, ln Iba óüu ilmussij Pruiseut, 'A.. .Infice ol Probate. betuattur ol tlu; Bátate o! üophrouia Spuri sed lina; the pélillon, Sarj vprided.ol talo lnstroBeaj qow on Blciuthbi portille lo be the a; "'■' 1 ai aaerl niay lie admtt te d to probate, and t :. . Lc he may be aj[oii]U;dso[c Then i Jeced tbat WoDday,, the tmti tetuthday of October nexi, :tt ton ockïck roreuoon, be awigned fol tbe hearing of said peti. tiou, and tí;..t the legateea, deriaees, añil heirtt aL l,i u' all otber persons iutrretuj I lo ttppiNir at a i. . ■ tbe Probate uaitc, In thé City of Aun Arbor, aad ■. ir jo; ii '■iiMiiii'T ahoiÚ os) . .,..,: ■■.,-. ■ :. ;!.■ pera na Intcrested ;u stü] . of the ptndeiuy o r said petition, md tk a copy r üíls order tobt r irínted and i i ly, thxee tii. - iii d;iy of lu'.-u-in". (Atrtwcopy.J ÍUIíam .; I'.HAKES, Judao of Probate. Estáte of Samael O: tt. S-li'-tüff. s. A : a aeaeloB uf ■ . . ! Washtenaw, holden at the Piobatei ■ nn Arlxir, onMoi . eteentndnol aber, ln the year one thoaaaud eighl huuiircj . uty. t, iíini'.n J. líoake?, SuAge of Probate. In the matter oí the g-tu of Samuel o tt. On reading and filing the p ttt.ion. duly verified, ti Sarah E. Orí be nppuintei e ''t' BAld il'pi1ir;li il. Therenpon It ia ordered, that kiunday, Mie eveBf r nest, at ten oVlock in thr fur-. noon, b.: aigaed tot the beatlngol uaid petition, and that the nrire "t. l.i... oeaued, andil! other peraouri Intert i-i;it". ure roqniied to nn:ir at a teaefon r saii (.'ciirt. tlien lohc bolden, i the Probato Office, in the City of Ano Arbor, und siimv cansé, tf anv tíifre be. whytba I . i ::■;■ r of the petltioner shonld DOt be irrantcd:AuLÍ it ia fitrtbcr ordere.d, that aid netitloner ivi'noti to the persona interetfted ïtt Hiid estáte, oftbepíodeneï of 4ftid x'tition, ml the hearins thi reof, by. ■ a copy ui tbis order to pobfished íd the "... a Bewspaper printed and cirrnlatiu? y.three fuaieulre weeks prvvians (o ui iii'uring, (A tiiiec py.J HIKAM Í. BE.'Ki-, Judice of Probate, Estáte of Pranfc W. Goodak. Stat;.: oï HICHIOAN, Connty of Sïashteiiair.sW ti of tbe J'r bate Court for tUo ountj of Wii.iiidi:iw, holden ut the Probate Ofice. in tb City of Au n ArlMjr. on Fneaday, the tweatletli dny of neptember. In thu year tapa&and eight lnmjiea anti . venty. Present, lliraiji J. Beafcea, Judffe of Probate. Ia the marter of thu Jíí'.aii! of Frank V. Goodalc, miuor. Un readins und filinj: the petii'fon. duly verWedtOl Edward L. Boyden, i raying thatlienwy soiauchof the propertvof Mid minor as may be ueceesary to ennble him to fiirvbeat and other urrain, staves. piaster, .Ve., and lo ctrry on the bu.'-inest ol Qpuring, ijrinit' ing. sol leat and othei ::;iu ïud . nanafaetoring hmber. barrete, itr.. ut Delhi. ty, in partnership v, :th John Henkj, o( said vi'! ;:■'■. Rnd to contlrae the e&me boi h ri'toloïi uirri il n by the late flrm of Goodalei H nli y. ThMvnpon it is ordered. tlmt Mondny. theFpvp:itoenth duy of October, Dezt, at ten o'clockiotka forenoon, we aislgtted lor' the hearlug ofsald pattj '. ■ ;.i t ie nexl "i i n ol soM minor, and flll otber jmtmi: - interested in said estáte, are required - ;i raaaloa ofeatti Conrt, theu tnW holden, ut the Prubalo Ollice. in thf 'ity of Ada Arbor, and show causé, ffany ibere be, wíiytb . !' the petltionez Bboald not lx granted: And :t i.s further ordered, tbat eald petitio&er give notico to the next of kin of said minor nd all OtherpWi Boua Bterested In aald estote, .' pi-mlriity o' -aid )..::J ion , and beajDg thtreof, by c.iupiiig order to !■■ pnblisbed in the .lirAipfl a newapaper printed and circtilarinji Dfid Connty. tlucu Bncceawve wei ks prei ons to 8id düi' (r bcarii (A truei-opj.) 1IIÜAM .T. BEAKES, Judyc of Probate. - Estafo of John Powell. STA l'i: 01' Mi' ,in; w.iountyof Washtenaw,! At asesiton of the l'roliato Conrt for the imnjtj of Waahtenaw hoidenat the Probate Office, in tw City of Aun Arbor, on Tnefday, the twcntielk day of September, in the yéar one thousaud cight ..: aeresity. ■:[., Ilirani J . odgc of Probate. In the matter of the estáte f John Powel'i deceayed. , Ou rradinp iiutl filini; the petHfpn . duly verifica, ot John QeddeH. praying that j, cirtaln insjimn- j tuiiv oi, Qle in tnia Cmu-t, pttrpojFtipg to be tbe bl will and testament of said üeceased may be ailmi i probate, and that üe uiay bu auilM1" or thereof, Therenpon it ia ordered, tont Mondny thesovonti-tiiili day of October Boxt, at tfu o'clock iu tlj forenooi ned for the hearfog of ffl'1 '.;:rtnn, i'.nd that ; '' h'" ut law of eaid dfQeaed, and :ill other pere"1" s reqnlrcd (o njppéar a' nesaion ,t r-.i:.l Conrt, tbea. (o holden at fj Probate Ofll e, i,i Ann Arbor, } rti,w cause, if m bi wy-th prayff g the petl ramed: iad it " ItirtliiT ordered th:it Bald petitlanér (ttve uo" - .. oí the peBJ m, aml the hearing "1'ri'!)',E'i tausiig a ooflj af tal order to bo pnbllsliedinp' .;■■;■ prinb d andcrcDW"Y In -riicl Comity. türee enei : previonstc y:tid iav of hearing. CA'trüe c-opy.j 1IIKAM J. UKAKKS, l'JSStd -Ii ' '■'i}J, ité of Lucas Kittel. STrr i 'i' ■::■■! hcax, Connty of WashteBa.M i sesaion of the Probate i for tticrOtnity ir Waehteoaw, holden at the I'n ■ in '"' Jity of Ann Arbor, on Thtn ' ' day "'Pl finixr, in the yiiir one tbouaaód eijrlit huudredana int, Hirami i. Beakes, Juds '':. . .. . . ■ , ,: of Luttts Kittcl, ,,,. doly verlfiedof liiiitlrator, prayiog iliatl; ■t.iiu real c ' 5la 1 ■ " u In O o r, oext, al ten ovlock i . !; aasigned for the hearing ' : that the hcira at 1;1VV, f ither perfoD lutereKeo " Oed to ii"''-111, ', I ...., egaee, if nj of the peuüop8ho"ïï I: And i: l fhrther ordered. thati w ■ notlceto the persons Intewted ., of salí Wtltlpn, ano ■ i opy of U8 (r"' 1 o be published in tbi '■ ■ i "■ii-'nP" ;id Connty, fonr snece ■ ...j '" .ludïC ot Trobate.


Old News
Michigan Argus