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fusiness gjirrrtorj. WIu. M. .SINCLAIR, C0MMISSÏON MERCHANT IN GRACN AND FLOUH, ROOM 1% i:;l USALtE STK&ET, CHICAGO. "O. M. MARTÍN, nXlMR IS FCIiN'in'U'-; ofall kinds, P.irlor and "llj(i V rrora, je. 8S South Main Street. MACK & SCHMÏD, PEILERS In Dry Qoods, Groceriea, Crockery, 4c. i Suuth Main öireci. C. A. LKTTKÜ&CO., DEU.EIiS IN PIíl'GS and Medicines, Pnre WInea lij LiQiiors rur Medicinal i'urpuses, Cijjars&c lo. ltir S"r.v Block. A. W1DENMANN, S)SEI:}NT Exchanse Broker, lí'.il Ivi'íto and Tire Aucnt. No. 26 South M:úu Street. 1 i ■ j ; a ry w. koot, ÖOSOKXSRD R'ïCords of Waehtenaw Connty.ánd HtttlEitai Ko. 1 Qrgory Block. HmirTÍELLOocj, WUCnCING Physielan. and L. B.Kellogg Proprl. flor oí Dr K. llogg0 el-brated Remedies. Anii Wich. IRRIS HALE, M. D. JIHIDEN'CE and ü:)ic' Xn 18, corner Williams and Tnomp8on -treeta Renlar office bbora 1 io 3 i1. M ' advl ■■ and Prescriptlona from C to I P. M. eachda;, free j,rrati tn the poor. 1-G4 Q. E. FRÜTHINGHAM, M. D., fHTSICI.VN' AND SORGEON. Office over I Swre, No. 7 Hurón t. 1, Itaompsoo street. OQic IiüUí"s, S to 11 A. M ,aütí ; to S i'. M. " R. W. ELLIS& CO., ISOÜGISTS and dealer in Pttlnts, Olls, etc No. 2 Soulb M .1:1) At3)íir. ,!iN KECK TC(X7 DEAIERS in Purnitnrc fnll klnd, No. 52 Son th Inu Struci, :iüd i West Liberty, Street, Anu j7g. a. sjíssions, 1TT0KKEY aqd CouusiHlor al Law, :;,-■■.! Ketateand :nn ol Cltinn ■ Jf( iljM Block, no stairji, línrou Street, W. H. JA0KSON, PSNTBTttacceseorto C. B. Porter. Office, co Hain anr! HtroTi St r'tMs. over tin store of Iï. VEtüs&Co , Aun Arbor, Mich. Aj:csthctic8.i(lmin l&uxcd if rvqalred. W. F. BKEAKKV, M. D. PHTSiriAN AND80ROEON. OB 8 al r.Monce, comer of Haf on and Diyiaion Btreets, lirst door East oí Presbyteriao Chárch, Anu Arbor, Mich. E. J. JOHNSON, pB&LERTNHATS ftnd Cap Fnrs, Strnw GooíIs Gíntj' FnrnMiiiii: Goods, c , No. 7 Soath Main Street, Anu Ai SUTHE R LA N D W 1 ÍED0N, UPEandFire Insurance Ajzems r.nd dealers in "Real . Ollkeon Hnron Street. AUj ecli firstclissSewin;; Machines. W. D. HOLMES, liíHNT fur the Floreí ' ilcr liPicturcs. Frames, &c. No. 3 Eaal Hnron Ktreet L E W IS O. RJSDON, BZALFR i:i Hardware, 8tOTe, Honre Pnr&Isblng Ooods.Tiu Ware. 4c, No. :l South UtJnStree . KVCÍ-f& ABEL, DEALERS 'm Dry C.'mide, Qroccries, &c, tc. No. 2C South Majo Street, Aun Arbor. 8LAWSDN & SON, CROCERS, rrcivtrfon and Commis'ion Merchant tud dealer ín Water Lime, Land Piaster, &sd Piaster Parle, No. 14 Easi llorón Street. S. SONDIIEIM, ÏH01HSALE and retail dealer in Kc:uly Mado Cloth'r:iíj. Uaselmerea, Vesttnsr. and Gents' Fnrlood. No. 9 éomh Main Street. WM. WAGNEE, W(LKR in Rendy Made Clothlo?, Clothí, Cassi■oea and 7eetinga, Ht Oa , Tronica, Carpet Bsj!, te .ïl S'.uth Main í: GILMORE & FISKE, BOOKSELI.EHS :ind Btadon a, MadieaJ. Law and College Tixt ïïooks. School and Mi Bnoks. No. 3 North Main Street. Oragorj lilock, Aon Arbor. FINLKY & LEWIS, ÍBXLr.ns in üootf. Shoes, (Jatters, Slippeis &c.', !o.2Enst Hnron Street. R. TAKRANT, tADIES' Pashionable Sboe House, No. 24 South in s'.reet. Q 8 O CK E R Y 8L4SSWARE & GPOCERIES. J. & P. DONNELLY 7Tt In a largeatock of Crocfcerv . (ilassware 'Wtre.CiitlPiy GruceriPK, Kc..'sc.,all 16 b "H'UoiisuíUy low priemt ,, o.l2Eml llurf iiSttvPt .Aon Arhor 11J8tl .T . Jt l'.nONXELLY JOHN G.QALL fl DEALER I3SX FHESH AND SALT MEATS, LUD, SMVACKS, Ele, WaaoMcitedandpromptlj fllled with thebest "" in the market. 31 Kast Washington _n Arbor, S.'pt. l'th, 1SG!). VJ36tf VERï AXDSALE STABLeT J. V AXTELL, (40?" Maln ""■' Catharine strets. Horse board("'Dimiilc terms Second hand baggieg,' calJLWidharne?9forsa!e. 12.yyl IVF AKKSEÏ7 rd&Êi&., Mnnutactnrcr of karriages, Buggies, Wagons, íta?JLEI0H8 oí every etyle. made of the best inri ftn(' warranted. Repairmg duur p-iouvily Dñ,?s rnable. Uetnjit Street, nuurR. K, VAnn Arbor, Mich. lilOyl IVJARTIIVS wbpUcto fcinnjtliing you want la the FURMTURK LINE! ____Ü_WILI. N'OT BE UNnEKSOLD. fpEOPLE'8 DRUG hïüi; W. ELLIS & CO1 Tbc .Virilizan tendal ttailroad. NEW TIME TABI.E. Traína on thu Michigan Central Railroaduow leavc stütiüüt; namcd aii followa: COINU WIIST. Mali Fust Dexter Kve'g. PaclBc Tralu. Kx. Au:. Ex. lix. tii'm T.:id am4 II 5.40PM 9.0 i-m ïpstlanti, - (.86 " 1.04 " 1' ■" " Aun Arbur, 8.Í5 " S.4J " cio " T.'Jó " Ïll.-Jó " Dexter, 9 ia " -- " Cus " 7. .".. " ■ :i. !) 45 " " ' XAó " in, 1" l7' " !.4." " !.l fi " 11.45" Salamazoo, i.Ot p u 11.87 a a 19. U ■ ■ i ,M - ■ 8.1 . " -I "(i í'.M O.S0 " 7.10 " fiJOING KAST. Atljinüc Nlghl Dexter Muil Faal N. Y. Kx. v.x Ace. Trahü. Kr-. Chicnpo. 5.1.1 ri 0.00 p.h 6.00 AM 11.80a Kalamazoo, 10.8 " 2.oö a m 10. so ' :;.:.ípm ■Tnrlcuu, 1.05 m 4 Bi" S.06i 5.45" ihelsoa, 6.S6 ' A.M. s.te " r. i I ■ 6.10 Í.S0 " Am. Ariior, 2.20" 1; fo " 6 43 ".6"" 0.45" : 9 40 " 0 80 " 7.10 4-Í5 '■ LOS " Detroit, 8.45" ■..■)" 8.40 6.40" 7.55" ..Mny L".-lti.lSTO. XwiDENMANN, REAL ESTÁTE AGENT, AN AKBOR.MICH. OFFEES FOR SALE: T ncres of land. witMn one half m i Ie frm the city t to bu Bold ia whoïc, pr pal I lOWfl : 24 acrtM ti sestion 19, in tle town of Aon Arbor r i'i f r r. 1 o ■ Ü-' in il roJ icHditig to Cor uwe) tv' paper mlibttand o tlie oti li on 15 % ;:.■;'■- BÏtiiated vw t li northwet corno r of tl e Gorhi 1 1 ■ said Comn eïl V. roid. CTbif is i neof t!ie linn-lsoioest üituatiuüs in ibe i. f Ann Arbor.) 13', Acre ImproTf] la rui joinlng the abovc K,. a erts and front ir. r Gnrham HoaU. nrtv ■■ t l'.irminsr LhihÍ, with goo1 i i rd nd Bi m, v.. mifdfl froaa ihe Uoatt Houm , " tli e upper Dixboro roftd. re f Lm 1 w-tli a q(v two t.:v fjfftme house on Thompson, fcyoor & Tbompboo'a aaditiou iu th Ano Aibur. tota of % aere ewh , tn Thompsoa, Spoor & Thoropsen'a Aduiiiuu. .icres of l :l d ! , with a njiltrailid grove, joiniujc tho .rk u:i the tel. Hoqsa and ï?j Iota of Umi, with Ram, Waeliii. Camagf H U8e( "'i Duinber of mud ei ti in: provemt'iitv ou l h bortbvust cornt-r ol Fourth a-! l'ackard Stre :mii Lut iu tl- - ■ Wal '-■ OUtb Liberty m reet. House n'l 3 I.ots iu t'ie 2d WarO. near 2d Ward ■.■cli'u 1 Üöu -.', Huuseand 4 Lotsf utar the U.C.R.R. Depot. 0 acres oflaod Ín thesouth of tbe tato of Mjfljuui i , i.' tl e Haanibal 4rSt.Joseph Kailroad. City i ote neiir 2d Wrd Schuul House. A. WIDENMANN, FGREIGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANN AUBOR, MICH. SELLS AND EUYS LEAFTS, ÏSSLES LETTERS CF CREDIT ON' PRINCIPAL PLACES In GRFAT lïMITAlN, GEHMANV.FCf .STTTZKlïl A.N J', etc. My direct co witli EurOpe - te nny Wei Jiim.-r. Htinemljer. I am Dt an ageotof any ■ but 5 -■ i.r.-i-v_"!ir":-!ij'.'u[i,auc.iHou wiih ti.i' be' i housen i i Euro] e, COLLECTIOÏiS IN EUROPE BY POWER OF 4TT0RNETOR 0THERWI8E, WIIX 1'HOMI'U.V AITHKPI D 10 PASSAii. TICKETS per Steimer to jpd ftoni KfwYork -(all princi[■;i] poriaol Europe 1 wuliDdajollowa! From New Vnrk lo SonthaiBptOD, lïavrp. Loodon, i Hamburg, i lst Cla3. ?dClM(. ftoprafre. Ï1J0. $:í. í25oGolu Return tickets. 2Ï5. MM f " " ; Froja above placcp to Xew York, lltClass. 2i('lass. 3lClafs. $72. $40 in Colil Cabio, tSOtn $10OCurrency. erage, LöU iu Curruoc-. Froln Llrerjiool to , iHn,100. Stperae, $8" . WIDENMAÑÑ7 FIRE INSURANCE AGENT VKTlSr ABBOE, For the IIowarl Iwurapea po . in New York nnc of tbe uldvtjt and Ijtst CorapanK-s in tlie c;untrj-. i'li f T'T.tonm Tn?uran"o Compnny in ClflTOlftDd T lif lien-irtiMf ■! " Jl DlVDAgHDeDi üT l his illsl i tatioD l.n madelt one of the muet rcliablt; Fire Insurnuc: Cfiinpa in the Weit. 1 _:,? jl CUAS. A. LEITKR & CO., CM AS. A. ÉiElTBE&CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., Ho. l Gie;ory Bleek, Ne. 1 Gragjiy Block Ka 1 Gregary Bleek Ha. 1 Giegoiy Block, tW Sign of the Gilt Mortar ' t3T Sign of the Gilt Mortar ZW Sign of the Gilt Mortar Wi ES1" Sign of the Gilt Mortar IAVI-: .HST Ol'KNFD HAVE J[;.-iï OPENKB è. HAVE .ir.-T Ol'KNEI) HAVE JL'il OPENLü 1'h.e ITineet Stoolc ot 1'he Jfinest Steek oí "J'he JT"ineBt Stock ot The Kineet Stock oí DRUGS AXD -VED1C1ÜE8 AKD MEDICINES DRLtíS AM) IfDieiKES DRUGS A.D MEDICIEA'S ÍN THE CITY. IN THE CITY. IN THE CITY. IN THE C1TT. PURE WINES AïiD LIQU0RS For M(_'dicnn 1 Purposef. Til1 Popn )n r Patent Mnrijcinps of the day , und everytliing kept d a firicIhrs Drug Store. An EXCELLENT BRAND OF CIGARS. TRY TH KM, tgentl n the City for Otto fi Reyader's ceiSURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS - gp" E8PKCIAL ATÏKNTION O1VFN TO THK COMl'Ol'MMNO OF PHYSICIAN81 PRESTR1PTIONS tod KAMIl.Y MEDICINÍ8. lMfl ïyiADAME CÖTÉ Wnuld resptetlftiHy inrorm thcpuhlicof Ann Arhor and vic'nity tlmt t-iie is now open to eDffagemcDta, for private leona fnr Lnstracüon in Frcncb. Tc-ms rsasonable. Apply at .o. iiS, cotucr of WilliHin anil Fourlli Stic is . HEFKHF.sri;.- Prot.Tylir, Rev.N.B. Rurton Rov. H.L. HuWicll. Prof 'Banr. Prof. TcnBrook, Prof. Adams, l'rof. Dliicy. I'rol llarrinstou. TO3-128T. Q 3MT. MARTÍN IS AGAIN IN BUSINESS, With a full line of Choice Furniture Parlor and Bedroom Sets, Mirrorfl, &c Cali and see Lira. 1268


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