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Land Grabbers

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Th:; Republictio CoQsreiMOual CVinmitiet) at Washington o ld résped n painp! let to Ilon. D. F. Mili r, of Iowa, fornierly ainember of d ugress from the Keokuk D;stric!, which cUiuied credit ior duiding the public linde with rail road corpora tions. lny evidently cxpected syiu a:hy froiu Mr. Vuiler, bot frmu the extract below, we are of the opinión tiiey have largaly miscaleu'.aled tlicir man. Mr. Miller says : "But what havo you got to say in extanuaiion of jour misdeids in donatin 135,000,000 acres, n,i t ■ the States in trust, to t)o expemled for the lienoüt of the poojilo of the State-i, but direetly t. riili'oad corporations (t railroad stockIn.liic s,) hi-itig n;emlers of Congress d their as-ociates relations and millionairea of America and Hurope ? What you have given n and not to the States in trust for the people of the S:aU-s but direct ly to stockholdtrs, is as ruuch a. e..[ual to iho territory of six State of the hizo of tint Si;iic of Iowa. VV as thüt right f Was that lU'publi. an ? N, ebt lemen, that was uot rigbt, and it waa not Kepublican. It was uot right, btcause lobbying aud corruptioo, private Bpeculatioti, and not public j;ood, dictnted thoso land grnnls. It w:s nn' Kepublican bcciiunu it was donating the lande J wealth oí' the nation to a t'ow corlobs and Btockholders; umi whila it is uieasurably des roying the beritage 'f the labri:ig poor of the nación, it has erected a oolocsal landed inuuopoly, which v:ll ukiinatcly eudangcr tha I erty of Americ ■ lyiil i.ave }-')ii not pi.b'i-liccl tlH fact, that besides tlie 35.000,000 : donated to the stockhoMers and owiH r.-s of the 'Union and Uentrul Pacitic Ruilroiidn,' yot] bound our ualiuu, also, by iet oí Congrets (seo vol. 12, U. S -tatittesat large, pagos 489-ÖN) to loan tli it company MZtéerj thousanü dollars; ia bonds tor each mile of railroad I Straoted, and to be puid to the companv ; at that rato whenever each forty ruilen of its leogth should bo ceriiSed to the Prasid' nt as completed. You firct lui nislied muro tban euough nioney to build the road, and tlien sjave t'ie stockhulderg enough landt) rep y ihs 1 ai t.iv over wi'h interest, aid yet own th ruilnad uiilioat paying auything for it. Do you snppose that thu American people ( nul I spüak of th'jiu irrefpootive of party) do no, or vtr will, ii.dorse your ijieat railroad land Bwindies, ispecially he ono whereyou luaned the monev t.i juiI i tlie rcail and then give land to iy for the loan, ss I have above show V Twoyearsago 1 hvard a disiinguisheil niembifr of Oongress, then a Kepub.ican, ow, I believe a Dumocrat, or at least ótiüg tnostly with the Democrscy (I efer to Gen Carey, of Ohio,) say in a ublk; speech on the rights of labor, at n immense mass meeting at Peoria llinui, that in Co'igres, cear hii seat, at a ineinber of Congress who owned ight luindrcd tliousa'id dollars of s eek i ! ha railroad last above refemd to, without ever having paid a cent for it. riie remark at the time startled me; ut tho enorinous corruptions in the city ol Washington trhtcb have sinee hen come to light, aud thegreat fortunes aide by many member of Cóngrexg about Ihe time of tho said land granta mii other liiws ot monopoly, have convinced the UQÜeraigoed (in sorrow) that iiules- the Amoricau pcotle ftname rimre patriotiem and leíepar isanship'the land "f Winbington and Jeffirrson will coon sink into ruin beneatii its own weight of politiual coiruptiou. 1 have the honor to be, very tru!y Tours, In baste,


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