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The Prussiana :irn in full possesaion of Versailles, and Kin William makes the palaue nd siiroundings li is bfadquarters. Versarles ia tlio most magoiloent prize in Franco. Pari-' is supcrb, bui Vcreailles is the more gorpeous. Tlie palaoe imd grounds wero projouied in 18G4 by Louis XLV. He converged the wooiis and fields into i silendid park and gurdun, looatod ia whioh in n palace which tnay bu rcgarded as one of the world. It outshincs the work of Urlshzïir. Vcry tnany of us bave secn - and iv ho h;:s nut rend of V- lbo (roves, artificial ruck work, fouutaiiiH, ftatues and Other works of nrt, the cnscades, tlie terraces, the flower plats, nrid the labyriDthtne wnlks smbodifid in th# grounds, so-callcd, of tho paiaue of Veisailles. How nutuy millioD of dolkr bave betn uxtorted ftorn the paople of Frunce kíroh Louis XlVth's time tomagrjify and aild to the siilendors ai,d luxuries of this p'nce, it W'iilJ )Q iiilu to aitempt to calcúlate 'l'hc "J-ir! e Triiinon," built by Ltiuis XV tb, ti Ba t. ran.l ain favor witb liis niisiriss, Madame Du Barry, aimost beggared tliu irewury of the oo'iritry. The principal palnoo is an object of wonder and aduiiiation, alboit i:e prioo wns wruiiíí from tho mas-es by. oppresi(ll] in its worHt fortn. Outr'idp, with its central front of 320 feet iu length, its 'retiiing sides ot' '200 feet, and iu wings of l,00U foot, exhibitii g all the choicesl 8tj'!e of arch:touiure, it 9 marvel. Inido it preseiits pcriea upon striert of royul apartment and suites of rooms, glitteriüg and euperb with gold, colora, haugings, pictureS; mirrors, marble, and everjthiog else necessary to compriau real mngoifitfepoe. This was the royul rrsidence of France - tlupalaoe óf the Couri of St. Cluud - for ovct a oentury. Around it sprang tip a fino city, ü'hioh, aiK-e thoremovul of the Court to Paris, luid gradually d 'cliiied into a habitatióu frtr about 30,000 per8 ns lo thi-i al ce the great Napolron mude Lis Lotuu, atid placed there llorac Veruct'a cclobrated p Qturei if bis InfI t!e8. Tba preatr.t Napoleon did not witbbold uiuniíici'iit outhiy i i udding to tbo nttraotioDÉ of Vei sai lies -sj (h tfi-day it is the riclicst, giumleít, most be:ititi:ul spot in l'rauce. Its works of art b:ul beeo I ;i"fíeiy a.íded to oí' la o yea's We hope tbc Praúinns will not dtlpoü Versaille. Tbe prrzo is t-niptíng, but (eui[tati(in tu deteriórate its valué shouU! be reeiated.


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