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"presidential Interference"--centralization

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We invite a careful rcading of nn article iti another oolumn, heaJed "Prtiiidential Iiile'ferenci," nud copied frow ih&t old and thoroughly radical Republioau jourual, ihe Missouri I'emvorat. - Tüe writer laja b-ire tho lrbreake?s aheivd': sa tliatevea tho poütioally blind ongbt to tve them. The President is but fulluwing the cxample of Gongress, and in attcmpting to o-uitrol trhs Misfouri electioQ ouly repeats bis ovrn action ñ tho late electious ia Virginia aud North Carolina, aud tlie action of Congress couee-ruing all the reoonstructed tintes. If Congress 5ia tbo right to force "frce and equaP States to adopt oonstitutiooa! aineudments tlieir pcople dinapprovo, foï th.e avowed purposo of porpetuating tlio Rcpublican purty in power ; if it can subject Stales to military couérol indefiuitely, tbougb Dot a cloud of wr as big aa a man's hand, ye:i, as big as a single finger, ventures above horizon ; it it eau keep Georgia out of the Union and use üs peoplo as a foot-ball or Hcare-crow ; if it eau supervise the elections in all tbe States of the Union, and, in deÊaiice of ihe eonstitutinn, place lts military tonls in charge of the polls, and do all these tbings with the full sanction of the Itupublican party, why should not the President interfcre in Missouri? Doesn't the Demccrat speak too late? It has aided in hatJii g the Berpcnt'fc ergs, why ihould it strt back and try to dodgo tbc ne-jtout'e fai;gs. The wLqo Iflgislatioij f Congress bas teuded to centralÍ3atonv The V.tmccrat ba endorscd tb,e moat of that legislatian and its agoaizing protest agaiust the legitímate consequncc3 of it is but a proof that ''curses, like chickens, coroe home to roost." Missouri is but driuking of the cup it forced Alabama and Louiaiana aiid North Caroliaa aud Virginia to drain. Is tbere nat danger that Michigan niay 3ooner or later bo callcd upca to feel tho lash of power, to adopt measares it doea Bot approve, ratify obcoxious constitutional ameudvuents, or eleut officers it does not want, bcususa ie lius beon eo dotermined ut Washington, Long Brancb, Saraloga, Newport or other "government headquarters ? ' The friends of Dkiqus, in the Sizth district, rely upon the votes of Democratie copper miucrs, lumbermen, and sult bcilfts to elect him. Tho copptr men sbould reinem'jfr that Dniaos once procured the levy of a dntj on copper that uearly kiileJ the oiiuing interest ; the salt-boileib 6hould see that tho Syracuseian get iho entira beoeöt of the protective duty, and control the market, becauti of it, to tho detriment of the Saginaw tnanufaoturers ; and tbe lum bermen should consider whetber the luiuber tirifl' is of any earthly protec' tion to them, when in return for "the sop" tbey must pay 122 per cent. on pi(ï iroo, 122 on wooleo goods, 92 on cottons, 95 on clothing, 75 on leather, 103 on coal, and at tbe satne rate on everything they eat, driak, wear or use. - Will the ümall pit'auce of a duty leviod npon lunaber compénsate for t U i a oonfiscation of the larger shave of thtir earniog8? I it not, to use a homely phrase : "saviug nt lbo spigpt and losing at the bung?" It is aiready given out that the aeat of Campbiíli,, the suucessful opponent of Gen. Scbinpk, is to be contested. In whicb event Campbell may ns well imitate the co;ii in the fuble of Captain Scott, and ' oomu down." The House hfis a ktiack ut unscating Dcuiocrats wbo have the inpudonce toluy claiia to seals wanted by liepublicans. It makes no differonce how the votes oount out, ScHBKns can probably have the seat if he wants it. And if he don't it is alrcady suggeeted that it be declared vacant and a new election ordered. If there is any trutlj in the curren t report that Jacob II. Howard was promiseá a Senator f rom this couuty end a RopriBentativü from tlils district, in his interest, in cousidcratior. of tho removal of Giunt and the appointment of Dean to the postoffioe, in iliij city, it looks as tbongh ho was likcly to be cheated. - G kant is the candidato for Kcpresentative, and t is hardly to be supposed that Okant wil] voto in caucas - if in the Eoiiee - for"Honest Jakk ;" and Mann vas DOtnioáted by the Gkant wing, and . is to be prefumed ien't muoh of a íowAiU) man. ]}ut il is in all t'olher poLtical family, oud we withold comment. The latest Wushingtou dippatche say that Interna! Ilevcnue CuminisfioDer Delano 'w to be ïuadu Secretary of ,he Interior, vice Cox, resigned. De.ano wül never object to the departncut boiüg run as a politioa] macliine.


Old News
Michigan Argus