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Hon. Aaron Childs

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The Democratie convention for the ihird district, held at Saline, on Wednesiia-y, unaniaously ncmiuatcd Aaron Chili, of Augusta, for Representativo. Mr. Cmi.Ds is a veteren and working Democrat, the wheel-horsu of the party in 1h towo, the nmn always put forward wlien obstacles are in tbc wJ whieh uo one else could overeóme. He bas beun many yeara Supct v:sor of his tüwn, and we believe bas r.over failuel of au elcctioD, even hen tliu fia publícaos claiuicd and had a large majority. Uu is a tnau of stelling c mmon sense, nud may be relied upon to vote right on every pending legisla ivo iuensure. IJ is eleclion is certain, bu'. let evcry Demoeratio votor in the district come out and uiake hls mnjoiity so largo ibat ho will teel proud of it. Tiiat moral spism caused in the Rad ical party by the frauds of Tennessee Butler - or rather by Lis "g.tting cautil t at tham" - has passed oí?; Botleu ia on tbc course again, and everything is serene. Well, 15ut,lek i a rep rsfcntative man, oud ibero is do good reason, ladically reasoning, wby he should not continue to bo tiud; at the public crib, despi'u his cadet-si;lling aud pension fraud propensities. If be is to be turned away for such email eins w!at sbould be donó with tbose higber in the ranks, who have gobblcd up wTiole towDOhips of laad, railroad and governmeut bonds, houses and lots, horses and plate, e!o. It din't do for the party to be too particular about Butler, tlxat'sa fact. Tuk Ri'publicans bare held their eonveniions and made their nominations in all the oouiities in the Stalo, and we are nat advised fíat a single oolored man - i the for'Qrn hope of the party - hiH been placed in uoiuiuation, nar even that auy were admitted to the counci's of the party in district or coualy. Tlio Radical lo ve for tbe colorud volers bas this extent uo more - their volsa. The colored men should be shiewder atid claim their rights. Holding tbe destinics of the Radical party in tlieir hands, are u't they entitled to a share of tbe bonorn and spoüs of office ? Modeaty nover will comcuand theui, so they must imitate the white Kpubücans, go in and win. ■■■ n n It lurní out that the incrensed Republican tnajrity in üliio, over whicl so rauch crowing bas been done, is made up entirely of the negro vota, acd that without Üin vote th-e party woüjd hare been vanquished, horso foot and draííooa. even with tho negro vote gainst Uieiu the üferuicrats ould have carriad tlioSiate liad not a large. numher of voters anulatod the feat of biting off their own no;e3 to spite thsir neihbors. The Detroit Tribune chuckles over a singla town ia wbiub 40 Dernoerats refused to vote bceauie the ce groes did. Ar.d all through the State thore was more or less of the ca me fieling. Aud so the State was lost and the Rcpublicans boast a victory. Let no Michigan Democra,t follow so bad an exarnple. Colfax was always a lucky poliiician, gettiag moro tliaa his sharo ia soasan and out of peason. And dow, Cci.fax can set up for a prophet. üidn't he snuff tbe coising defesè - ülready come in his State - and dodgi the blow by "retiring" from the publio service ? - Morton camc near reüri:ig als", but the complexión of the Indiana Legislature ban prevented hirn following the exarnple (to be) S2t by Scucïlsr Smiler, do by Smiler Colpas. - Great "retirers" are these Radical "stalesmeo ;'' but tben theirore 8 to "retiro" from one office into snother. The Pennsylvauia State Journal (Rep.] i-u't as jubilaut over the icsult in that State as are tho Republicana oí Michigan. It says : "Tbe eleolion ia this State may be eet down as a Repub'ican failure." And so it may. Two years ago the lïepublican majority, figuring ou Cangresstnou was over 8,000. Now, with tbe negro recruits, numbeiing from 15,000 to 20,000 the llepublicans are beaten, figuring on Congrejsaien, uearly 5,000. Tbey lose soveral members of Congress, and nearly lose the Legislature. Another sueh vioiory will be more than the Itupublican party of Peonsyl vauia can stand. - At this reault let the ftomocrats of Michigan take courage. Thb trial of Vandkkpool was commenced at Kalamazoo on Wedneeday. It was not so difficult a task to p':t a jury as was anticipated, and only twenty-one drawn jurora wero challonged. - After bviefly charging the sworn jurors, and giving tbem in charge of an offioer, {he court adjourned to Thursd.iy. Atty. General May and Gen, B. M. Gutciieon' ajipearcd for the prosecution, and it is underxtocd tliey are to be assisted by Messrs. T. 13. Ciiuucu and (J-. V. N. LoTiiito?. The defeose is conducted by Jlessra. John VanAhman, of Chicagu, and D. D. Hughes, of Marshall. And now poor Sciiknck, who wanled to retire írom public life before acceptiug a re-nomiualion, but didu't, bas the leave of bis district to do so at bis ear liest conveuieiioe. II is private business need no longer suffer from ceglcct, and hecan aocept tbat S12.000 borth which was offered bitu - through tbe papers. Ilis "conslitooents" couldu't endure it to see l'iim suffer in tboir servico longnr Tuk capitula tion of Motz is renorted, as was the eBcape of Bazaink before; the French bave beeu diien from ürleans ; Cbateau Dnn has been capt.ured by tbo Prussiaus ; Paris has not been bouibarded ; the RruaMM are reported loting luüiviiy tit varii'us points, and heavy Freneh losscs at other pointtj uo armistioe bas been agreed on ; peace neotiations are hinted at. Sucb. ore the ast ijt8pato!ic bniled down.


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Michigan Argus