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The great cause of the poverty of tha present day is, the failure of the peop!e to appreciate small things - they say tliat if they cannot save large siims, they will not save anythiug. They do not realiza how a daily addition, be t ever so Binall, wlll Boon mako a large pile; it' the young meu and young women of to-day wül ouly begiu now, to eavo a ittle from tbeir earnings, and plant in the soil of ome good Baving bank, and weekly or monthiy add their mite, they will wear a happy emilo of competence and ndependeoce when they reach raiddle lifo Not ouly the pilo itself wiil aoieae, but the desire and ability to ncrease it will grow. Lc'. the clerk and tradesman, laborer a;id artisan, maka now and at once a beginniug. Store up sonie ol your youthiul forcé aid vigor For future conliiigcucies. Let parents Leach iheir childrea to b"gin early to save. J5egi: at the iountain hcad to control the streaui of extravaeanco, and then they will be easy. To choose betweon spanding and saving is to choose betweeu poverty and riches. Let our youth go in the habit of cxtravagaDce 'ir fifty year8 to come as ihey have for fifty yeais past and wc shall be a natioa ot bi-ggars with a mooeyed aristocracy. Let a generation such as save ia small 6Ums be rearod and we shall be freo from want. Do not be nmbitious for extravngant fortunas, but saek that which is thu jluty of every man to obtnin - iudepcndei:ce and a onmfpitable home. Wealth and enough is withia ihe rcaeli of all. It is obtainable by onc proeoBs, aud by one ouly - saving.


Old News
Michigan Argus