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Census Of New York City

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- The returns of ihe census of New York city are uow practieally cumploted. Tho popu'ation of the city is reported at 030,850, xvhich is an addition of obout 120,000 to the figures at first named by the census auttioiitics, and ot whieb the palpablo incorreotness aroused so vigorous a discussion. The increace since tho last national census was taken, in 1S60, is 117,188, or more liinn fuurteeu per cent. The ProvidcDce Press srn;s tliat 3no of the census enumcrators in ihat citv' put down in hia list " twir.s " opposito tii e Dftines of two childron, and ayainst the first he d;signated Providcnce os the birlh-place. The tliick headed men in Washington sent the list back to hivo tbe deficiency accourted frr. What thcy wanted to know was - where tho otber twin was bom. Wha'ever else may result from tbo Congressional elections thus l'ar held tliig year, the fact is assurcd that the litpublicans will not have a two-ihirds majojity in the nest hou=e. The Democrats have already gaincd mernbers cnough to determine this. If tliere were do ether p.ilitical event to rejoice over, here ia a sulijeot of honest oougratulution. Tho Revohition wants to see a sociely formed to eneourage young mep to fit tbetu?elves fur macriage, I ftcaufe, as a rule, " thcy are utterly deficient in the takten, 8"i iimei'i, aiieclioiiH, ïbd uims wbich qua'.ify tnen for hupbard and fatbprs on'l hcada of housoholdq,"


Old News
Michigan Argus