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James M. Congdon

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Tho proeeedings of tho Democratie Convention for tlie Fourth lïoprosentativo Distriot wil] be found in auother column. JamksM 'Congpoü, of Sylvao, was placed ü noioination, and asa noiuinatïuii in tliat district is cijuivalent to ui eieetson, raay bc set down ae the nest "uiombcr froin the Fnui'h." Mr. Congdon is one of the old reaidents of Ii is to-wü and district, is knowu au a workitig Democrat, is a ïnsn of good judgmoiit, und v. ill lm found alwnys in hú seat and votitig on the riglitüide. Every Democratie voter ín lt is diwtrict should go to tlic polls and a?d in inercasing hia inajority. The wool-groiver is otaotiincs inclined to think ihut a tarifflevied ou Cana dian, Australiau or South American rWool will insure a higher price for the home-growu tapie, and protect or advanee bis intorests. ïhis might probably be the case if uo other article was prolecUd by a similar duty. ]Ju.t, does uot the duty he pays on salt and iron and steel and tools and chtVs, and cverything he usea or consumes, - to say nothing oi the bounty he payt dhectly to the manufacturar becauso the so-called duty is prehibitive, preTents import?, puts no rjBDiiey inLo the gOTernuient vaults, and only ratees the priet of homemadsfabrics, - atore tlian offset the small advance in the price of his wool bueause of the daty imposed ? The 8tall duty conceded ou wool is the tuk tbrown to tho whale, the bait with whioh gudgeons are caught, the penny put into one pocket while a dollar ís being abstracted from the other. - lleud the speech of Gen. Biunkf.rnun-, ou the first page of this sheet, and tbe artielo on this puge, headed "TA Prolecliunitt Ilobbery Illuslrated" aud you must be convinced that we have drawu just and sound coocluiHono. If you are so convinced, you eau not vote for AuSTffl ]5lair even tbongh you may be a Republieau, lor Austis Blaik avowg himaelf a protectiohíst, has ever given Li vote, and in-ill ener give bis vote, to perpetúate thu huid tho monopolista have upoo tbe vital interest uf the niasses. The fullowiiig decisión made on Tuesday last in the Súpleme Court has a general iuiportanco, in addition to il local interest, that warrauts its transfer to our columns : CONSTIiUCTION OF A LEASE. Gilhert M. Brown va. Lucinda B. Pazsoxi. Knoi' to WaslitiMiaw Circuit. Opinión by Gooley, J. All Otlitr, (inestious In tliis case weie tendered tudrapoct&nt ly tiie view niiicli tbe court took of tliu proper conitructlon of the lease under .vliieli Brown claltned the wheat whjch was the subject o! lltlgatlon. It bore date March 37, i0(, and by it Mr. Parsous Itiased to Brown au elghty acre farm tor Uie reat ol' löo, saiil Brown u have the privilege to keep mid harvcst all the erops (in case the huid is soM) whlcli lie muy have pot ui aml have eltber i:iy for that work li way hare done in Weparklg to put in other oiops or tbe prlviloge of pultUig them in and harvestiug lliu sanie," "lor tuc term of one ycur witb ihe privilege of three yeare, if not sooner eold, (rom tttid after the lirst duy of Ap-.-il, l80i," aul Brown on hh) part did tbureby "lease the said premisos for tbè ti rm of oue year or more as above montioued, cövenauting to pay the said nut, and tbat he would uot "put in mora cbon 0 acres of wlieat in any one year," Broun remalned three years, and in the fall Of 1868 80 wed a part of tlie land, uot excecdiiiï 20 iicres, to irbet, and in the summer of 18Ö8 OMVMted the same, the lease having expired April lst, previous. Mrs. Paraons, claimUig that he bad io rlght to sow a erop which would uot mature duriug the term of the lease, detnancled the wbeat and ouiincd it by aetion oí replevin in the Circuit Court. Meld, That tlie lessec hart as olear a right to pnt ín a erop in tlie second or third year as ie had in tlie llrst. That it was a lease of óue year witli the privilege of three, nor. a three yeara lease With tbe privilege of terminatlug it at the end uf oue, at tho option 'i'he court consldered that the terms of the lease clearly pro'ved that the In tention was to protoct tbe tenant in securing such crops as he might put in. He undoubledly had a riyht to harvest the erop put in ihe flit year, even if he dkl not extend the term, becausc in no other way coTild effect be given to the claiise Whlch restrloted him to sowiirg 20 acres of wheat. When the rights ol' the tenant during the iirst year have been ascertaiuetl, the rlghts of the second and third years have also been discovered. Judgmeut reversecl and a liew trial orciercd. "Lives there a man with soul so tlead, Who oever to hlmself has said," that Brevet Brigadier General Woodfukd, the Republican candidato for Governor of tlie great State of New York, is nol both au eloqueut orator and a valiant and brave hero, let him read the following extract from a recent speech made by him at Brooklyn, and be convinced that he has done that individual grave injustice : My cultured and military opponent - (laoghter and applaose) - who vlslted your city but recently, winning his bloodless stars on bloodless lield - (laughter)- excused blmself from making a prolonged speech because he had come In a military capacity. (Applause and laAghter.) 1, too, have come In u military capacity. We have declared war against tliesacheni3 and breves of tbe Tammany triOe. (Applause.) We are ou the wur-paih, possilily without so inuch tinsel and feathers as our enemies, but we are after scalps - (laughter und applan.SL') - and by the erraee of the people of this good State, Mr. President, I ex peet to dweil, alter the lstof January uext, in the great Statr wigwam In Albany - (loud applause) - and that I may gratlfy the natural pride of my squaw - (laughter) - nnrtedHcate my papoosea in the arts of valoi I have declared my Intention to diconi,te central polc ot the wigwam witli the ambrosia) curls and raven locs of my great Inilian opponent. Tuk telograph gives a siatcment of the supposed canteats of Senator JIokton'h letter deelining the EngUsh mission, v?iih the full text of th PrcsideBt's reply. The President conouts ia thu. reaeons aasigned, deem.8 his decisión ise, and thinka it will be highly appprecíated by bis constituents iu Indiana. Tho rcason was: Indiana had electud a Democratie Legislatura, and if Mouto-n should resign would elect a Democratie Senator, Moutojí kaowing what tho poople of Indiana want, or ought to want, better than tL-ey do themBelvee, don't propose t9 permit tbe Legislature eleet So do siwh a foolish thing. - It will haïdly do for Mortow and bis filenas to say tÈat the Legislüture was not eleoteil wït! a view of being called on to clect a Senator. MoutonV appoin'ment was announced full three weeks bufors tho electiou,aud tho Sanitorship was one of the ísfucs.


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