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A UGUST lOth, 187.0. NEW WHEAT FLOÜR superior nualtiy, at the ANN ARBOR CITY MILLS. Very nice boltfd Oorn Meal, conree Mea). Grahnm Klonr - good second qnality 'lotir at low price, - Cracked Wheat, aud nll kiuda of Peed, at lowest priecs, and delivercd in auy part of the city. Terms Ca-h. W Orders left In my Order Box at the Post Office nromptlr altended to. 1ÜX2 J. T. 6WATHEL POR SALE CHEAP FOK READY PAY. The weet half of the sonthweBt qnarter of pection two (2), town of Saline, twenty aeren under iuiprovemnt, the balance nood timber. Incluiré at L.C. Ki8rion'K Hardware Store,31 South Main Street, Aun Arbor, Mich. L. C. RISDON. Anc Arbor, May 18, 1870. ■ 1 JTOmütf A UCTIONEER! The tiDdereigned offer hi icrvice to the pnbllc- esppoially to farmere - aa an auctioaeer. Will attnd to all cal'la on short nottce and with promptnes", and ahall endeavor to gtve ?atlsfactlcn. Orders mny be left at the AKGUS OFFICE, or at my renideucc in l'lttsaeld. R. L. OODFREY. Dated, Oct. 13, 1870Hïïi pAKMERS Wanting to Exchange GOOD BUTTER, FRESH EGSS, Dried Applcs, Swcct Lard, Woolen Yarn, Cleuu Kags, warm Socks aud Mittens, For Staple or Fancy Dry Goods, AND CnoiCE GROCKUIUS, All marked in plaln flgnrenntlhcirraih valne, KbonM I see the MAYNAKÜS. We ttiku them at liberal prlces. i'a-w8 JfOR SALE OR RENT. A brick honso, barn. and slx acres of land within f3; three minutes walk of the Post Otüce. There is a Une orchard, good well , cleten., Ac. Kor parlicnlars enquire of K. WEIL, At tbe office of J. Well & Uro1. Sept. 15th, 1870. 1288 Go toR.W.ELLIS & CO's for cboiceWines and Liquore for Medical Purposos . r ADÍES' FASÍIIONAbLE SHOE HOUSE. TARRANT 24 South HslQ Strett, Dtalfr iu LADIE'S BOOTS AND SHOES, THE NEWEST STYLES ijst Kid, Calf7 and Cloth, Alwíijítnn li.ind j ;tnil Stock and Work Guaranteed. !K YOÜ WANT A BOOT, A. GAITER, A. BUSKIN, OE A. SLIPPER, CALL AND EXAMINE HT8 STOCK BEPOR1 PÜR CHASINQ. PRICES LOWEK than the LOWESTR. TARRANT. Ann Arbor.May 1870. QOME AGAIN lsL. 3VEA.RTHsT, kWITH A PÜLL STOOK OF CAB I N E T-WAR E , TO BE SOLD riIEAPER THAN ANYWHERE El, SF. I'S TUK STATK. AT ItlS OI.D STORK, MAIN HTHI ET, AXNT AKBOR WsicIaSs' prescriptToivs ACCURATELY AND ' CAREPULLY PRBPABED BT R. W. SLLI8 Ê CO., DRÜGGI818.


Old News
Michigan Argus