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The Michigan Argus

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kilfthed rvery FrM.iv morning, in thf tlnrd story ■.ïibrtck biook. corner of Main aud Uuron Street" .; MIC1I. EatTAUce uu lluron Strut-' tfjiB " iMii Editor and Tubllslicr. ferina, $'.00 a Year in Atlvance. ÍUTES OF ADVEBTISINO: [i lince or les cuneiderf d n so.uare.] 7s7 1 ■. Bm. m. )y. -J7qj; ■ ■ - l$i.6Ö$4.0Ö ; l.i; 2 ■ I OJJlí.00 1 Ñ ri,; , 5.00 I .'.■!'! I 12.dll I Í0.U0 M ,,[„,111 i s.ñnl 4.soi 6.ÖÓ 1 10.00 t.WTr.on ín. im ' n. nn 25.00 lo.On I.OC 85.01 10. Tí."" )g in DIRECTORY, not to xooad foor lIMa j4 id a ye', jvcr[nTS to thc oxlont of a qn.irtcr column on a irlrcimtwi. wül be entltled to lmvci tluircanls JiOIrectory wlthont extra charge. Local N 'li'1"1 ten cpntfl per li": fur 1 lie first tnerII Üi ndalxciit n lino for carh ntisr)ueiit inscrtija. 'hut " " 't'''; i"sr"''1 f"r 'OM ti'" ' s ' ,i once mid-ahall" tho rales oí onlínïryaii'crtifi'n: TetrlTHdYortlwrahaveth prlTÜeg of ehandng . ;. jr g'vortiscin-rts three Additional rhan" Kwlllbecbargeí r.r AAvertlsementfi Bawjeompaiiied by writtrn or VnOal dlmctlODS will be pobltshM three iaouthe nucí ';lríP ecordlngly. nivtirtisenienta. flret Insertlon 70rcntpr y0 ti cents per (olio for o.ncli Rtilt(equt'nt iti-crrton. whso s pwtnonement ís addi'd to an advertlsemant JJ ijdIc wül bu chargcd the same as for flrst insertion. JOB PRINTING. p.mptiMs. P"''1?' HniH Bills, ('Imibrs. C.irdí. Hji ITIrket.. Lbel, BjaDks liül Heflds', nnd otlier ?,ri,.i,'f of Plnin alul Faury Joh l'riniiir cx'-cuted Utb proniptnefcs. and Ui the beaí possible stvle.


Old News
Michigan Argus