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WM. M. SINCLAIR, COMMISSION MERCHANT IN GRAIN AND FLOTJF, ROOM 1. 4 USAIÍB ÖTRSEt, CHICAGO. UTOyl O. M. MARTIÑT r,ELKR IN 1 Í KN.i I ..K oTall kind. Par'oran Bed Room Sc;s, Mi.rore, &c. 38 öoiuit Msi St_ ' MACK & SCIIMtD, ngllRRS in Orjf OomK oroceriesi Cnx-kery le H South i}alu Strcei. "c. A. LKITEVÍ & CO., DEAU'KS IN l)Rl'f;s r.iul Medtdnea, Pure Wlnes anJ Il'piors fnr Medicïüd) Purposes, Citare &C, No. 1 Gr rory Kloek. ■ A WIDKNMANN, ION ExchMig Braker, tiivil r-.m.'ite andFire Uftln ïireet. f R ACY W. KOUT, üOSDKNSn Ti'-cords of VTflstitenaw Cijnnty, and ■ Exchange.' No. ] Qrtgory B J)K'. KELLOGG, PRACTICiXO Physinnn.and T,. B. Kcllorfi Propri■ tur of !r E l1 ) ';'3 Cel. braled Kfmcdics, Aun Aróoi.Mioli. 51ORÏUS UALE, M. D. SESIDEXCE and Office No 18, corner v,:,;lli.im6 aijd pBonStreetfl Recular pfllce hours 1' to' 3 P.M Ailvire nnrl í' t! ■ riptioiLK from 6 to 7 P. M. eacli d, frf c frraiiè to '.he poor. 1E64 , e7frÜT H ï N ( i 1 1 . V M, M. D., EHTSICIAN AND 3ÜR0E0N. Offlce orvt Tlrag Store, Mo. T Iluron stret't. Bntjrtonfitf. No. .15 Thompson strest. Offlce houfB, 8 to 11 A. M ,aud itoSP. M, li, W. Í.LLIS & CO.,KU8OI8T8 . aud dealer in Pailita, Olls, etc No. ï SooUi Main Street, Aun Arbor. JOHN KÈÖK & CO., Í.U.EIÍS In Ftirnittire of all kinds, Wtf. S5 South Mtin Strcut, mul 4 W'jst I Ibertv, Ltrect, .nn Arbor. J. Q. a. SES8I0NS, TTORSEY and Counsellor ut Law, K.'tatcsnd lm 'r "t : : ly attenc 1 to on 1 -. uf■ ■-,' HUi-rs, H:tron Street, W. lï. JACKSÜN, JJE.VTKT, "i wor to C. 1!. Porter. Offlce, eorneMaíaúdHiiroa Streete, over th .;.wKlllsiCo ,Ann Arix,; lien. ASiyistheliiá adtmn Istvrcci -Í ii'JL. '■.-.:. W. F. BREAKEY, MD PHYSICIAN' '. . IX. Office at realdeaee, coni ion Streflti, first rtonr Ksstot rísljyterian Cikarch, Ann Arbor, MIch. ".E. 3. JOHNSON, DEAI.Er. ÏN IJATS .ind Cnps. Fnrs, Straw Goode Gcuts'TurnUhiot; Go&iis, &c. Nu. t Soüih Main Slretít, Auu Arbor. SÜTIÏËËLAND & WHEDON, lIPEandKireInarancc Agetltf :.nd dealer.: in Konl Bsuie. Offlce on Baron Street. Alao è;l flrstdia&nrijig Machines. W. D. HOLMES, JliEXTforthc fflorence t Machine.. ind dealer u Picture, Lriimes, A'. po. ::- Eust IIufo(i . LEVVIS C. IÍISDON, ÖEALKR in Hardware, Stoves, Boiue ï:urt,Whing Cooda.Tu. Yai-è.'Ac'.. lío. 31 South Sfi.iu Sttoct. J5ACH&TAUKI,, JEiURSln Dry Goud. Orocerlea, &c, &c. No. 20 Soatl; Main Street, Ann Arbor. 8 L AWSON & SON, HOCERS, ProTiston and Commifsion Merchnntï nd dfalem in Water Linie, Land l'laeter, aud Plas■i Street. S. SONDHËÏM, H0LRSALE andrctail aealerin RéadyMade Clothlos.Cloth, Cussimeres. Veutinirs, and Oents' FarUhlngGoodj. o. 9 Somh Main Strest. WM. WAGNÜR IIUR in Ready Made Clothinp, Cloths, CansiJerssand Vestines. H:it Capa, Trunks, Oarpet J'S, 4c .ilSwuth Main ÍHrc-t. GILMOHE & FISKE, ÍWKSELLERS and Stutioners, Medical. Lnwnnd' College Tcu Boolts. School and Mmcellaneoni Sook. No. 3 North Main Street, Grofjory Block, Aan Arbor. FÏNLEY fc LBWIS, MALERS In Boots, ShoeB, Galtcrs, Slippcis &c , .Eaatllnron Street. R. TARRANT, IWI Pashionablo Shoe Hoo?o0 Na. 24 South flilD 8'reet. RÖCKE Rï," 8L4SSWARE & GPOCERIES. ■& DONNELLY íí!,I""'flarfetoclt of Crockerv , (lusuwaro li. r'';""ory ""e, itc. ."!. ,all lob ' i... ""■ISliutHiiroiiStitH.Ann Arbor.JJSK , . t i'. DON.VLJ.LV IHN G. gall; fHESHANDSALTMEATS, LARD, SAUS AGES, Ete„ .[,,"?lifieaandpromptly fllled wilh the best lt "i the market. 31 East Washington str-et .UrborSep,. leth, 1869. U'3'.tf JVERY AND SALE STABLË7 jSo'iand Catharlnc strect. Horncs boardtert ut 7n;We terins. Sccond hand buircies, cut---harnese for ea'.e. liiïyl ARKSEY, Manntsctnrerof iages, Buggies, Wagons, ni'ïrii l''Hs "f CTCry et-Tle made of the best 'M Mie'..11 warrnllt=d. Repairing done pjonvtly tp0, r' fMonhle. Detroit Street, near R. R. J bt)r MIch. I27Oyl Iilh Plc, to get anythlng yon want Ib the FURNiTURE L1NE! -J!fJWT BB UN-PERSOLD. PBOPLE'8 DRUG STOKÜi W, ELLIS & CO1 - Aïsr:rsr a.rboh. The Michigan Central Raiiroad. 'EV TIME TAUI.K. Trafiip on the Michigan Central Iíidlroiul now le uve stations UQQicd as fullowt : oonia wkpt. Mui) Knst Dexler Bve'g. Pruüic Train. Kx. Ace. Ex. Bx. Detroit, (i i'11 ■■ 11 Tí:'1 a .v 4 1' r m 6.40 i-m 'J.0"pm TpalIanU, S.33 ' s-üS 5.: " 1.04 10.08" AnaArbor, S..".t " s-42 " 6.00 " Ï.M " 10.Í6V Dexter, 9 '.'■"■ " - " o. '.8 " 7.-'5 " Chelsea. 9 45" - " k.ió '■ JckOD, 1046 "O. " U.16 " 11.4.1" Knlainxzou, Ï.Ot r si 1Í.S7 A a 12.13 m !■ Chltigo, 8.06 " 4 00PM 0 ÜO " 7.10 " OOIM) KAST. Atlnntic NUht Deiter Mail Fl N.T. Ex. Ex. Ace. Trein. Ex. CUiCiipo, 5.1S PM 9.CUP.U 6.00 AM11.80AM Knl.ininzoo, 10..15 " 2.05 A u 10.M 3.5-' r x Jackona 1.06 4 .16" 5.05 vm IMS" CbeJsea, 5.26" A.M. fc.01 ' - n..xtor. 5.40" fi.10 S.SO " - - i,;. ]!or, t.W) " 6-l0 " 6 4S 3.6" 6.45" TpBllantl 8 40" 00 " T.10 4-M ' 7-02" Detroit, 3.45" 7.30" 8.40 6.40" 7.55" Dated. May 2uth, 1S70. XWlDËNIWANNT REAL ESTÁTE AGENT, ANX AKBOK, MKJfí. OPFERS FOK S-A.X.E = 53 neren of lan;l, withrn one half mi In frnm the city, tobe oíd D iVliöle.or pa retís, r followt : 'J 1 aCFM "n ection 1H, Ín thf tovn of Aun Arbc borderirtjí m -r run n the road Icading to Corawolls' paper milis, anil on ihr kou Ij pn 36%.ti 1 on the noriliwcst rorner ol tlie ' um toad nuil thild 0omll Fnctory fbd. (TUl f ín of t'ne hunüsf.ini'sl situation. 13í neren hnprovfj land joininj; tlic above 15 Acres auJ fronting Gur:in.i Rond. Forty acres Of Flrftt C1hp Fsrmin Land. ;vWh good Oí'"! a '-■ mRéii fn in tbv; Court I, . , ou the upjier Dixbiirn rjail. 1 acre of land with r nir twó Rtpry rrm# lioúsa on ThfHupion, Bpoor íc 'iuuiutuD' uoUiliuu to the City of Aun ArUor . ? hAs .)( % acre cach.ou Tbompsou .Spoor k Thotnp kcu's AdtJiijou. y icri'.s if 'i.Hii-1. vit?, :i ipleadtd grort, juining the Fi reuen Prk'otathe VVct. 1 BouRfl and % lott of land, with Ram, WavbKitclu-n. Caiuii. 11. iisr, a ml a numWr of mud' ei ii tmprovemfPti n the nortbwest cyvuér ot Fourtli ;m:i Pvekiird StreU. t flonm)#iJtftï th2d Wswl, ou South I.iberty Btreet. 1 HonM and 3 Lots in the Sd Ward, near Sd Wurd chüol House, 1 Honsand4 Its, near the U.C.K.R. Depot. 20 h er en of land in the sofith of tbp t te of Mlü oui i , Dar tl: e HaiinvOal ,y Si. .!■■(■ p'n li&üruad. 2 City lols near 2 J Ward ScboolHouse. A. WÏDËNMANN, FORESGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANrí AR3OR, MIC3SELLS AKD BUYS DRAFTS, ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT ON ALL PKIHCIP4L II.ACKS n OREAT BRITAÏX. ORKMANY.FRANCB.SWITZEKI.ANl), etc. Mv lirVr-.t con'nectibj&i wlth Barope meto offer w fair ratei san; Nhw Yon H 'i. ■■-. l:-'i.! ■ I) -■■. I . on ■ ■ f ■■■■ .1 "f mj In ast i n c-'jiu' rv , 1ut I iiTTi li a ving direct oommooloft ti"n with the be1 boiutèx }n Ëuruj e. COLLECTIONS IN EUROPE BY POWER (ik ATTORNEYOR OTHERWI8E, WLLL HE PBOMPTLY ATTÏ ND D TO PASSAGE TICKETS per Híunmer lo %tá from Xw Vork to ni] principal porta ol Kuiopo wllliend Akjotlovwj ' Proa He Yorkto irouthfiropton, Ilavre, I.ondoii, iienitu, tir Hamburg, Int CUlt. SdClftflff. Siwragi, V120. $?3 ft;" In teturn iïcett. 325. tS 6 " l' l'rom ivbcive placru to Xcw York, iasn. '2d CkM. Jd CInffi. Slip $:2."' $-10 in Gold Gabln, $80 to $100 Currenoj. gjterage, $flO lu CttrrvBflJN "rom Ii verpool to líew York, Callo, SHifl. Bciff,W7. WIDENMANÑT FIKE INSÏÏRANCE AGENT -A-ISTT ARBOR, :r t!:e Iïowarl Insurance Co , In Npw Vork ono of lb( yiiÍL'6t and bfít Cüinijanies in tUecouutrj. ie Xenionia fswaraaea Compsny in Cleveland The honttrableun'! safe mnuügeinent of Ihin iusH tution hn niadeit inc uf lip most rc-liableFire Ccnipanit-r. in the Wt'ht. HAS. A. LBITBR & CO., HAS. A. LBITBB& CO., CITAS. A. LEITEli CO., CHAS. A. LEÍTER & CO., lío. 1 Giegory Block, Nc. 1 Gregory Block No. 1 Gregory Block ;jyo, J. Giegoiy Blook, ; L" Siga of the Gilt Mortar " Sign of the Gilt Mortar "3 Z3T Sign oí th.e Oüt Mortar "áj i Z3T Sign of the Gití Hortar HAVE JL-ST OI'KNED HAVE JU8T OPKNKD HAVE JlT OPKNÏf) HAFE JJ;sT 01ENL3 ITio 3?"inest Stoolc of . The KineBt Stoote oï The Kircest Stook; oí The JPineet Stoclc oí PBÜGS AKD MEDICINES DKCGS AND MEDICINES DRIGS AKD HfcDICIKES DRC6S AND 1EDIGIEKS IN THE CITY. JH THE CITY. IN THE CITY. ÍN THE CITY. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS Var Medicina] Purpos. Th? Pojuilnr Patent Melicínus ot' the dn,y , and c ver vt hing kfipt in a firatnlftriü Drug Store. Au EXCELLENT BRAND OF CIGARS. TRY THKIVt. Snle A(ient in theCity for Otto 4 Reyndír's celebra ted Sl'RGICAL AND _DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. . & ESPECIAL ATIENJION GIVBX TO THE COMI'OUNIIINO OK IMIYSICIANS' PRESCJIIPUCINS and FAMILY MF.IUCINK.S. 126 VjADAME CÓTÉ Wonld respoctifnily Inlorm thcpnblic of Ann Arhor ftnrl vicijiity rlint flie ír now open to 6Bngtnentl for privatv leRons, for iustructuiTi in Frcnch. Ti"-niK renconiihlc. Apply at Ko. 83, comer 0! Wüliam nnrt Pomth Strects . RBFBRBN-CBS.-Ptoí Tylcr. X. S. Burton, Rev. H. L. Hnhbell. Prof. "Baiir. Prof. TenBrouk, l'ruf. Adams, Prof. Oluey, rrorHarrington. m3-126T. r mTmartin" IS AGAIN IN BUSINESS, With a full line of Choice Furniture, Parlnr aüd Bedroom Sets, Mirrore, &o. Cali and seehira. 1268


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Michigan Argus