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Whig Insanity

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The Whig leaders seem determined to lie down the LiberLy parly by charp'ng upon them the consumntation of tho Annexation project. The simple focts, as known to pvery intelligent man, nre that ihe project wns uoposPtl by John Tyler, whnm the Whig.elecíedi the Itesolutiona thal nctunliy pasvsed were introduced mto the House by n Whig Representativo, nnd were piss.l by a Wiiii; Senote, nnd sinrd by John Tylor, a President elcciedby Whiii-", al)d ty hhnjorwardrd immedialely to Texas, nnd tltey hnve been accepted by that nation. How have the Liberty pnrty been to blame fur these oings ofilic Whigs, without wh:ch Annexnlion oould nol have taken place? How would our voting for Cluy last fall have prevented ihe action of Tyler, the Whig Senate, or the Texun Convention? As for Tylur's being a traitor, and no Whijf, if it be so, we are not to blame for that: we did not elect him. The wliole maller of onnexalion has progresst-d thus far ngainst the wishes, remonstrances and votes of the whole Liberty pftrly. We have ever ncted ngainst it. Yet the whole VVhig press is oul ngainst us in full cry, as though the inferna] work thus througrli thcir own ngency, had been done by W Tlie lund i? filled witli tho noise of iheir barkings and howlings. We have thoughl gorr:e of appropriaung every week q port of our paper to the exclusive purpose of entering a record of the most amusiugf of Iheir mad-dog productiona. We have already given specimens of the rabid efiusions of the Tribune. But the N. V. Exprcsp, on influential Whig paper, is far surpassin the Tribune in abuse and contumely. The daily of July 29 has a column in which Mr. Bimey and other nbolitionists are charge with volunteerin to commit prjury; nir.king "bold nnd unblushing nnd proflígate avowals," they "sacrifice tlieir consciencei--, commit perjury in the face of heaven, and uphold and support to tho fullest extent the power of tho Slaveholder" - they are guüty of "mpuden1 hypocrisy" end "unmitignled profligacy'' - aro ready to make, t ke and break nny oath which can be framed'1 - and are represenled as "glorying over the ex tensión of slavery in Texns," and gnilty of 'heartless liypocrisy and love of office." This is a pretty fair grist of foulmouthed epithets fora single article: but that our readers may see how hnch the Express has improved on the argiitnentative falsehoods of the Tribune, we subjoin the conclusión of the article, as follows. The ita'icieing is ours:''Biit we must dpcline oecupying our columns wiih the ciuiirovfirsie of jalse and frantic abolitionisls. We undersiand you horotigly. Thu rrjected oiul uffscouring of bo;d the partios of the dny, which ye have deserled bcccuse ye could not get office from from either, ye now stand ready to commit perjury, tograiify your shamelej-s pnssion tor noloriety. or for the sake of some miserable, petty pluce. Cowards, pollruons, too, tliat ye are, to stand bowling on this stde of the Potomac, wiien, if ye were tnissionaries, or wotild be martyrs to pbtv tlie soeds of god elswwhcre, ye wotild cross tlmt river, and spenk out in the land of ilaves. Go thert?, yc mad men or fools, gol If it be but to hear thn waiüng of tlie procesion of slaves, i'ow 2000 miles long. vvliom your votes have started from iheir happy hume?, on their way to Tpxos! The blnckest negro from the Sus qnehanna to the Missisippi, now knows, underpiamls, and despises you, anil xcnuld scum to take Uberty from such a set of recreanls and poltlical icovndrcls as y e are.1' Greely may try, but he can't bent this. In the Express of Joiy 17, there is another burst of eloqnence, at tïie conclusión of a aiticle on a probable war wil Ii Mexico: x While urging even ihese snmmary meas tires, hou'pvor. wè shall have cau.e to ehow er down mprecntiona upon the hends of 'hc 'nithles.a, an) the fhnaiic of our own country, he renl nutliors ofthisWar. If JBiniey mul hts ffCCMrs''f clans ivere hung on the tojunos' crags f the Cordillrras, or hurled alive in 'o the hurning craters of Potoculepet, they would bul be receiting thefale their foul trea son to human Hij deserves." The eame papor eays of Gen. Fessenden, of Maine, who?e name had been mentioned in connection with the Presidency, - "hhe ready to take the oath to support the Conslituüon and then break it?" Now, unless we are eniirely without under standing, fhe Whigs who enter on this war of falíehood, abuse and comumely, will moke a losing game of t. They say that we werc the cause of the efent of their great party ast fa II, and had our votes been given forClay instend of Birnoy, the former would Imve been elecled. Tlie want of Abolitjon volee, Ihen, according io the statement of the Whigs, was the cause of their defcat last year. Unles thoy lie about us, this wae t'ie foct. Will tliey ever need the votes of Liberty men ngain? Or will they be $o strong in 1848 that thcy cnn do without them? It is well knoWh to ihe lcudera of that party tlial tliey cnnnot succeed in 1848 viiliout the LiberJy vote, nnd they nreexpccting and determined lo have it, at Bome rate or olher, beaiise it will be indispensable. How do they xpect lo gct il? iy pouring out Iheir vials f wrath upon us, in the hittereet langunge haf man ever invented? Is that the way lo ain frienus. If they thinkso, let ihem keep u in their present course. They cannot pur ue a more fcuicidal policy. Iftheir statement e true thal we deftaled Ihem in 1841, in the nfoncy of our enterprise, we sfinll be pretiy ccrlain not lo have less power ihree jenrs hencr; nnd i it at all likelj' that we ehull be inclined to favor lhoae who mention us only to revile us? The present policy of the Whigs ís to run down Mr. Birney as a villóin and a traitor. - Bul have ihey eucceeded in peisunding even one of liirf supporters of the trulh of iheir chargpt? All the favorable resu;t ihey can expect will be lo keep the Whigs frotn joining the Liberty party, while their constant abuse has pniduced an eternal eeparotirn between ilie two parlies, and has esiranged ihose among us who were favorable to the Whigs Trom iheir ancient friends. All rianger of a :oalilion with the Whigs is passing away on ïccount of iheir treatment of us. Henee we iregratified wilh this rosult; for we are well iware lliat a kind, conciliiting and Jibeml :oarse, adopted by the Whigs the last ïlcction, witb abundance of antialavcryfessions, strongly tempted mony of our best fnends. Dut thot tempiqjon has lost ts power. Vet the Whigf papers nro billing ond cooing n f er Liberty men, ns iF t hey exprcted their reckless nnd unmensiired nbuse ofthem would produce n difference in tfmir feeling. The VVhigt moy rest nssured t lint the Liberty men wil! not mnko n pence oflering of Mr. Birney to be offered up to oppeaüe their hatred and mnlignity. To procure thifl sncrifi e is the immedinte ohjoct of the Whigs. VVInle we regret to see such an exh'bitTorJ of neetlless folly nn] madness in rational being?, we lmvc no leur of ïmy evil effecls it fill produce on the Liberty party, bnt ve believe lts resiilts will tend directly to its snfety and prnsperity.


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