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High Taxes

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Evrybody complains if l.igh taxrs. Tho niiirclmnt, llie niat;ufaolurtT, the meobanle, tbo Inboren, feel uuder the burdens and groan ui.iJ.j thcin, property is loaded to tlio wattiiV edge witli üovermncutal ciaotioi', itnd labor robbed of itl ytrei Valuè ly the iron hand of lax collector. Each year seis an increa'se in the demanda of tlie party in power. The taxes paid in 1870 will be in excess of thosc demanda i:i 18G9, in the Urge turn o'f thirty niillions of dollars, and the'ro aro good rcasona t belicve tbat thoy will be largely angmented in ihe coming ycar. Tlie interiml reverme tai en collooled in 18G9 in"unted to 1169,124 1%( thofe rf 1870 will exceed otm hiifufr'ed and eightyfour inüion of dollar, while tlie people froni 186-1 te 1863, rtnring the enliro period of the War, ptiid only teven hundrtd and m'ni'ry-two miilioni of dollars in taXcs. - Since the eloSe of tho war tbey bnve been called típon tn pay two tlioni-stui throo hujidred and forty-threo milfions of dollars. 'Tbus the stream is increasing with fonrful velocity. In a timo of peace, with a small army, and a navy re(íuced lo a peace bacig, the olUcti"s from tho people, ín the pliapa of tases, are heavier than wften thers wem half a tnilliou men iu tha IJeld and the war valve opD t iís fnlíest capiicity. Why is tn8 ï Vt'ïtj sliould taxea bo more enormon now than durii,g the wnr ? - VVhy ehould income lax agent pnke their DC80 oto evtry mn' busitf ss, and collectors their litnds into rv ry ,mnV pookets ? ]Jecaiife the government is corrupt, TrniU'ful and ezti'avaL'ant. i'"-Because KudicHl Conprei-Fiiuu p'nunder the people in every possble raïiief.- HeoHiise an ary ii offïftu tmuëcfl is (Juiflerèd upon trcimrv to eat out its iil)Htniic!. These cru the leaks in the treabury boat, wiiich, if i.ot plugsed will foundrr the naiion' nnd the people in a sea of absoluie bankiuptcy. Thoy con be stopped ii the rmi&ses will act to gelhïr at the poll. Elect a nínjority of Doaiocrats io the Fortv-sccwyi Oon gie, &ud o a iveivanovlh tb 3 tsxe-1 wil) b ïiJuc-eJ to (.m extent, and uch a broad and genenil pysttoi of retieuchment a'id economj inirciduced as will make further lednctioo a certainty. Tho poor man now givcs onn duy's la bor in five lo the govornuient. ii: the guisu of tnxea mid inoreused value of :ill articlos used by himiolf and family. The capitaüst is èijuoi ïod in all vays by lbo governinent, and uierchants and munufautureri find jt iliiScult to luake 11 small per ceut. upon hcir iuvestnientf, owiiig to deiBsuds mnde upan tljeui by tax fjathererB. All dassen aro interest ed in this tax quetion, and tliey should act enmaste againt a party uhicb, in a time of peace, levies and colluct er Itian war tases.-


Old News
Michigan Argus