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Still Another Missing Steamer

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New York, Nov. 2. Grave fears are ente'tained tbat the Btearaship Varuna, belonging to C. H. Mallory & Co. 's lino, henoe to Galvcstou, ha? heen lost witli all on boa ril - This vessel left New Yoik od her iej:ular trip for that port o Saturday, Oct. 15, and bad no accident of a disiistious i, ature bappened to her elie wvuld have bceu at Galveston over a week ogo The liitest intelligeuce recuivcd by her owui'i's of h r wherealjouts 8 tlial eiutiiined O a meagre report fruni New Orloaos by tbe stetimship Desoto, which advi-es íluiu tbat on the evenirg of tbe 19. h, vrben o3 Júpiter Inlet, Florida, the mis t-iiig s.leuinsliip was seeu by tbcm, bul since tbat time L;is not bceu hrard froin. Tlio pravest apprebensions aro felt by ihose who have rclative? on board. Arrivals of tteamsbipa frcun New Oí leáis for the past few dayi report thut tbe coast íb covered witfa purtious of wrecks and psrts (if very valuable cürgoes. But little informatici! ia givo to puist to tbc recC'gnition of uiuny of tbe veese's cauglit in aud turn tu piuces by lbo terrible hurricanes that rau riot in Gulf of Mexico during the uioutb juít passed. Tbe Varunu left tbia port itb tbirty-six Cu ban passengere, Bjany of whom wero meinbers of the Crst faipilics u Tejas, being nflueniíal pereouu vln had gpcot tbe puijimer moutbs North and viere returning to Uieir hoines for the winter. - Auioiig thein was a meinber of the Biit iah Par'ianjent, who wus journnying tbrougli the States on a tour oí pleafure hud observatinn. The díScers of the missing vessel were experienced and able meu. C:ipt. Joa Spencer bad alwiiys been regarded aone of tjje most competeut luasters of this poit. T!ie cngineei'e de)artment was Heil manned by ekilful gentlemen and of Benjamio Austin ohief. The cargo of the Varuna coiisisted chiefly of dry goocís and waa wottb, at tlio lowcst estímate, $4U0,000. Tbo folloving platform, ouod to tbe core, was adoptt-d by tbo Demooracj nf Texao, and vri 1 i cotnmend itself to every patriotio Citizen. It combines what the Democracy of the ëouth believe, while it embodies the principies that have al wnyg been adrocated by the Democratie party for more iban sixly years: 1 Reliance on tbe intejligt-nce, patriotism and jusiiee of the pcopje. 2. The Coustitution is ihe foucdatinn and Üniitation of tbe powe:s of government and guarantee of liberty. 3. The electivt) franchise u the States to b regulated by tbe citizens of the Stattí 4. Snbordiuation of tho military to the civil authority. 5. Puyment of tbe pablie debt as soon as practicable. 6. Eíiual rijibts and protection for naturalizad and native born citizaus at borne and tthroad. 7. Equal tuXQlion of every species of proporty according to i ta valué. 8. Kconomy ia adininistering the governtnent.. 9. Abr(pat:on of a!l useless offices, lü. Jíapulsiou tf corrupt men from office. 11. ItedHlction of tb nrmy and navy. V Slavery and tesessi.jn nettled by the war for all time to eoino, nd never tu bt again resurreete. Mrs. L. C. Stantoh lia secliiiod a notuination for Congress in ibe Third New Yrk district. She says tbut shu is a piüzen oí' Ne v Jersey aud ineligible, aud more thnn tbat, tbat ghe "docs aot propose to gíi'e up her beautiful home on tbo blue bilis of New Jersy to become a citizen of your dii'ty town," and that to bcr íriend. íSaucy as ever.


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