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In tlie Free Press of Wednesday morniug the following brief but significant. i'Hid was givci) a prominent place. The signar ui e am, KcpublicaiiB, ai.d ma&y of the iiiuiirs ill bi; r'ëb gnized by the n ailors of tlie Aruub as men prominent 11 luii-iiK'Ss ii d cc-iniiiui xial circlis : VN APPKÁE I!Y F11EE THADK til ■■ . .[C.v.ns. Tu Vte Trilde uní Ubclral '.! paUteiiliai The old qncBtlona afe dead ; Itic ftfteeiiih Aineodinent crowus the wuck, ajul forever Buts ut rist the Issnee growltig out oi the war. Tiity catiDol be ralsed agaln. In tlie cuwltig efcctisn, bot t.v qncstlens ol imlioiiiil policv are InvoJvofi, : Tliu icmoviil t';ill polltlcal (lisuljil.iiis Ironi Mie ptople ui tlio Southern States aijcl free irailc. The fonner is ncceyfoiry te ieatore tranqullUy and prosperity to the Bontl); tlie Intier u overtlirow the vast monopolios (Vblch, iikc lani.ííry lercius. are Biicking the life blooil out of the pcople. The olil party Untes are brealttng up. Tlic advaucedand bhoaghtfltl part of the Hepubllciui paríy have alreuUy planted themselves bol ilv on iwo principies. A half dozen Fvee Trade Bepublicans will be In the next CoDgreu fiom Qhk, and It Is coniidtiniy expected that not a, Singla Protectlonlst wlll be elccted Iron any of tlie States west of Ohio and soutli of Michl Kan. Id Missouri yeinocra,ls and liberal lïi'p.uMieuns have joinct hiinils. The vviiest and best Itepublican leaders advlse the saaie course in New York (Jity. In this ilist riet, we must clioose betvveen a soumi Fret ïrade l.)üiocnil and a ProlecMouisl Kepubiitati. Shall we let (IJelity to a n.anc sedusfo us into faithlessness to a great prliieVple ? Ratherlet usdisresard the dead ift.sües of the past, t tul vote lor tls inan vvho repre senls us correct ly o tlie living ouustious of i be dajc-Hl. B. ÉJhedgi IUNCAN STBVTAUT, JAwfeS FENTON. Hvï KII)OK, i.-;l(l)Ü.N' CAMPBELL, W.H lOWIKJr.. S!llrH UOTSFORD. WALTKK HitUHKE, SND. n. WKNDELL, I-U NIC LAMBÍK, AI.KX U. LINN . WM HMD, THO8. ARM8TKONO, T)1DS CBAIiAOE, W.M. i ■ KTOÜPBL, HIANE, II. l'lioüASCO, JOHN O. HAWLKY. 9. K. (AKT. .1. P. MoMIl.LKN. P, C STOEPBL, II A ROHINSON", Ci. 6. TU0AIA8, JOHN liLOYMli, anti otliers. Tbere are a bost of "Free Trude Itepublirans" in thit CoDgressional district. Are tbcy ready and williog to imítate Stkwakt, Bkiuok, Campbell, Botsfokp, and tbc otber nignerg üf tlio aboro adr dress 'i Or do they prefer to be chMne; loDg&s t t& ptitd, GrQawea ot dfcad issues white theijr res,l iutrcatu ace sucri üced upon tbe altar v%ted by t'io proteoted monopolista ? A vote for is a voto in favor of shackling commeroe ü favor of ta,xing one man to "pu' niDtiey in tho puree" of auoiher. A vote for Huuiiks is a vote to uufetter traue and mako every citizen - manufactures and Jcosumer ulik;e - "cjua,l te$ora tbo Uw." ' JAMES K1NGSLEY is the Democratie nominen for lleprosentative froii this- the Second- district. Tus iwiit MAN IS THE ItlQIIT PLACE. An oíd rCB dent, Le koows the wants oí the city and oouuiy. An es-Regent of the Univcraitv, he knows the needs of that iustitution, and ein do more for it - iï wiforlunalely t ahall get intQ the Iiegislature - thau any ollier man. Ho il one of the most iaflueutial membora of the present House, and ouglit to be ro elected. No man calling himself a Democrat cught to scrateh Lis name, and he ought lo get scores of Renublioan yotes. Vote for Kinqsley.


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