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Editorial Chips And Splinters

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- Engente has arrlrcd r.t Wllbelmsboe. - 058 coloree! men liavc reglatered lu Detroit as votéis. - Dakota has elected Anttsrtrong, Democrat., delégate u OongRSS. - The late National Capital removing convention was a great flzzli'. - Parla is begieged by the jpriisslans. New York by Federal troop. - CresVvell is the only nxmberof Grant's original Cubiuet uow Iéft R) offioe. - Grant's military wil! fujl to get up a riot Ín Ñew York City en Tuesday. - Louis Napoleon Ï; to be banlshed to Elba - nst becauM " iinclt' " was. - The rnglstefed electora of St Lou'.s íiuuiber 00,1)71, ncluding 2,4í0 coloreii men. - Zach. Chaiidler doei endorse Drlggs. Hovt ípivcli ougkt t,hat to botlcr liis chances 'í - Tlie JV. T. ISoenins -ÍW (Rep.) supports S. S. Oox, Den)ocr,a.tkfor Conyress against Hornee tí.r.eeky. - Th's OerinuiiS estímate the number of Frcncli prisoúurs captured up to üctober iüth, át 320,000. - "CDg Johu" - 'VYeiitworth Ís rODBlOg ivs tM iiulepoiitlfíit candidate for Cougress iu tbe Chlcajío district. 'l'Iie Hev. Tlios. K. Beeclier Ís supportii)j the Detnocntle cndldate for Congress iu the XXVII. New ïork district. - Both Baltlmore and Phlladelphia are dissatisfled wilh the census llgures, aucl medítate some new ones of their own. - " Viscouut Avonmere" - tliRt's ihv. aew title ot the soracwhat ffcmous Major Xilverton. lie wou lt by hls father's, djii:. v - New York City was oyer-erro!ltd Ín 1Ö64 aml uiuler-censuaed, ia, 1870. Both times for a purpose. A Kiuljcal parpóse. - The U. S. Supeie Cou.rt coiiüenced tê November tgrm cy Tueadiy;, v'ith ChieíJustice ChftSQ ífX J.ustice Nelson abent. - A, WnaJjlVífc1011 t'rlcsrauj says thijt Chjef-J,itic Cljase dpca u't propose to let go ol üf or tlije Chief-Jnsticeship at present. - Qn, AícClellan ussisted Uov. lloü'inan Iq. rview.lng the Democratie processlon iu New, York City.on the evcniug of the 25th ult. - West Virginia vta. (jonatrupted to mak; a, thOíJKhlj Kudical Síate. líaving jKp.udiatud lts creator will it be recoustructed? - E. H. Phetteplace, late of the Kaltimazoo Ilouse, Kalamazoo, has beeu appoiuted Superiutendcnt of Indian Affairs íor Arizoua. - Frellnghuysen, and Jíortoji, claim the of bfn the w.ily two gcutlemeu, who llave fead a cla.nce ta refuse the nglish ni i ss i ou. - The Democracy propose to carry New York City on. Tuesday nex;t( by a larger uiujpiity than ever, despite the m,illta,ry and tUts repeaters. - The total registratie of vertere in New York City, uuder Congressional and Peder al supervisión, Is 143,66(5, or ouly 505 les than lust yea,r. - The Jï. Y. Emiïiijj Posl, Kepubilcau calis Farwell, the Radical candidate fo Cougress ia Hit ]first Jllinais district, " th John Momssey of Chicago.11 - But flve merftbiers of the present Senat are caudidaics for re election : Prutóman Jeuks, and Wood, Kcpublieans ; and Masoti and Morton, Democrats. ■ - Thï Tainmauy Democracy liariog tkrown Jolm Morrissey over'ooard, tlie Ue publicans have joined the botting Deinoc racy of his district and re-njiniiiated him - Secretary Cox took formal leaveof th Interior Uepurlmuiit ou Saturday last, am the new Secretary, üelauo, was installed 01 Tuesday. Kow Ihe political manager. cai pitch in. - Mr. Jencka, of II. I., fatherofthe"Civi Service Bilr'- -if that bilí has a life to be fatheved - has Úeen r(used a re-nomlna tlon, anii is running as au independent can didatc. - Com. Tanderbilt, an " orlginai ' Graut man, and one of the trainers In ntUllg him ior the Presidentitil race, wus ouc of the Vice Presiden Us at the monster Democratie demoustration iu Neiv York CHy, last week. CHARLES H. MANLY.theoNK sotOIRR, is the Democritio o'au diditte for Ilegittnr of DeeJs. He i bt tli woiiTHY anJ nekpv. Let no Deja ocrat cut bis name off. Rcwayd liim with your vote for ihe sacrilice made fp your country. Vote for JIanly. IIon. John D. Pikrce was oomintec on Salurdny last, by the Democracy o the First district, as their candidate fo Representativo in tl;e Stafe Legislature Mr. Pikrck ia a veteran Deuioerat, aD( his faith iu the principies embraced in his youth bas not oooled with age. IT is known througliovjt tlje State as one ol the pioneera of our educatiqnal werk au4 had a hand ia shaping and givjng form toour aduiicable pystem. He ha also had legiplstive tsperieneft, r.nd would make a meinbor of whöm his dis trict woald, l?9va rsason to be proud. I is a pity tbnt he starts in the race a ucb a diadvaiitg6, as we i})ould re joice to record his election. Voto for Pikrce. EDWIN F. UHL was pUced in nomination for Prosecuting Attorney by a untnituoug vote of tbe conveiiticn. He is every wy - in eduoitiou, legal aoquireuionts, and fealty to the party and its principie - a fit candidato for the placo. Don't be induced to scratch bis na'iie becat)se suother candulatc was wrongly dealt by two years ago. Hb was truu thon - bo true to him and tbe party now. Vote for Uul. In the Fourth Indiana Congrcssional district Wilsox, Republicao, is declared elccted by four majority only. Sevoral imperfect ballots werc cast for bis Demo. oratio opponent, more thun eoough to have securod hia eleotion hd thoy been correct. This show9 the importance. of looking to your tickets. If J'QU voto the Democratic tickkt as printed you oau rely on a perfect Lalloi, &ud be eure Ihat neithei by mistako or othervvise wijl yoq aid in defetiDg a Democratie candidate. Sc-iiuYi.fíii Coi-fax retires from public II Ie to beeome astecl-axle nianuracturer - News item. That's it, and Schlïlkr Coi.fax paved tbc waj for his businese venture by voting for an increased duty on imported steel und tbe manufactures thereof. ïle can afford to throw up a seat in Cougress at 65,000 a year, for an interest in a proiectcd 'manufacturjng business. He will bo quartered on the "deur people"just the tauie, ody with "the variatioD." VVhkn Zack, the "bloodlettar," who is to uoburden liimself at the Court House tliis ovening, comes to tbat portion of hia declamaüon n which lie p'oclaitus thaf'tbe Democratie party bas been dead for the last ten years, and is offeusive to t!ie nnstriU of libtrty-lovini cit.iïeii8 Ihe world over, aud ought to bo burittl," liu i-hould stop ind slied a tiMir or two over the lively condition ol the oofpae dowa in Wes! VirgJDia. Tliat State creatcd and prejmptcd by the Repablioaas, and whiob g;ivc Guant about O.OüO majority, baa jusl clected a Deiuocruüo CrOveruor and State otliuers by a leported niajority of 10,000, two nnd probably thrtt Donioc atic meiubon of Cougross-all gaius, two thirds of the Lcgi!aturo, and socurod a Düniooratic United Slatce Senator A lively linib oí a cür:so - tbat's a faot, AAIiON CHILDS is the Democrntic candidate for Kepresenlative in the Third distriot. No sounder aian could bate been picked out in the wbolo district, and, tío truc Dqniocrcvt. Makc bis majority a large one. - In the Fourth district JAMES M. COxNG;D;ON. ia the candidate. Hi fellow citiaena koow hbu as au uqfliaobing Demoírat and a man of good judgmeut The-only tU(i8ti.on is Imw large bis majority ehalL bc. Swell it up, Gov. SiiAFFKii, of Utah, died on the 31.t of Ootober, w;ia buried on tlie lat of November, and his suouessor was appointed the Bame dny. His successor is Vincent Yauuhan, late of Alabama, whi ws au oilïoer in the Confedérale army uatil the oloso of the war, sinco which and until last spring he has held a minor proftssorship in the University of Alabama. He ha,-i livod in Utab bat a few Jonths, and is a young Uian for the importaut position. His "dÍ!abilities" have beeu removed by CoDgreis and he is now "loil." RICHARD of the oa&didatos fui' ti'ircait üourt Cammis sioner every way co:Dpotcut fcir thal position. He was uujutly cut in the promiscuc)is ski,rmÍ8hing two yeirs ago aod defcated. iiet aiueads b.e niüdo now. Giye ]5kah an ii i'ull Lemooratic vote and elect him. J. WILLARD BABülTT, the stoond oaniüdate for Circuit Cauri Coinmiefcioner, now holds that oñue, and is every way a úoud OPFICBR. lie is entitled to a full D.o:rucratio voto. Lot bim have it. The Hon. Wm. A, IIowakd, ofbleeding Kansas aod "Iujeaua" bank fame, and present Heuatorial MpiratiODi, rocitod his üttlo pieos at Ypsüanti a few evenings siuce, to an immease and eathusiastio audience - of f o r-t y-Jiv-e persons. So we aro crudibly inlormed. Wo fear tliat tho Michigan carpot-baggor is uot appren'ated. JEREMIAH BEEK and PIÍ1LEMON C. MUR11AY ill nake "Corouors as is Coroiiers," and nill delitjlit in liold ng a poliliczl inquest just afier the 8th of November; prooided alivays, ihat aro nnt constiluted a part of the subject. Volo for thera and save them froai suuh a catastrophü. A DRTTEft man een not be found for Coanty Surveyor than GE011GIÍ S. OAPWKLL. Vote for hin.


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