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Nw Yokk, N iv. 1, The financisl sltuatlon rematas unchaugud, the mouey niurket belng cay. The cottou goods market probably excites more Interest last dow thau anYtlUDg elm Rednettons in prlce h:ive boen the order of the dsy, aud to-dny there is a half i&uic in the market for prints uu der furiher redbctlpus. The week has been leus favorable for wheát thnn the earller part Ol the mooth. Trices iu Liverpool have been quite wll imstaineil alihouijli the (lurfcel la a Itttle weaker. Th advance In Iro&htj ís a serióos check to the market here TIk. scajnatj of Aint-rK ■:i: shlpplng mul the withdrawal of forman on account of the war, baa much to do wlth tto hl#l ritée ol (relght Kor the reasooe glveo prlces are loi c for flour.and ïv.r v rtr-it. BatEnrope la the grain barometer, ttu n iiitlicaiiona in that qatrter favor a better market [n tl. .-. f.. ,r-r. ajlcbigan gratie of ■ wheat, howcver, scï'm to stand as Eughq taal fVce at tbia ini.y, 'Oru Oats unchanged. The BtocE of buiter iems to be uccuinnlating, mul the opiniüu is #ery fenieral bére tiüit there is more en hand and makiqg tUan eau be j-old at praseni pftce. Fine ftesh western butter findï re;idy sale. Píwr woítera U eotlrely ausateHbltt except ii; wnajl qti 'y bakers, Mit hlcan ü. ktvs fir . fcrfi qnotabie at 28,ai2ftc ; gooa to prime ü8'q '■'■-: f 1 8835 Hops are oí all qmiii ties (mu variable in prlce. The bjjlk of the erop botti here and in Bnrope is poor. ThoViíe i pricee, 5 ■ .m ceu5, t li -,vs the tste of the niarket. Probablyretv il any qold brfng' the outslde figure, isc bfiánp; about ooteide for best lot. Borne aü-s of lots h;m)eü 'o Euylaod have uttuü iöilT. DliTROIT, N()V. 2. TheftsUeof ihe tradc is qnfet, lacltnlng to rliillneM. The whent nwrket rallicd Q llttle diiring thö laMt of the wei-k, but was lówér onHatnrday.'aná bwn weak ev(-r stDOfl Baatward frt'iehts become bigher as the seasozi advAQces, and tho difl'erence of conree must come out of the pocket of those who srll. a Tf eak narkbt Day bup ioohedfor nutij the foielgn demand beoomes mors active, The entire produce list a littlê wak Beaás ñxé u Hrtlc in lenutnd at 1 f 1 '■(' frona vagons and $1.TO LÏO f-r run! plcked from store. Muiter té in fair dèiound :it ! Ho for best. Backwhaat flmir pet bbt. .7iT.t. CranbcMTirs art1 arrivlnK to a litnircil e; tent, and are icM at $io@lz from store for BwtijCQpi n fair Jimir'1 at ifflc Vaoca are üot inuu; mand xl K6p60c per buslufl. THJS POfi MARKET. ThP ■ nritt wmtthor II Doltevorabie for pac-kierr. étiê prieta ate wosk alj a terage for ftréssed hogs is i-' s 9 for Hfjlii to heavy 'al bétter pricea ai' real i red tor stialght heavy lol vftcQu. In N-w Vork porte íh barrel decltnet uu EEs reek ín C ■ packiua hai oen do nu. bui - dan por tlwi lias ieeD trendy packed m.'iy spotl. owüig to warm (vsntUcr v r-M-nti holoars ar ■ qa i ■ tock ofl thïr hnnda. nd bnyers are not tfoxlou io ake tho risk. TMs deprsases pricea rd of cour" emorallrp the entlr naajket. po that tl i." dlfll:n!t ) forn) ony estímate of ïhe (litare ' ' DETROIT PROD0CB H ARKRT.- Tbc f ollowln g notatlonsreprewnttho eorreat net pricereallxe3 y tijiiunision dealera .and are carefully reTlsedevorv irtbeAaom, by out Detroit correapo '■■■l:i --ti 'in (run these prices fT C"inmiiss.,iis and wilt show the net ratea to íli'ní banda : Ampies,- Drled, 7S8c; Groen, $i.(i$210 per Burley- per cwt. $1.80 Nol, aJl.VO rorKo. Be Bwax- per Ib! B0 wliMc.íl.f, Butter- Roll and crack ■■i-i:.i'i-. Firlcln. '_'iYc{S. Chetsi Pctory, li@14. Dniry. t-u.lü. Chickeng - DresnoA. per Ib., ITi 1-r. prrbn . i'.-.íiíoc Cranberrlés- Perbbi. 0@tU oof.rwild. Bfoê- pprdoc. 1t Hule -drv perlb l-íi-lio-: srccn.O ll"is per Ib., 10 I.aroh skiii- per Ib. 2HI?WOc. Calf Skins- Orean, HOl6j drv, '25S80. Bheep 8ktn- M)i l.n Dope- New, perlb.. lt@10e. Uird- pcHb.. le) Ry - Ao, Oato- perbo..4lia ):: -iis -jjer ')';; - '■'■'■ 500. Potatoee- 1 8 r bW. ': C (870c. -r bu. Smokcil Hanis- 6lty cnrcel piT Ilj lSJíc Slioulilfr 14i7i,-c. Tallow- s',íiV" ' " Tnrkfvs - flrc-scd .p0Ttb.193 "20c. Whi-at- extrn whitp.l s'a 1 .4. No. i . i ■:■.. i ■ ,-. Ambr Lttditfi Slríc't. iric..f fi,r wbeat nbout Kc. below Board of Trade price. áll AUBOIt PRODUCE niKKKl'S. Ano'is Okfice, NoV 3, 1870. Wo qnote thin it'tnnioon a followe : WHBAT- Wbtt. liüi teoil. íno OORN- ÜSC. OAT'-Mc. BBANS-ÍÍ.25. BTITTBR- S8o. KOBS- 20c. LAKü-lüc HAT- íftiU. APPLB9 -ís@85c. POT vtoES- r,0;. OL'ICKKNS-13c TI'IÍKKYS- 14c.


Old News
Michigan Argus