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Llí'Cliun and Ucx'tstratioii Aotice Notico i bereby L'ivpn to the Elector of the townpliip of Ar.n Arbor. thftl thc polla for iiie next gene-' ral elcctiim, to be held 8th. next iil be at NnU'n Fídmund'a Joíncr Sno.p, hall" a mile west of thir Posl Office. Alí-o thc Board of Beglstratlon wHl racet t the s.nnii! pliictï on Saturdav, Novembt r 'úh. 1208w3 l.K s FmstkH-, TowDshipClcrk. Commissioners' Notice, OTATKOFMIfinGAN.CoiiDtyolWashteTiaw.flS. OTtw anderalgned haring buen appointed bv tlie Probate Oojirt for eald County.Commlnsionèrsto reeelve examine, and adjustall clainis and demanda ol nll per.fon: nirainst thc estáte of Rbecca Wade, late pf sa:1 ConuLy. decer.Ét-J. l.i.-n'hy g'we notw-c that fíx monta? from date are aüpwed by order of said Probate Conrt forcreditorsfcoDresenitli sir cIiiniflHainflt theRKtatcoNnidJecftased.audthatthèy will meet at the office of K. W. Morcan, iu the city OÍ Anii Arbor, m aid County, on Sniurday, the tl ïrty-flrít day of December, and Monday, the flret day of Muy next, at ten o'clnek A M.,of each ol satd days, to receive, examine and adjust aid cinims. Diited. October31it. A D. 18T0. 1291 JOOUtíA JtBLAND, lommsz.oueK. Estato ot JoKq HofEiuan. C TATK OF MICHIGAN. County of Wasktenaw. as. v 7 Noticc ia hereby RÏven, that by an order of the Probate "ourt for the (Jounty of Whtenaw, made 011 thc twfiiity-eeventh day of Octóber, A. D. 1870, sil months from that date were Blknred fír creditora to present thcir apainst the estáte of Johu noitmau, lata ot tafd County, daceaaed, and that all croaltora of t?atd deceaped are required to present tiirir cliiiin to f:iid Probate Conrt, at the r-rob&te Ollice. iu the City of Aun Arbor, fúr examiiKítum and allowjuice on or before thc twenty-eronth day of April next, and that such claims vill be beard before ald Probate Court, on Satarday, the tblrty-fint day of December, and Mondiiy. the twenty-eerenth dayof Aprll neztt at tes o'clock iu the fo.t'noo:i of each of t-iose d:iyn, Dated, Aun Arbor, Oftohor"ií7t,h. lüUAU J BKAKÍ5S, ï-ioj4 J.udg; ot Ptúbate. bate of Lydia Siooum. QTATF OV MIcniGAN, County of Washteiinv.-. fc c Al i! of the Probate Court for the County r, hulden at the Probate oítice in the cUyofAun Arbor, ou Tbursday, tlie twenty aecond day of ttopteitfber, le the year one thousandeight handred :ai[ jei enty. riueiii, 11 i rain J, Üeakes, Judge of Probate. Iu the matterof the estáte of Lydia Slocum,deC a ed. Ürzilla Il.SIonmi, Administrator of said catato. comes into Court uud represents thai he Ís uow prepared tu rentier his flnal account as such Adxninistrator, TherenpoD it is Qrdesed that Monday, ih,c twentyeiiíhth duy of November, next, at ten o'clock iu túc fQrenoou be aaslgn.ed fpr examiöiug and allowlog ouni, ana i!:it che helnatlawofsuddeceásedand all other persons tntereeted iu said (.statc, are roquired tappear at : Bwalo&písald Couit, tlien to be holden at the Probate OtíceTlu the City of Aun Afluir iu BatdConntytand BhowcaoSe Lfaoy there be wby the e:iid acconntshoQld uot be ajlowed : Aud it is fqrther (.rtU-it-M, that said Administrateur í;Í ve cotice to the persons interufttcd in said estáte, of thé pendeney of stiid account, and the hearing thereot, by eaiwing a copy of thifl order tobe publishediu the Mi kyran Arguya newspaper prtutedandcirculatin in aftid County , tliree nccessive v.eoks prevfoui to i:, i : ii.iv ol i:v. (Atruecopy ITIRAM J. i;E.M-;ivi, t294td Jad of Probate. Estato of IsaaQ M. Wade. OTATEOFMICHIGAJNvOonnty oíWashtenaw.aa O At a Bastion of the Probate Couvt fortheCoúmy of Washteiiaw, holden at tlie Probate Office , In ihe City of Aun Arbor, on Thurcday, the ihird day of November, in the year one tliousïtucl eiht huiiüred tfod sevoiii y. PreseniJIinim J.Bctikc3,-Ttulgeof Probntí'. Iu the matter of the Bátate ol Isaab MvWade, decéi' ! On reaaln,g&odnlln? the petition, dnlyveriflftd.o! DcWiit C. wade, praylog that he m.ty be nppointed Adratuiatrator q ;;.■ Thereoon alghth day ol NoireiDber, iustaqd at ten ic leek in the Foroooon, b6 aeslgned for the hearing of Huid petition aud that the hetr at lw. of aald ileceased, and all other persoiiB lotereatèd In said n-qnired toappeár al :i Beêstoii ofsald Coart, i)n' tobe itthe Probata the City of Anr.Arbot, andeho my there be.why theprayer ofth petlüonershoolu not bègrantea: Aud it Ufurtaera : i n'tñin;nT give aotice to the pereoi ted in saíd estáte, of the pendency ofsald pi t!t.ion,ai)d the hearing uiereofi by canalada copy . tils Order to bepabliahed In the Michigan Aryux newBpaper prlntedand clrcalating in sald County LbretidiiccosWe weekegreylooa to said day of ueu Lag. l rraocopy.) IIÍHAM Í.BBAKS8, V294id Jadgeof Probate, ■jVTOTICK. Whttrene, there hns been sabaerfbedt i. i the Capital Stock Of the Toledo, Aun Arhor an( il H.tün ui CompSBy the full nmnber o sha ■ of said capital, ni tb o in,bjscrlption book havinLr been duly cloecd, and the itodt diatribicei the Bifbscrlbers thèreol ás prorlrted hy tefw Ñotl ie l? berebv L'ivcn (hal a rneotüïg ff the ftock holdera of Toledo . Aun Arbor and Nor t her Raltroad 0 nnpany, wül be held for the Elcetion o 1 1'.-.-.-! .. s ■(' aaid Cmpany. :i' tho Conrl Honne i the Oity of Aun, Arbor, in th Oonnty of Wahten a v on T!m.--d'iy,.[!Hr loih day of November next, at 1 o'clock in the fbreiroon f Bftid rtky: D;ited, Anu Arbor O;-r-)Vír ttth. 1S70. ,)O1IN N GOTT, C. H. KTCHMiND, IRA MERRILL, HAUMOX ALLEN, JOSKfH WILCOX, CommUiïoaeri pURNITtfRÈT" CUE Jl. ï3! The Largrst aad Best Qtock in thecity, of all va rletieaaildstyleS at the oUl Store of Q, M. MAKTIN. UST HËÓÉÏVfDJ 20 Pieces Clinton. Mich CLQTH ANP FLAWNELS. J. II. MAYNARK TN PU1NTS I Kepp Nothing but the Best ! I ÏÏA.7-JE SOO PIECES MESRIMACK & COCHECOES, CJiOICJffi ÏYLKS. J. H. MAYNÁRD. T HAYE IN STOK E 3O BALES OF COTTON Ï3ATTING, AU Grades al Low Price. J. II. MAYNARD. pHEAP SHEETINGSr I HAVE 5 BAX.ES G-ood SiieetingSj Full Widlhs, at 12A Cents. !icss than New York qTtc.atIoufi. J. II. MAYNARD, PLAÏTNÊL SHIKTINGS ! I HAVE 50 PIECES fcnïh 20 cent up, warm, and fine. J. H. MAYNARD. HEOPLE'S DRUG STÜivK: R, W. ELÜS & CO' V3ST3NT ARBOH i ,n L - i I What Johnson h Uu has a irge stock of HATS & CAPS For the Fal] ud Wioter trade-tbe btiti tot tle Lu a ra!l!ioot LADIES' AND GENTS' Püj. New Styles atul best quaJity MANUFACTURED TO ÖEDLb Hu has a full stock Of Gents' Furnishing Goodr Olores, Hotlery, Collar, TÍM,CraTati,,c He has everytbing in nis lim-iwrf A wbnt Ie anderrold, That's Wñat JOHNSON ft,; 7 South Main St , Ann Arboe. " ftfl ' " A L- C FOR 87.00 PEK YARD. _%aA i7L neluet tflaakinA FOR $8.50 PER YARD. FOR 812.0,0 PER YARD. aaó, FLLk fiMuet $laaldw FOR 818.00 PER YAtD, Best BPk Velvoteen Cloakin? FO1Í S2.50 PER YARD. Bonnot and Ribbon Velvet,TUE I.AKGEST STOCK IN THE Cm, tw Cnl! and exuminc bciorc purchnsin elsewbm, I 129'2w3 H. COHEN. FÜBNITÜKE J. KECK c CO, Manufacturera, w)ioles-iÏ3 p.nd retail dealers in FUENITUEE AND UPHOLSTKRY GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOIÏ. We VI aun facture cui' groods and will n:)t be IJiulfrcnldtyf any 1IOUSC E AST or VVEsT, ÜNDERTÁKING! We Keep Coustantly oi( 1 iaiul it fuil assavfiiteiii of "WOOX?, METALIG,CJ.OTIÏ CpVEEED coiFJinsrs which will be eold at pricea so I;OW as to defyall Competición. Sales Roo;n 52 South Main St„ and 4 }YtA Lisrly Street, !V!ANÜFA CTORY I Coiue of Williamand West Fourtb 8t J. KECK & CO. 1285. 1 tto uot wiah lo inforin yon, reader, tbat Uf Ir lerlul, or any olher man, han dincovceJ Eiy;' tbt cures CKnsumption, whtn the luns 'J ,; oooaumed. in 1 urt. wili cnvc al! . iacnM hel, in l, l'o-i} vr i"Lat, ranke men UTeforafj rt.. i-eath In p.av for want of ark :11 '" tn in.-vii irstib uniiry pplieni a tri i iïtf u 1 Paraö'Fr I which Heavte i . ehall be "' sil't '" w__i barabeard .iK.uh ol tlmi Iviml or humbp But hp I toll rei) that Dr. ?ajj! Cataril' "Jj; tetll potiiirely c,rt )n' wur.-t cases if Ctarrl lead. ] y - - l tlrti wiii'-l) fh'.uin"! ea "J o. I uil! ],ay $50U rew.i' '1'" ' .(„: urf. A iiinjililet gi'WM vihliloiil." :in1 0"Jr natlon .t fra to any a.Wlriws. Tlii. remw1 ■■oi.n ü.' must DROoaisia i.. -u.. .;■'■ THB WORI.D. Prio6.i-i:ts. Pent t mll, pold,oB r.eeri" ixty tent', or IoitVd ickgb f. two d illat. , if c.oKattrfútx and tooTtklat fuitariont. 8e", 3t'-i:i;'. wHlcll [s a .oilire gulirllt!!"rS lineim ia up.m the outl1 wnpp--r. """'', bat tlii private Stamp, lad l the i n"l''Jf,S I OTarnment, pipri-Hnly for stamping i:iy ""'■ aa m portn:t, namo a,nl aditics, ''""% CarUlhiats of Gennlneneat," ■''""''l'K tr nl npil ho nilUlM. Don't fe twtnOl m rnreiers an! othHf Inir ihmeljf ■ , run t tie only wan OW living t li;i - . pf. I Dorletlga and .-ht to manqfaotara ute i a mU :■. i i li Heuiedy, anil I nerer tr' ' 130 Séneca streel, KtTalo. [20 I" USÖIÖÜ3 CATAWBAGRAPJ KxctVent Jtrsty Sweet Potatm, W tresh Oyslcrs, and new ChetlttvU, onstantly arrlirlnet the City WfJ ie f.ast "A thing of beauty is n oy for-v(r. tm clakk cBOira, GotoR.W.ELLIS&C0 for 3ti-ictly Pure Prugs n Medicines, PaintE,Oils,&c.


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Michigan Argus