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Concert By Miss Clara Louise Kellogg

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Miss Ciaba Loma Kici.i.ogg, onr of tiie qaeens of song, will glve a concert ou Wedoosday evealog next, in the M. E. Church.mulertlie auspices of tho Studeuts' Lecture Association. The following extract will introduce her to our ruader8j whom we may asure a rare treat: habón' Art Journal, one of the flnest of crltlcs, long ago pronouoced very strongly iu favor of .Miss Kellogg, añil hor success sincu lias IlIlMtrsted the keemiess aud precislon of its judjjment. lt now makes a guggestloa wliifili we uro surc every trae Aiii,:r;ouii would be glütl to see put lo practical effect, lt s:iyí : ' VVd rrjuililisli tlie followlng aiticle from the New York Bfraid, in romplinieut to our yonug and taiented couDtrywoman, Miss Clara Loulse Kellogg. Our readers. who will be di'l-ighuil to peruse this QDqaalIfled editorial recogüitlou ol the saperia tl ve talsnts aud anaSBAilable posftlon of thelr favorito operatic and concert, will r meniber tliat we lon since nwiir.lcd her eoual praiso, and persistent y claimi'd for lier a poBitioD of equality witli tlic Qrst living urtists. Blowly, bat sarely, tlie principal Icading journals have cotne round to onr upiniüii, and liencrforth It'Wlll cease to bc the fashlon to treat wlth .superclllious coldiicss the íjciiiiis oí our own eliildrcu of son.!;, in favor of Eoropean ringen, whosc mertta, i)) nine cases out of ten, wlll lie foand to consist in a loiul iruinulous volcc rnid a forelgn name. As soon as we liave the cómalo to do honor to our own artista, we shan tind RprtnglDg up uhout us talent in every (lepartment ot the musical art, iiich wlll render us Independent of forein iinportations, aud wlll cnabie ns to dispute Wlth Europa the Itallan operatic battle iround, while we sliall build up a natlve opera, whloh thfl Lngllsb, witli all their advancemenls, have not j'ct accomplished. "In lliis great vork - great because tlie lutellcctual and art honor of our country is involvcd iu it - In this great worfc the ces8 o: Jliss Kellogg will iiiiqui-gtionably llay a prominent part. The Mggwtion tlirown out in the Ilerald artlcle, uamely, tliat Jliss Kolloüf; 'owcs itto the American public lo sin opéra in owu Ianguage,' is onc of greai algulttc&noe, and should strongly arrest the attcntion of tliat yoim lady. She Is in thevery tiiisli of heryouth ; lier powera stlll maturing ; he is Idollzed by the young people of America, and the ad mi red of the mature; as a singer and as an actress she has no equal in the country. Who then sofit to cRtabllsh an American opera as she who can best aiiorn and the most peifectly interpret it ? She would have tiie whole continent at her fect, for the whole American people love. to hear their own laiiKiiajre spoken and sung. She would raily arounrl her all who areinteresjed iii t!ie progresa of American musical art and wou!d an impulse to nallve talent, whicli would nukc itself feit in this genoration." Admission $1.00. Season ond complimentary tickets notgood. ïo the Chicago Times of the 26th uit. we flnd the following conjplinientary notice of one of onr ïtosttfn-tcrprislngcltizens and business men : David Ilcnninjr, Esq., oí Aun Arbor, Micli., is, without doubt, the most extensive porebaser and ohlpper of j;ieen apples in the world. For the week endin Oct. 22d, his sales at the Michigan Central freígbt depot, in this city, reached the enormous amount of 15,967 barrels. On Satuiday alone, he sold 5,015 barrels. Thesn fiartires are eloquent lu themselves aud ueed uo comment. Mr. Henning'R trade, ofcourse. covers a vast terrltory, reachlng from Dulntli to New Orleaos, and as far west as Denver and the territories. It U a common occurrence for him to flll customers' orders of four to six car loads at a time. His fruit is purcliased on the line of the Michigan Central railroad and its branches, and hc lias men packing fruit at over 20 different stations. The Methodist Church, wlncb was closed on Siimlav last, will be peoed for service again next Sabbath. The Improvements in the beatlng and vcntilation of the bntldtng are approaching complction, and will add very much to the comfort of church soers. The subject of the discourse Ia the evening will be " Why am 1 not a Roman Catholio f" 8tNCB the denth of Gen. Lr.i: the narao of WashingtoD Coili.'ge, of whieh be was President, liss been clianged to Lee Ui:ivereity," and his son, Gen. G. W. Lee, clected president.


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