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j)UY yoi.:i; Looking Glasses oy W. D. HOLMES, AnnArbcr, FOK KRASGjS. Firjt, hc ki pp tho Wt "f Imported CHftM, R.P4 il uod .-irtni usluf square amí ttrchtop frpfl$#l , aiidïls ÜHEAP 1 Seconrtly. tttpausf tliy beloop to his buhtoxii. He mak e tht-nt n npeatalty, doen lii own wurk , and can tlford t kU CHEAPER i Thirdly, BciKiift lio rntaufa-otpvt s tli.m, nmï e&a and wlM -'11 t)i CHEAPEST 1 of nnyonetn'hecify. Hp ilo aells PICTURE FRAMES! Tlic cheapsst ol angrb'ndv in ! k'S:,i-c- a.i fnr nu Iierd li . ..t. NICE OVAL FRAMES FOR 5O CTS. Picture Cord, Tassels & Nails! l.'K.CI! CiI.AS8_b} tUcIightorboi- Fo-r l'iciurcR orfor HorrsE 1 3 EAST IIVRON STREET,. ANN -A.RIJOR. - 3M-ICII. llTfttf i i i SI h-S HJB.B H: pJ&l ly HSH . cd „-2 ■p 8 o P s 0 2 ? ! ■m 2 5 . 1 n O P =3 . o___ ph__ _ Cyersus Bitter, j ForVhc (blíowlng KF.ASON'S SucryQuininb should replaee tho olil íovulov JHttir (uinint. I SwfotlQulnlnc is avak1!Antei mMicinally t'tic.c iu olToc.t witU Bitter (u inc. Sweet has Nti.NEof tlu: tjjíe Mand jtcr.ililenl bitternest of coiuuion Qi nlnfi, Sw ci í if Minr l.s ïnaIo froin 1' ruvian lkiv onl', Iho source of liittur Q. ínino. ín SwA-t (liilnlne the bittorness is nrfcctly -A)m i nii.i, 1 1 1 1. iuay bu iiiataníi, lo relomcil if dtsired. I T S"t?t tuiíiliiO "will not slckcii, a-V vocy MttWbiibstanccs uftuudo, BSEeil Qnlnine 3 romlily takon, nitl Tvithoul Ihe lua.'jt hcsilul iun, by okl auclyoung. Stvcctmuinlnc entiiely obvlr.tes tt uncoiutHenble dlsllko wlúch chiklrcMhuvo to itYtrr iuininc. V .n Street roqiiircs no olnborntcl proparatlon lo takc, i.s for inutaiy. uso. Swect ÁulHine. ín its ngrceabiltfW and proipt ('tlïfa;,;, ílisabuscs Hit; 'publio lililí] of miirli prfjuilicv.ngiiiiist liíi niiio, mul aids the elforta of (lio ititoAigotit ' Ph;uicinn in its mlministratiou. Swcft lOitlitlitn costa no inore thanl tho J'iul,' JuillillU. STrcct Culitliie can bo liad at tho )nig S'-orls Ín two (onns, viz: fluid, foJconveu'iiH'e of families and vts in-am)é McSLitulajAcda; lor usu i PliysláWlia Strantns, Farr & 9., yj KÍWiFflCTURING CHEMIST X ' EW YORK, f V Fnr Sale by Ebcrbadi & Co., druggists. 12ti4j 1 T IVE (1EESE FEATHERS FIRST QUALITY, üDdautljüiiliaml and for saleby BACJIfr ABEL. PTjLK REMEDY. ewu in no C e v-;.v wor-t ohm-s of RUtid, Ji i-I. ■ 01 !::. . '.... ,.r who are r Q] U ii'H nbu ld imn : I WaKNKR'h I'IIB Hi.mÏ.ijï -i for Lfal I' '..■-s.rui'ï . lint irco i, , in ■ n !.''. t ■ . ... Ji bas cuu-0 timnv liiijien ol aver,thirtY ■ - ■ ■ !■■ 11. ir. ■ lll U(." iri iTj, wji i e r. dyskepsiaT"1 WniacrVt Uyv'P-11 Tnlc is preparad - i Lus wil ti habitual Corttfai '■►- it la h - 1 nrïi t Httniulatli SplBdid ppll 'T; It 8DN ;.-■ Munij Ij ;- ii ' roftton-i Ilie digththe i -. .■ i ■ (o tbtii hi-.iH li v r!;ite . Weak, nr;i vmi;. a n-i -ptic pcrI Dl ihool3 me ' i-M r ■■ 1 "■ - 1 f. i'. ï a ' l'ur palé !v iri:fi-t . Pnoe Odo Dollar CO IJ Gil NO MORE Watrtiër'a Congh B a In in I ft healing, softenIngatkd espei toral mg, Th'xlrHOidltrai y p er it poaaawavt iji JmitK .!;; tt-1 y if]i'- ihk, rnf t-vt-nt ti;i llv euriug tin1 iiim.,[ ,,,. tin.- oaan of Coughi Th roa t, Bronchitis, ota , Catarrh, Honren, i-s Ast] ni.ï and oni n n Iwahni stinordlfcl bo prompt Is 4 h rllf uní twrtata E te !,.■, ts in all above mitcn, or au y afffctivn oT he t h rr ■ il il 1 langs, tlisU UlOUSADdN fll (l sh-íhíjs are iliüy iircsr::,i,,n i . and One and i.U ay that t in tb mofri bullas; and npeotoral log medicine known . Uní doce ;i lw;t_' h .in' ii -i?, mluf, tnd mi mo one botile tffoetl a enr, s..i.i ]■ druggfetv ia krgebottres. Prico Qae rollar, n is jour own fault if you still ccugb ami suJJer. TIn Be . cure. WIs E OF1 LIFE. TfT preat Biood l'urirnr aixl Dellolotm Drink WiiMin's Vliuiin Vltu-, or AVim of ft ionniu -!i ugs or Lnpu i . ing prpai fd Rr tliose who reqqirc RtimoUnt. 1 laaipleadld a pp titer nd lonfc, a ad fh Hoes n tiif wond Kar i rifying th bloe.4. lt is the OUI :i rtlfl f tv iilVirt 'i to 1 ' "■■ . Wip 6, bltterH, ornnj otber sitióle, h more beaTííiy a'jkd Sb e i ■)■ Bi t b to ie or tema Ie, ,n , . tiikti Wioe o Litr. ii Mfe ( reaerrer. Ihoxe w}io wili t edJpj go ■■ 1. ïit lt and f rea t livclv epiriU. A-iil do ■]! to tak the Wine ol i.Av. [t in ilüTi-n-nt fr.rn urny t&ng fV3(r before in ur. Jt Hííolfl by druííiiihiH ; alna b La ble Miloong. Prioe Üi,e Qollar, in i .rt bi-lUee. EMMENAGQGUL Wamci' ':m:il. ii;iK.;hí . trtiole knoD to cure the wl.iteii. (rl wlll cure m erer; mi) Where Is tbs tkmit) '" "hlch thU Important medlrist f nul imi] MoHiéri, ti: s iiic irrcatel bUèiiiitr e-ven (iiiitt-d v.u , aii.l yon nbouli procure lt. ]t . ... rfm:i ii1 r i t-miLiritii's. ami ruiiv be depend upon II cuso where tlic!ilr ow hm be olmtrueted tlurougb %oldojpdiseH0i 8old 'oy dhigtrtuti Price ""' ■ ' ■"■'■" ■ "'■ entb mail onieceiyt of Om; Dollars lui a Qiiartr. 619 stuit Street, Chlvago. PAPIIANIJ, SIIEI.KY & CO. Who'.esa-.e Agent Dulrciit. ' ForaalebyEborbaca S: Co.,nd H.W. El lis t Co, CAN NOT BUY IT. FOK. SIGHT I'PRICELESS TUK DIAMOND OLABSËS, Mium'ncl in pi! ly J. B. Spenei r í; 'n., . Y.( whicfa uro i pil ired t the public, uro !■! .nfumirpil hy all the celebratd Ot-cianaof tbe World ti) tu ih... Uosl Psrfrel Natural, '. !i-lp t" tii" liHUKin ■ ■ eVr known. Thej are grouvd unaer tbeir owq saperrWoD. Hun iniaote Crj stal Pnbbles, nnlti.l lojetUtr, od deriv thfiirname." Diamond ," on acconal of 'iH'i'r hardni-ss uiid brllliaaey. Th" Soteotiflo Principie "n whioli thev are coaatmeted brlni orotnirc of 'h" león 'Ini-cilv in iront of the cve, peoduo inir a cU;;iv !in.l dtKtinct yIhIoo, ;s In the o bealtb; Rfgbt, and preTeKtlog all inpleafti tiiii-, huch s gltniukcrlng abd '.i .r.inr "f sigbt, ■ ., pecu Mar io u ur Tby are raounfed in tbe IMNI' MANNKR, ia ol th; best qualJty, ■ !' all materiaU Theii1 Nnh and dara-blllt} c.-ximot hi Bürpasned. ('AI'l'IO N Kooi ' 'n'.-.h Ijf.niifg their tr&demark stamped -; tv.: rrame, 1. Ó. WATTS E ORO.. : OptlciaBa.are aolagntn lor AN' AUBOR, JI1J1I., from wliora tbey can 'inly 1m! obtaiised. Theee goodtf are nrt supplietl to PtdlerR atan (rr. l-t7yl KLcriff's Sale. BV FïïtTtJE llf :U1 r'iilioli, j-;fs .;■■! 0.1. iifnpil lertho seaïof tlfe Clrcnlt Conrt fur tl' Coaor ty ol WanhienAw, and of Hl.cblgao, beaxinf; ■ ;i li ':.■ rf M.-iy A.I). 870f ni:(! tu nit' ilin-cted and i livered, againet the goode and chattele, and ïiiv want I □ agatnet the lande ;md teiiementa of ïobn O' toimer. the I thvrclii namcd. 1 iü:l on the ü'tii rt.iv f May, A. 1) II upon and e ■■.-.;' all the right, tltlc and ü safd Jobn O' onner in and to the foUowing d Iniiiis nnd prethiwa, towlt: The nndivlded onfjixth ■ -t half of the soatbeast qnarter dalf o( the weet imir of the northeast q-UArter oísectlon twepty-twov all in towii one soath of rnngc etx'eanti in the County uT Washtenaw, and State of Biichlgan, lormotly ■ owned by James Otonner, :l:ü! reforeucè belng had to deed recordad In Llber 66 of Deuda, on pngeiOl. whlch pfemlsea, or Ihe deíendant Interest tberein. I ahall espose ron sale, at pnblicanctioo.a the la w direötSi at the front door ofthe L'onrl Bone in tho ( itj f Ann Arbor.that beinp the utHce f.r holding the Crrcnlt Conrt for the Connty of '.-!i.i.aj-v.;, on Snturdny.the third dij of DecemKer ne.xt, at one o'clock in tl ol sixid day. Daluil, Oclobcr 19th. 1 BYRON R. POUTEI!. Sheriff. 1292 By ■!. Hoaïim, Dep?y Urcrllf. Shcriff's Salo. BY viRTUEof one writ of 1 tri Rieliulsmiedontof and nndar the aotl of the Circuit Conrt tor th" and dutcd the alxthdayof Octo ir. A i. i-TH.... rajvor ofApnzo Clark and lidwin v. bréese, plafntiffi in"! Qgalnst the p 'orts and bhattela. and for wani thoreof, thtn ofthe landa and tenemenlu of Jacob Pulkerson. defendant theretn named.andforthesnm ol three hnndred nnd lorty . dollars anti h; . .is d:nniiu'K. and forty-onc dolían nnd üixty-flva cAnti oost nf snit I dM. this 1 j r tli day of October, A. 1). 18T0, levy npon, scizi' and take all the rignt, title and Interest ol the esid Jacob Pnikerson, i" and to x)w folïowing descrbod property,vovlti The est half of the norttrwest qnajrter of sectloiu nnmber thlrty-flix ■ :'-ij In Townahip nnmber f'inr Wsoutb. range four(40 eaxt, intlie 8talo of Michigan . whlch property I sh ill exposé lor salo at pnbllc tuction, nd ell to the hivlust bidder, on Tburaday, the llrst of.Jeceinber nuxt. nt. 1 1 oc cu k in the foreuoon of that day, at the front door of tb,e CoartHonse in the City of Ann Arbor. Uatcd, Aun Arbor. Ui'-t. iotli. lp. l-.flltd BÏSOR r'OKTBH. Shpriir. Mortgago Sale. DKFAI.'LT liivini: been in the oondition of aceftain mortgaee made and exeented by Durliska N. Ueg iy anti tLdgdi M. Orcgory, o Uiê city oí Aun Arbor, in tht'. Connty of Waahtcnaw, and state ol Michigan, to Lymab D. James on the twentyihird ilüy pfAngust 1803, and recorded tbe saine day at .") o'clock P. M ■ In liber ■- BW, ana that there Is nuw dne and iinpald o , mort.. u:,on acconkptlrjlng thé samé, ihuumof one innidiMÍ apd one 0 ■ io. dolíais, and tn bccome due, two tbonsand dollars and lm i the rat,1 oi tenperceot. perannum, seml-annually, from tira 2Sd d:iv óf, on the twentylilrd day of Angust , lSIi, aio i reasonable Attoroei 's fee Bhojd auy procetdtngs 'r taken lo forJCoso thessme, :md m" proccidinj;. :it law or in cqnity havlñg been had to the Mn.'. er any part tln:rMif : Now, therefore, notitu is licn-'oy gtyon, that by virtue of a power ol èale i;i Bald mortgage contalned, t ahall seil atpubiic suctlon. to tinhishest bidder, on the twenty-tirst ilHy of'iry nc'xL. ai ■_ a'dock ''. M pi BiM-daj, al the frontdoor ofthe Court House, In the city of Ann Ailnir, in aald County, all that certain tract or parcel orláud tmown ani desertbed s rollowg, to-wlt : Lot No. om', il"tk niniiiHTi.iir ini twncast.ln tht city of Ann Arbor, in the Connty of Wnshtenaw, and B.ate of Michigan. Datad, Oítober ■-::iK 1S". l.ïiM.AN I). J-AMCS, Mort?nsco. Jou ". OoTT.Att'y. for Mortgagec. 133 Real Estáte for Sale. QTATM OP M n 11 HrAj, i duin y of Wafthtenaw, ?s o i, ;.. ni:i tote oí' John ! ■ decease Notlce is hereby glTen, that Inpursuance oí au offder granted to theund ■ Irainiatrhtor of the v tnte ot sstd ceceasod, by the Hop judseol Piobute fór the ïjwyol vya,ahteuaw, on twenty-aeeond da of September; A. 1. 1870, there will be sold at. iiulilic venduèi to the 1; bidder, at the Bouth door of the Court House, in the ity of Aiiu Arbor, in the Comity ol W.-ishu-naw, in lid Stat, on Wédnetday, the twerjl Deoember, A D.18,atin.o"docl! In fhefbrenoon abjeci to al] enohnbrance by mortgage or othtrwïpe extettns al thr r. me of fhe dt-ath ol sald deceaf ed, and also aobjeet the rigkt ol dowerol ihis widow Iherelnj'. the followlng deanibed real estáte to wit: Apatol of land deacrlbed M cemmenclng at " )ioint in tlio center of the Klier White rond on Ihe west Une of seciiuu tliirty, in thr town u6!p of Ann Arbor, and thlrteen chius norih from smilh-wet corner of eaid sefetton, running thencu ■y, and a ha I rteen chains to i h'1 eoni ''■■■■'' : ' " ■'"'■ "' -v-1 Becöón thlrty henee northeiehty si-ven and :i quarterde . two Chain and elevon links, thi-nci nor ., iwo and a half degrea west elghwen ehains and alxty three llnkK t-jthe ui-nicr oCaald Eber. Wükoroad, Bonth éevcuty three aad a half de rees west aloug th center ol '.id road to the ,1 oú-iu aerea. Aun ■ plee oT land bezinning at the north-wel corael ir MKtJon thirtyone In ihe town of Ann Arbor, running theucceust nlongtbe eetlon line lorty four chains and fortytbreolinkt tostke, ith aeïen ehalnsiand thlrt on links, theucev.u-t furty four chaina and forty-threo Únk, thenca north seven ciuüns and ,- links to the plats ol beBlnnlng, contalplug hirw-two nd 7S UW aerts lo the east ball ol tbs ■a'-t'h-ilf of the Fonrli wat qnMtor of sectiou ten, ntown-hii three south of range ftve oatt, contato fortv acres more or le.s. Also twent) apres of and Ivirt.' noith of the hi-iuvay. iuuI ff of the wesl sidc of the aast half ol' the outbeasl quarter o Ion twenty flve. In townshlp two notrth of rango five ■ast: all beüu! tofaid Mirón. ' Dated. Octobcr 201 ; "■ ... .V;,', ' ■ V'OLZ, Admlnlstrator. Finest Assortment of Toilet Goodsinthe City,by


Old News
Michigan Argus