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ZZ ■ - ■ - ' WM. M. SINCLAÍrT" COMMISSION MERÓHANT IN G RAIN AND ÏLOTJR, 00M !';. 1W LaSALI-E STREST, CITICAGO. l-'TOyl " O. M. MARTIN i ■ IS ITlíNll (TftR Hf.'ill klndí, Pnrlorand Room Sala, Mirrors, &c. 33 Soutli Main MACkïiSTCilMïD, n'lLEK (S nr.v Rooíls. Grocerics, Crockcry, tt. 5 Sji'' Main Street. C. A. LEITER& CÓ., m;s ÍN URUGS and Medicines, Pnre Wlneí Uqaors tur Mi-dicinal Purposes, Cigar ic., Ko.lOPíory Block. A. W1DEN.MANN, ingm5Kzch Rea] Bátate andFire 'Smsut Aent. N'o. 'i.'iotith Main Street. TKACY W. KOOT, CJVREN'SKI' !■'.'""■ i,' . of tl ashtepaw Coniity, anfi. BmIKui Block. DR. KELLOGG, ftlCnCING Physldan, and L. B. Kellogg Proprlriiir of lr Kfllogg's Celi brated Etemedles, Auu r.MIch. MORRIS HALE, M. d7 ■.ad Olllce No is, corner Williams and mpsun Htret8 Recular ó&ce houra 1 to :. f. M Ailvico and PrescrIptionB frum o t 7 P, M. 'adidas frt-c gratis to the poor. 1S04 6. E. FROTHINGHAM, M. D., NI1 SUEGEOX. Offli o C . S ■. No. 7 Huroj! Btreet. Reeidence, N . trcet. Ollicehoius, S to 11 A.M ,anu IP. M. 11. W. ELLIS & CO., ;!iíldcaierfin Pftiuts, Oils, etc No.2 , eet, Ami Arbor. JollX KECK & CO., rnimre ofsll kind. Nn. 52 South nu Slrcet, uad 4 Wcjt Liberty, Sireet, Adb irbot. J. Q. A. NS, ITTOK -ï Kstate anö. i loüTeyancing and Collcctton ol Camprot6pfijattPDed to on liberal térros. Ofick, up fi;ira, liar(u (Hreet, un ArborMjch. W. li. JACK80N, PBSTI3T, enes8 r to .G. B . . . . Aon Arbor, Mich. Ajuuthetlca admlo red. W. K. BUEAKKY, M. D. . 0 II rcs'doncc, corner of florón and Divfolon stront:;, ñvt door Kso( Prrabfterlan Charch. Aim A.bor, Mich. E. J. JO ÍIN&OÑ, (ULBK I i!ATS and Cap ■ urs, Strnw Ooocls Otatt' Rarnishlng Goods, &c , Nu. 7 Solxi'u Main Slrett, Ann Arbor. SüTll ERLAN D & W IIÍSDON"," fIRud Pire Insarance Agent! nnd dciiersln Real Inron Street. Alcu sell flratdui8ewlng Machines. W. D. HOLMES, mttTforthe Florence Sewine Machine, and doaler .te. No. 82 fcast Huron Srrcet LË V18 G. RISDÓN, ■ -! In Hardware, Stovev, House Furr.ifhlng Gouds.Tin Ware. Jfcc. N. SI Snuih liuin Strci't. UACII & ABEI,, DtOiiBSin Dry Goods, Qroceries, &c, fcc. No. 2C Swth litio Stri't, Aun Arlmr. 8LAWS0N & &ON, íROCEUS, Proylsltre and -0 nvtp'sslon Merchants nd dealer? in Watéi Urne, Land Platttir, and PlaetcrPtrit, No. U Bast EXaron Street. S. SaNDHËÏM, I!OLKSALE auu rotail dealer in Koatlv Made Clnthloths, Ca98Ímere8, 7e8tln0,aod Gents FuriUbinüGupdi. No. 9 South . W.M. WAGNEB, MER in Rinrlv Hade Clothlng, Cloths, Cn?slMMtnlTutlnKS, Ht OnpsTrunks, Uarpet Bii,i,5 .21 Suth Main Street. Q-ÏLMORE "fISKE, id Station ers, Medical, I.iw nnd College Taxt Book. Scliool aud MiBcellapAOBfl wobí. No. 3 North Main Strekt, GfeííCry lAoSk Adl Arbor. FINLEY & LEVVIü, M in Bootf , Shooe, Galtere, Slippers Ac, .!( Kart Huron Street. R. TMÜlAèi T, ÜDIES1 Faehionatr'e Sboe notoe, Xo. 24 South 'imsirect. ROCKK R v; , ft485VARE & GPOCERIES. í& P. DONNBLLY )'''"'"ff largnt.ick of Crorkerr . filiisiware T'ire,Cutlerj , Orocenu, ííc, Sc, all t6 b "■''luoinnnlly lo pricfp ■ ,„ x.12Eib1 Hurí tiStieft.Ann Arhor lc8tf 'J . k V . DON NEJ.I.V pHtTG. GALL, ffiSH AND SALT MEATS, líARO, SAVSACiKE.-Btc. ' JÏ5.e?llclted and iroit)y fllli-d with the best ■" Inihc inarkrt. tl íul Washington str.'ct .Arbor, Sept. Uth, 1M9. 1 ::;Mf [yVERY AND SALE STABLE. .T. B AXTKLL, loTrCTltain nd f"1'1""1''"" treeU. Horse boardtfrj i-j1,801111''' tonus Second hand buKgiM, cutJillW"1 hamepii for sa!e . lSWjl JJ" ARKSEY, tí!!gÍ& M.imitacturcr of arriages. Buggies, Wagons, ■fur?,SU'"'llls"f "vy style. mad of the best ad n '' """ wnrr;mtotl. Bepairlug done pjom iily DtJi Ï9 'onable. Uutroit Street, near H. K. AliA.l,or,Vich. lïTOyl B(ÁRfiiy's "'Plcetogetauything you want io the ÍÜRNITURE LINE! XOT BE UNDEKSOLD. erd fctly Puro Drugs and TIíc .TIktiigan 'Híral Ilalroiul NSW TI MU TADLE. Triíini on the Micliiefin Central ltailroud uow lcave tftatlulib UiUiiL-ti as follOlN 0 : GOINU WKST. M:)] FmC Dexter Kve'g. Pacillc TralD. Ex. Aoc Bx. Ex. (etroit, 6i m Ï.3O a m 4 1"r m :.4psi 9.0 i" Vpsüuiiti, S.:3 '■ 8-C8 ■ 5.811 " T.Oi " lfc.08" V ii ii Arlior, S.ÍT '■ S.-1J " CJM " 7. ■_'."■ " I trsh'v, '.' ■■ ■■ ' C.i.8 " 7.S5 " ihrJm. 9 45" - " ' 8.1" Inckson. 1045 ■' VA'i '.' -. ir. 11.45 Ciilamaxoo, t.05PM 11.87 r H.lí u M ■ Chicago, 8,0" 4.0tPM C üu " 7.1U " ; i. CAHT. Atlantic Nlgtat Dexter Mil Fisi N'. Y. Ex. Kx Ace. Train. Ex. CliifKtro. s.i.'i pw9 iip a i íi li ::i)a m ínlnriiniuo, l'i.Kö " '.'..i a m 10.60" 8.62 r icks-on, ' 1.06 ah 4 35" S.OÍPK 5.4S " Hielaea, :S ' A. v. B.O?" - exter, r.4 " e.lü s.20 " - n: Arlior, 2.20" 6.00" li 4 ." 1.45" pnllantl S.40 ■ 0 2U " 7.10 4.55 ' 7.(12 " letroit, 8.43" 7.30" 8.40 6.40" 7.55" Usted, Muy ■...; h.lS70. A. WIDENMANIM, REAL ESTÁTE AGENT, A XX ARBOK, MICII. OFFERS FOB S.H.E : 53 a cc of Innd , wjlgn one JiaV m i lo (Vom tbfl city, tobe icfid in . folU .-- : 24 hefu "ii sectinn V. in (be tova of Ann Arbor borderiuit n tie chm on '.:-i ledlng lo OornwelU' paper Diill,n43 on (li wo li ores situated on the norfrhwest comer of tlie Qorbun road aud tho shíiI Cornw eli V i ro id . Crhí8 is 'ne of the hfcüdsomest situatious i n ihfl nftiirliliorliood of Aun Arbor . 13a acres improved land Joínlsg the above I53 acrt'-S andfroD'.ing Corlinni Ruad. Forty rcvoi of Fift C'uss Fnrnnr.f; Tvnd. wüt: good Dicliai d and líitrn, 2í milen Triia thu Tuurt Houw, on tlio upper Dïxboro rourt, I :irro of Lui.) .vitl. :i v.f.v two utoTj frame boufteon TbooipBon, SO1 r ft Tliuuipuu' audltiou bo the Cil} of Autl Ai bOX . 7 li its o! % acre eacli, on Tlioinpüou ,Spüor & Thomp 9 ucres oí 1a.nJ, witb a splemlid grove, joiniug the Kii'f ;.' ■- iii W vel. 1 Höuso and l.', lóft '-': 'nj, wltta Barn, WesljKitcben, Cai , nud a uüuibcr uf nmdviu n: piOi iliicM.1-, on the liurtbweht COrnQC Ol Fourtli and Packard Stroeta 1 House iiini Lu!, iü lui: 2d Wrd, ou SoutU I.iborty Si reet. 1 House nd 3 Lots in the 2J Ward, noar 2J Wani chuui liuu.-M,'„4 i 1 House anil 4 Loth.near the il. C.R.H. Depot. 2ifacrèfe ofiaod In theaoulh f the Sute of UUsouri , near ttie Hanuibd.L Jri.Jocph Ka i I roa d. 2 City Lols near Sd Ward Scbuolliouse. A. WIDENMANN, FOREIGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANN ARBOR, MICH. SELLS AJíP BUYS DEAFTS, ISS3CES LETOfiS OF CREDIT ( ALL PRINCIPAL PLACES ín fíRFAT BKIJA1N', CEUMANY, KIÏAXCK, 1WITZi k ni A Xi. etc. .' ■■ iiri-ct oouittciiuna vith , eoa blo m to oí: r h íaív ral e ■- ,nn New Vhpk . . I am doI 11 u ftfn m t ;i j country , but I m ha vj tig li rect comino :hc.l - tion wilh the bc-.t houacs u ÍCu; i COLLECTIONS IN EÜR0PE BY POWKR OK ATTORNEY OR OTIIEHWISE.WII.L 11U PROMPTLY ATTÏND) D TO PASSAG J TICKETS per Steamer lo arid from Nrw Vork to al] princiiíxI pürt ol Kuroje 1 wíiJ tciid a f jüIIom o : From Nrw Yorkto Soitthamptoo, lUVre, Indou, Bit-meo, or Hamburg, Ut Clasa. SdCUss. Steerag, ÍI-0. $72, í':.ri ioGold. Returu Uokt. 2S. 126 Cl " From abovo placoe to ?:w York, isa, 2d Clasa, 3d Claíti. $120 $72. -íOiu Guld Cabiüj (80 to $T,Curr ency, gtecraef (30 Lu C'urrylícy. From Liverpool to New York, Calin, $100. Steerae, 187 "tootíann, fire insurance agent -A-ISTISr ABBOE, For th.e iHQW.trd lmurance Xlo , in New York one üf túe olufsl and b(nt Con:ij;iuit.'is in tlte countij'. The Tontonia Tnsuraiice Company in Clereland Tbe bqnorableand . :nnt ofiblsioitltatlon nají nadS1 ■ most reliable Firt 1 ra n ce Coi pun íes in the 1-J".7yl CUAS. A. LEiTEÏi & CO., CHAS. A. LEITEB& CO., CHAS. A. LEITBR & CO., CHAS. A. LBITER & CO., No. 1 &iegory Block, Hf. 1 Giegory Block No. 1 Gregory Block No. 1 Giegoiy Block, CS Sign of the Gilt Mortar '. ZW Sign of -the Gilt Mnrtar HT Sign of the Gilt Mortar CIT Siga of the Gilt Mortar HAVE JL'ST OI'KNKD HAVE JUST OPKMD IIAVK .ir ■ Dl ;.n.j;i HAVÜ JLSI QPKNLD I-he TPinetit Stoelt ot The Finest Stook oí 'a.'he ITinest Stoolc ot 'J'Jie Finest Stoelt ol HBCGS AKD MEDICINES DKGGS AND MEJDICJXES DRUGS ASD MEDICINES DRC6S AND IEDICIENS ÏN THE CTTY. IN THE CITY. IN THE CITY. IN THE CITY. PURE WINES AJíD LIQUORS Kor Medíalo] PnrpOMS Tho Popular Patent Medicines of ]-,ty , tod 6T6r.ythtng k 1 1 1 ii a GratDrug Storo. A o EXCELLENT BRAND OF CIGARS. TRY TBCH3M, Kole Agent in the Cily fur Otlo il Hcyndor's celebra ted SLTRGICAL AND JOENTAL INSTRUMENTS. f i?" ESPECIAL ATTKNTION G1VFV TO TH? CÓMPOl'NliINfi Of PH7S1CUN8' l'RKSRIPTIONS and KAMII.Y MBDIOINBB, 128fi AT AD AM E CÖTÉ Wnnlri rp'ppctifuMy Inform thcpnhlir of Ann Arbor snM virinity that uhe is open tO ■ for priviitti Ifspons, for iiiRtrucion In Prench Tems roaiooable. Apply at No. ü3, comer o William mul Poartta Streets . BSFSSSNCRS.-TOi Tylrr. Rev.H. 8. Burton Rt-v II. I,. Habbell, Prof. Banr. Prol". Tenlirook Prof. Adams, Prol'. Olüey, l'rolllarrluytou. m3-lC6T. Q M. MARTÏÏÏ IS AGAIN IN BUSINESS, With a full line of Choiue Furniture Parlor and Bedroom Sets, Mirrors, &o Cali and see hint1268


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