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A. T. Stewart's Hotel For Women

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Any honorable woiuan who lias betn so uufortiinatu ua to ronuli Naw ork lato at uight t DnJ berself refused almiltance to a hire hote!, sololy beoinie sbu was alono :ii;d a woiiian, will knowhow to appreoiate tha munitiücnce oí Mr. Stewan, who a i,ow bnilJiug a tiotol exclusively for womou o tb city of New York at a cosí of tlireo million dollars. All vromen ure not so fortuoate as have ntar fricada ia Cha metno}Í8 wlio nauld bo ülad to ete théai and a trunk arrive in the midillc of the nigbt uor ia it possibfe for the bent of women eumiog from disUot portions of tho land alwaya to raaeh New Fork iu tlio day uniu; uor 18 ït posmiilo tor tho most in duslriuua and virtuou alirtys to bc ablt; to ucuro willi c nily e;iniiutrs a oomlortuble ahelter awl homo. All of these bavo cause to Llca Mr. 8.tewart. Thia graut wómeo'a hotel on Puurth Avenae, botweeu Tbiity-socoinl and Tliirty-thtrd fttruetf, tías rua(;lied the f hird of iö sevea stiriea, u,il i fast becoming an object of interest to tb orowd daily punsing it.i ridiug nalls. ïhu v,lulv builiiiiig ii [o t)ü (il ion, C.'luil in wï 1 briok, auJ wii! be thorwugtily fire-proof. U will i:ovi-r in rua of 41,000 square i'cet. tho frout oii F.ju;:1i apnue measuring ll''J to.-t. nud tho t.o frouta on Tbirtj-Bocotid auu Tbirty-thfrd streeta 205 feet ro.pectiiuly. Tho arotiiteotural iJeiigu of tiiu slruiture ia modern PrtMJoh otlnc, wih a maowrd roof, in tho upjier pint of which will bc in addilional ttury to tnoo euuuierated. The oulor is to bo white, auü llio hoight of tho building at tho hi;het prta uf the roof 10U fcOt. The principal entraooe, ou Fourtb avenue, ia forty-eiglit feet wi)e, and the pórtico front, t-o glories i;i belgbt, i alruudy built, togfether'with the ootUnea of Iwenty-four stores, oach fifty two foei duop by sevtrituOM wHe, whicii atu eoiuprehénded ia Uio Git storv. A wide staircuse wú lead frora tlm' Vtrstibula to tbe uppar stoïiba. Thit vestíbulo wil] have tall and tnauive ii'i.irr, anj bjoad it will bo a hall thiríy turf wide, paved wiili marblu, nd uontainirjg doublé fligbts ot stiirs. Elevators will be construoted on eacli fido of tbese. Tho ioturior oourtyard, wbiob the !)uildiii(; surroundd, measures 92 foei liy 116, and will aflPord light to the inner rooms, which do uot fauo toward the streel. Tho house bas advanced nufiicioatly f ir t disp:,y this design. In tlte reuter of tho square wil! bc b The kuchen and lanodry i riiDiretneritis will be eoudueted ou tliu ojogt improvt-d uitel piuns. Ventilatiiig uhafls will run 'ro:n tlie bttgemeüt to tiio roof, The beight df the firgt story i.i i:;.; foet; ho secund, 14 feet -J iochcs; the ihird yet aufiuished, ia to bu 13 feet 7 inohes; fnU,th, llfWt; öaj-fl7e S'.v,M.tli, 7 feet 11 iuehes,. The lamidry and kuchen arts to be on he liiut Soor, at the bauk ot tlie b n, wtierc stocíjrt oannot ba c. 'iis'ructed. and libove these will be tho dining rcoui )'l by oU, a hall {or 1 otar h and concert, tho readiog room a:d (Lu library i'he loe;'in{ rooms will be bol tlugle Mid do ibK', the furmer heing lü IS eet, th tutter 8 by 9 foet. Tho reut to otth tenant wül bo boreaf;er fixed, but it will uoi probably cicoed cuu dolhir a m-ek. Food will hu 'uruiliJ on ihu restnuratit . plan, ud ill be uharged limply at original cost, with a B:nall uddim u tnt Um tïrs'se of rcparuiioD, MrvWf" reut, '-to . lu a.uucu as the i'stiiblishuioiit 18 caloulatrd lo Lold ifteen hundied persons, tho prnportion of on each dish will bo f ir les thau if a small nuuibor ware participauts. Oofíeu or tea will not cxci'cd two ceot a cup; nit'at, five ceats a píate; vege a - jlea, one and two c. nts a liish and other arliulesin proportion. Expunenuo at the wouieu's iiütel, at lvizabetb streot oonductcd on the saine plan, but vrhere tho luiubers do uot ezceed two hiindred and fifty iutnutes, doaionstratri thU mest oan ba remunoriitively furnisbed it eightoents coffoo and tea al tbrea etnts. A leMilent eau livu woll thert, loolndios wsabing, lor $o 50 a woek, and in Mr. 6;ew;irt'a establisbmODt the cost to each inuiate will probubiy not ezoeed to 8'i, uooording io the quali&y and quantity of l'o.d indulgod ia.


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Michigan Argus