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-Emuiiiu:] Maan is elect mout .Mr. ijon(i by a large pajority, tiqh was a great rlctory, as Mr. Pond nspotforward as the strong m&i or the ree of the part. Mr. Pond got all ■ i-rieaii Repüblican fricncis in thls ald to vote for hi.i:i. and thi; jimiiwnaslarjrc. yhile on tlK'Otlicr Iihii.I .Mr. . wccfiv-i 11 :i--ü(; numbur oí Germau ocAÜc votes Tlicresnlt ahoaa -'Manu had more personal ft:eii(Ja than '■bJ, M(I tlmlis ali titóffi is of it - Lvrr. 'f!ict]y"all." Mr. ILiaNwaa nom iiiiídíMaücrnian, noí as a Repúblicas; ■'■Hinii, ?,í,m .i:]mblica:i; wus Wmo Germán, y GternjanSj ?;' s Wrtllcín by Repnbllcaus and to carry Wttenceo.Dffht to uikc liis seat' in tbe tendí of 'the Hoi Serman Confedera Hwead of tüe Seáa'te'. "That is all Seieisofit." -Sot Quite "all" either, nelglibor. Mr. ha ran a Itttle ahead "in this city," Inlofbeliind as yon give it to be nnderiiood. hwMouíoítiie city, and where Iwricíns wore scarce, that he was The following is the list 'f petit ja. ndmwn tor the Novemfcetr berm of the Circuit Conrt : ■Ü.Arnold, J),-xfer. wsW. Beson, Yorfc [9 BlMkmio. Bhron. -Buchnin, Ypsilantl Citv. rtes Canlleld, Lyu.lon. MÜ?,r'"li:"s' Ypsiliinti City. '7, Lima. ■'mes Danccr, Lta. ■'iniii DtPorest, Ado Arbor Town. rtwKast.,,,, Ann Arbor City. lulld, Ypsllantl City. JwtoOi'thway, Sylvan. r"-w ilarmon, Auiracta. i:Jieit' Kalmbach, Prt-edom. w, Brtdgewater. P s 11 'nis' Ypsllantl City. ■■I;llly, Ann Arbor City. gSMctfasb, NorthfieKi. f" 8 Mlllard, Ann Arbor ïovvn. "VNanry, Superior. " Olcütt, Aagqrtfc &iobison' 6ha"ron. .'-! Wehg, Preeetom. "we Welch, Ypsilantl City. Th R " "e first snow of the feaon groetei) ' Popie hereabouts last Wedneeday, and ■ nakes chuseil eacl) otlicr aronnd qn:ti'ii 'Or Ume' everythiug a t lry &PPear;incc, and btntiqg that au "ad bidilcn us good bye. The nortlisam "'nii e"terel 'ls appeainoe about the i)te tD ]'Vi:]y demtntf for coH ti'anc' puinfally remindiiii; one'of terj ei anJ toescs, piiichtd e:ir.s, c!i:it rlii T aui' mlmcrous othtr pntnka cli Jack Frost takes dellght In piaylng WO the huma,, rim,y_ Weihu-sday "evedi We llHl1 " rVceze up," but tliis, Tlmi-snoriiingltile weatbcr blds fair tu be ess frigid. -Miche fifth an"aal rtJ-l"lion f the - iflfV vo!untC(;rs II hc lield n tbe .ot Jackson, on V7ednpday, the lütli totf Cüri1'111 liivitalion istxt.-iidcd The ,1membcrs a'l Wenda at the relmept. 1tart.U ,HUSewi" 'Je the general lieadlu w. .' , n"S lh doy. A business mectclock . UïW at the (:Jllrt House at 3-'á '"J Ca t' M TI'C aJlress wiu I)C 1'w] "erXi-h a -"AIUM;-vn:i-. "f Uoslng, bow . , a s"Pper wili bc partaken ol fl zond Í taSlS and reíiPses. A The concert giveii on Woducsday eveuing in tlic M. Tl. Church, ander t!c the Student1 Letftare Associatlon ly the wldely known (ustly popular prima c1ood4 Miss Clara Louisi: Kei asslsted by Kr. Wil. Macoonald and 81g. Kasdolfi, Vtt. Jauk8 M. Wbhli, pianist, was t complaie success. We aro no musical critic, hut will venture tó assert tüat Miss Kelloü malntalned her high repu" i:iti:ii and . .1 ever hcarer. Her volee w;is 3 weet and clear and was man wlth perfect skill, wiiiiont effort oa tlon. Bhe was tlcally received, and en coreiï volu-mcntl} aftor itvury appearance, au evldence both tliat her hcarera aped her and meant to g-ct the wortli of tlit-'ir moucy. Jliss K. was well supI. The audUnce ivss :i large and cultivatet] one, and the troupe coulil not bui isi'.i wlth liieii' leceptlon. - Ilon. Chas. Scídíbr wlll lectura befare the A'ssoeiatlou on Monday evenlug ntxt. Subject- "Tm Fmnco Pmstian H In his Uuirersity Pay addre-s, ProfCockkr is crcdlted wlth glvlng a good liit at tlip extraordluory quallflcatioua o! some il' i!ie Btudenta. . Advislug tbem tliat 'from thls day t!iey shouM ceasê to bc i i become raeti,"lie proceeded ; " [t ilicl not seem to his poor com prehensión to reqnlre mach blltty to toot i liorn, or any special eaglneeritig ski 1 1 to Uwt up i sidewalk, or any accurate knowledge oí oatluttD&tiea to huid a rooster on thestase, or any stmly of phystcs to breuk open a oor aud Bteüi ;i Prolfes8or'a papers There are thousiinds of grown np boys who know ïo'hinir of the Sócrates of the clouds or tbc Socrat-8 of the memorabilia) who 'n tlngulsh between an Iota snbsrrlpt and a pot liook, wio tbiok the problema of Euclid nro poorer connndrums tlian those in tiic New ïork Ledger, who can not read or wrlte, who can i!o:ill these thlnss bet ter than the tmartest stndent in tb e best Ualverslty In the United States." The stockhelders meeting of tho Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Railroad Company, called to bc held yesterday to clect ofllcers, carne lo grief, atl itijnnction bcing siTvcd "i; tlie Coramisslooers, proliibititg i dlstjlbutloD of tlie stock and staying proceediugs genera'.Iy What Is the liext move ivc ire not advlsed - We liear tliat a new company has been orgaolceri coveHog t'i gronnd from tliis the State line, but no details have Ik-cü glven us. On Wednesday eveniüg last, a burgkir eiitured iIih store of L. B. SLAW80K fc 3ob, aml topk thcrefrorn the conteuts o: the moiicy drawer, araouutlng to abont $15. lic entered the store by breakiiiK a pane of jrlass i'rom the door ou Fourth street, and crawling tnróuglj the sasü, aud aiter pocketlng " filtby focte " lic c mld üiid, aabarred the door and waïked out. It s hardly uecesgary to gay that thu name oí the thiei' s a njy.try. i mm ii - Now tbat elootioQ is over we ehall devote more spacc to the general news and ocal matters, aud ahall alm to tnake the uicessary to all wiio would kuow v;iat is gohi on arouod tiicjn.. As a sinall premium to new subscriben ve will funiish the Argus to December list, 1871, for the yearly subscrlptlou of$2, r se ven weeks free. Hand In your m ind the mouey. Ai.onzo D. Davis ha placed upon our table severa] varieties of applcs, aicong whicli ure the Bald win, Strawberry, Swaari Greeuing, Toinpkios Co. Kin:;, etc, for btl.r th:ui!cs are dus. - Ii' sonic onc wonld place us ander obgations for a barrel of clder vo shouldu't eeluny way butfiieuclly towavd hlm. lïev. u. S. LLa.v, of Kaiaraozo, wil! reach lu the Congregaiional Church nest abbath morning, and in tlie ëVeniug before the V. M CA. of ihu Uülrersltf, in the Cliui'ch.


Old News
Michigan Argus