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UfiW Tork.Nov. 8th. BaMiieea ia Kenerally qnlot to-dny, ou acconnt of the eJectiou. Gold in lover nt Ho), and lonns eay. The eutsc in raoiicy Ia aornewh-it ftivor.iblc to tpeOQ " lution, whlch howi Itaeli in the raüway utock Uit and in the cotton trrtde. The .improvcment of laat mouth iu wlicat nnd fiiir has been neurly Jost. Tho BnropMO markct U not much fhaned, whoat In Liverpool boinjí only ld belw Ihï hthest polnt of 1 at muüth. bat this mal decline wltb the advrtiica In (ïlghts, whith aro doublé what lhe7 were In ?eptoiaber, natty demoralizes the morket here. Thp faïlure of the peace nepotiatlons in Turopñ will in all probabïfity cauae nn Increased demnnd for breadctuffs, but wlth the ndvance in freights between the Tfesr and the seaboard which muat ensne on the cloao of Q&vigation, it will reqnlro a lieavy forcin dnmand to effect the mnrket farorably for farmerg during the wiuter, though aome improvcment orer present pricee jnaj bc reAian&bijantfcjprteii. Flour is off 1.i(S-25g on the wek, and wheat fi@8c. Corn nd oats a llttlo impjoved. In pork nnd hogs thcre is notblng new. Active opcnuions aro stlll deforred by tho warm weather. Tho mnrket is generally wek. both herc nd at the west I'ressed hog re qnotabl hiTcat t&tH. The market ia fall of live stock, cattle, shcpp and hogs. Cattlo are aboRt lc off on the weck. Siicop als" lowor. DtTnoiT, Xov. 9th; Wheat wai grectly dpressfd dnrlng tho weck, bat rslllcd n litde wlthin the last day or two, altliough It rates 2'iSc below last report. Recdpts contiDne nearly na heavy as durinij the best days oí tlio season, and the indisposition of bnyers to inreat kceps prlces at a discount. Corn advances abont 5c on the weck. Onts steady and unchanged. Apples in (air di-ntnd at S2O2 15 por bbl., with $2.26 sometime paid or choico lot. Beans are iu deroam7 for up lake and rivor trilde at $lfíiH.5O from wagons, and $I.T0@1.80 from store. Butter is quite plenty, 25@2G bclng abnnt the arerago ior good roll and crock in wholsale lots frora store, üuckwhoat flour Is weiiker nt $7@7.6ü. Crdiibcrries in good demard at $10 1 for Mvamp. and $12(14 for cuitivated. Cheeie ia Urm but nnchangcd. Dressed hogs bilt little in mar:et, and nomiiiHl at $8(08.50, Efïgs firra at 85Q26n 11111 fecd Is wak at HB.HKS14 tor brau, $lfl.5o for oane middllnga, and 27@28 for flne. Hops dnll ■k at 10@12c for new, and 3a5c for old. On. ons per bbl. from 8torc: $2 75.ï3, from atrect per mshel, 8a95c for red and yellow. Potatoes a little tronger tí Waste. Wheat, extra White, 1.S6: No. White $1.22 ; amber, $1.14. Street iirici. 5al0c DETROIT PUODff E MARKET- Thr rollowlns qnotations represent the current net prlcesrealized by oommúion dealen. and re oircfully revlsedevery week. for the Asaos, by 'ir Detrottcorrespondent : is fi' m tbese pricos f"r jBommlsstout anc trillshnw i!ic net rsteitofirst bands: Apples,- Drled, T8c; Green. $2.00íí$2 10 per bbl. Barie? -per cwt. . 1.80 Jïol, n $1.70 for No2. ■v:ix - per Ib. BO. Iienns - white. $1.691T5 Batter - Rollando . rirkln.2l(328. Cheesi- Michii; Fnctoi Dairy, 6&12. Chickens - Oressed.. per lb.t 1T Corn . 0@$U.OOfurwlld. ï'.'j'.' - perdos. , ' - lrv. perlb. .l2.'.íllc-;grocn,Cí@7c. Hops- iter ]b., 1 0 ■ ■ -;IT 'ib, -'." .i .ifC Cali Bklns- Green, :-J.ilc; dry, 25g50. p Skins- sOfa 1.76. p.New. perlb.. 15Q6c, Lard- perlb.. IGc. Kye- Mie. Onl'K- perbbl a.5Oa3fl. Potatuus- ■-'.■ r !bl. " 6 fiTOc. pi-r bn. Smoiccd Hams- city curcdper lb 18XC Sbouldera x-sy,otzic. Tnrk.'vi- (!rll)..10fö20c. Wheat- extra white, 1. 891 .40. No. 1.31 -!.■■■ 1 -■-■0Styoet priw for wheat are about lic. beloir Eoard of Traile prices. JlfH .VRBOR PRODUCE BARKET8. Aur.'is ÜFPiCE, Noy. 10.18T0, We quote tbis ifteruoon ap followii : WHEAT- White. HO; Rcrt. Tflc -■-'i;. OAT-i-2c. BEANS- 1.5. BDTTER- Ï8o. EGGS- 20c. LAKD- 16c UAT- 103il2. APPLKS- 2S@4nc. POT 'TOES- 53c. 0HICKES8 -Wc TURKEVS-Uc.


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Michigan Argus