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Enterprise In Farming

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Vo aró 'neljned t.n thirik, rrvb Dnctnr ï-rue, ilifit more farmers fui in betng what thev wixli to be, or in having wnal they want to hve, tboueli want of entorprifc, tlmn ttio wtnt r.f nny otber roqúísitn. In imlnstry and f ruirality ihnre M probahly no lasa oqnnl tiiom. Tlic monev gained by hnoat loil in the field, ia eldoin wssteil in ♦Im? wino oup Ót' ailnibliiii; taMc. Thev work liard mid loiiix, an3. scnipuloiisly savp tli' ir emniuga ; s'iil, cotnpirativoly few beeome wealthy, and ilh thuso fuw tli" wfiilth acqtiiicd ís ordiimi'ily the work of a lifetime. Tliis comes, w tliink, ehieflv frotn a Ihdt af ntfTprio - fronv beinc avTcautions abnut entering inlo uny braneh of farminj operatinns tliat bifl nnt heen timroapMy tri'd, ti'Sted, and declarod iafe. The old ndage. "notbine ventured, notliing ha3," m exempl'tied in the live of OS)' out ofevery liundrcd farmers. Á certain degrpe of ctiution is a good thiug; hut it i quite as bad to have toe tBtvch of it ns too Hule. For every farmer vvho loscg by showinp some enterprise in raising new crops, owing se varietie8 of geed, or in brancbing öut info somo new lino of farming, thre are n liundred who kep them?clves poor by always running in the ame old mts. It is not to be espected that all Jievr fhings will pay in (arm ing, any rtiore tban in other kinds of business; luit sume of tliem will pay, and these iill compénsate for what has beoa lust in tixperimenling with others. A a rule, a man thiuks botter of biin■ulf, and hi.i neig,hbora thiok of Üim if he have the courage nnd enterprise to strike boldly out into some new OTidertaking that proniises well, even if he fails in it, than they do if be siis contentedly diwn, aud only does the thhigs .viiich bis father eaw Lis graudfatber do.


Old News
Michigan Argus