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DETROIT ADVERTISEfiEMS. Th', car ds in this column are aïl ef trfitfimste kft terprisc. Pioie rf a qiirstiovnb'e trr accrpttét pOH SAlK--7,0O ACÏtlCS f ViiIiihIiIb PINE AfD FARMÍN6 LANDS, ON JC&E,At PrlcM Ranglng Trom $2 00 ï'u $1000 PER ACRE. WIIKKK LOCA TOP I fi,r'f-:ï aerrg riñe I.hivIh on tïio Wiscornin liivor. 7,250 ar,n-.ii tb CheRi.vgi'P RiTer, Mich., laadt Dg te Cticlu-.s e;tti firlnrrCRn. Zfbb hc ■ nu TbnndiMitr, Iciilini? to Alpelft, I WS'aero ou th Mnilistco Uiv.r. s:"n nrr'v on Ihc Ti'l'HWRSSI'C Rtver, S.9M ari lo Glartwln cosnty, Hich , for f rmmin'l tünhpr. 1 "Ti choleo nvneralaud hard tlmbfli lanrta nar Onlonncon ,60') er1 praltta Umi in Ni-'raka, nor tho l.'nion Paeffie B.R. 4' (I crea on thp Au ?Mf Pot 'MI dMOriplIon. priv Mii t rnis. -Ttii) forelf "AVI ,) !i' f N CO.. Btnkws, Dctmit . M. , iKTIKtlT t.OC'OWOTlVR WORKS, U MACHINE SHOP AND FOTJNDRY. U kKUTAOTl HERÍ ■.;!■' Riffh & Low Presure Engines For iïoat?, Propsllers, Saw Mi te nd Mining I'urlïOITKRS.of all kïndi snd niic fr LocomoMet S ea:nors a tul Saw Milli lleatr, Ma4plpp,Breeb log! eEfl I'"'i nnJ Hraif CftSllDgl o everyileriptioD Gmrioc f-r Saw Uitte, Cri-t Mills. &c Pnlon I'laner and Workmc Maotatnery, Greai Nortli Amnrfrnu Gane, ui'le critirelj vi Iron, anJ the usual styk of Smv ill Qanfl {" ll'-pftí.s of all kindit 4tn oo írhort notíoe nipbt or d aj. WiM-li on I fttned mul Conerern, froio TlurH to Kou rth Sts., Office cor. I. ai nel nnd Tliird Strrpl. C.H.BUHL.Prfa't. I K. PEIRCB.Scc. hnd Treas. J w. BARTLETT, KMbAoloai Bup't, 1 KTKOXT STK a .11 PAUCI ií Y K I CJ U EtfTABUSaMENT, . 42 Congress Street, Ëast. Fjihcj I1)'! nsr done on Si Ik , W ooien aivl fï i xffl Oooda of all uítk's, flrít clas-R. Bi èry dtxerlptloi) of Bhftw]fl clfeilii' il. dved and rtptlrwd 'onta Grmciils cluattf'l or I y i-'ï ï ei tito Trv bt ntttonor. iiooüs aent bj ËxpresR proraptlv. Httenfïcd to ARoflb. oiufür. TSTAKLISHEP 181. JAMES JENK J Dealer in all kinds cf MAOHHSTEBir ASD SUFfLiES, DETBorr, - . - Mica. 29 AtwaterSt., between J)ts nnd Kandnlph Sta. MACIHM-: SHOP ml Unix Kuiinalry lo you Bent clnss BRASS WORK OR BR A SS CASTING3 Irou Pipo and KHtiiM ff'r Ös '6am .m 1 Wgt#r. Higli and L'iw PrpáfurStenna Bnincfl aud Hoilpr. lïrttwhouse a iil i'iitilltTj Machi r.i i , Ac. ttnu fot Circular and l'rirf [Jut. JAS. FI.OWEE ft BROS-.e11 Bmth st.,Hotroit N. IÏ -All kinds ol SlMtn Huatinc; drtn. ipttCIT -Appl. Pmi. Plams, Chen i's , 1'rArln, Grapeii1 f, CurrauiA . Cïoostbcrricg, KaKpberriva, RlacUierri', Btrmrberrla, kc. All ol the a 'os tb al Inw ratesbjthe thousand. OrnsiD'-nt hI Tro nm Bbrobs, all tho T&tfstiM Miitnbii for OOI climnto, will b iound in ir r p;it jibuiulniiL' . Holland 11 n l[i, j uit mporld, of bMt qualüy. (ï ivinl11 u i l'lants. Vvgctable uud Flowur Steila. &c. AddrCM, VM. AÜA1R, IvtrnkMith. pAKKlAGK MAM h TX UVAXS Vv JOHN PATTON & SON. A ofTt-rinp the largMt aad bwl dnortim-nt of CARRIAGES AND EUGGIES, 1 X TBC WKST, At Grestty Rftdaottd Prioen. All work mado under 0111 ou M Mipi-i v leu, j'.uii Fl LLV WaBRAKTBD. Faotorji nd Wareiooms. cvicvr Wocduridge atid Bru?h ' t rvHïs . l;viioit. SHOE FINDXNG3. rJ? a, n ii e r ' s Qils. Sc., Geo. B. ( rtis & Co., No 1H .I(fT.irion Ai-raur, Drlroit. MichHr. 1? WKTHUKK fc liil.. J MTholesalfl l'.-.i'er.s in Crockery, Ii7assware, China, ÖAS FIXTURES, 1 AMJS, FttTJIrr JARS, Sed. IMFOBT ÍS8OKTKD C15ATKS holt TUK T1UDE, 100 Wojdw .rá Avenue, l-etrcit. JAMES C3-JL..A.SS Sc BK O. Impoitera and HaJra in IiBATHER AND frNDINGS, 11 Craiiü lüver Sïrret West, DETROIT, MICHIGAN MAIÍUI.IÍ- GEO. F. MKHI.INü, 78 Congrua dieet, fat, l)ftnii, minufacfuier 1.1 IIIuh .Stono laip Marblc Maotlea, Isoitatlon of nll the raro cülort- Marbles, ítuch itn Jgypli.ia, SpaiiUli, CmU-íiv Giv-t-a, Brvaatelle, c. DKTRDIT UILLlAItU TAUI.Ii BIhiiufat'lory - (kohgk Smitii. IvIt in Fronch Ciirum and Four 1 ucl.'t Í:!liítri1 TablM, Bsiialcllf, Piiïeon Hule, lI)evil Amo(;iit Tajlon" Tabtea l'i rt ;iniu thc-l. by Mich. blate Pair 'C7B8, 'li ' '7Ü JÜST BEOJEIVErT WiYI. WAGWER'S, A Lr.rge aud Choicc Stock oí FALL AND WINTER GOODS, ÏXCI.IIUNG CLOTHS, CaSSTMERES, VEST1NGS, &C. .LATEST 8TYHS iND B&ST QÜALITIEB rinau in will. MANUFACTURE o terms la tuit, and tn tfaitn of READY-MADE CLOTHING A.NB Gents' FUENISHIN G Goods. BEST STYLE. Al-.. I.ALHl Vaad (. ?. X fS M0ROCCO SATCHELS Na. 21 Bouth Mals Street- Eat ld. CALL AND SEE THEM. WILI.ÍAM WAGNER, Ann Arbor, Scpt. 1870. TF YOU WANT A " TIP TOP " HAT OB. CAP. JF YOU WANT A WLNTETl IÏAT. ]F YOU WANT A STYLISH HAT, TF YOU WANT The Hat of the Season, TF YOU WANT A " Hat as is a Hat," TF YOU WANT Hats Cheap - for Cash. GO TO . A.. TERRY'S' X5 South Main Street. Where yflu wit] atso flod a full lino of Gent'i JurnUklng ííikj'1'. Aiiu Arbor.OctoW 1870. 124!)jl JJEOPLE'8 DRUG STOxiiüi R. W. ELLIS & CO' ANTT AKBOB Tl) PIIÏSIÜÖS ! Nbw Yokk. Aucust iñtH, I8G8. Allow me to cali yoiir attention to my PREÏ'AiiATIOflf OF POUND EXTRACT IUCHU. Tbe coni ponen t parts are, liUCHU, Lom; Lk.vk, CUBJEliS;. JüiXIPKU BJEBRIK3. Modk of Prbpabation.- Bnchu, iu vacuo. Juniper Berríe, by dútílliionI to fattb a fine gin, Cu beba extrnotid liy ili-pl icjii üt vviih spirits obiaioed fioni Juniper Berries; very lutlesugirí s useíh and a Etnill pruportion of spirit. It is more palatable thai) BOJ now in ui-e. Btictiu aa propnrea oy Drnpcisls, " of a ark color. It is a plant llist emits its fragrance ; tlio action of a flame destroys Ü.a (its nctive principie), íeavíng a dark and elutinoua !ecoc'i"n. Mine ia tlie color of ingrediënt. Tlio Bticliu in my preparation predominatoí! ; the smnllè.st qunntrty of the otlier ihpredienta are addcd, to prevent fermentatinn ; npon inspnntion it will be fonnd not to be a Tirintnre, as made in Pliarmaooprfn, nor is it a Syrnp - and thorefnre oan be usod in caQcs where fuver or hflammntinn exist. In thia, you bavc the knowledno of tlio ingredients, and the mode of prepnratfon. FTopini? (hat you will favor it with a trial, and" that upon Tnpection it will meet wilh ynvir apprnbation, With a fpelinp of profound confidenoe I am, vory rospeetfullv. H. T. HBLMBOLD. Chemist and Druggist of 19 Years' Experieuoe. (F'rom the larpest Manufactnring Ch em ists iu tho World). NovKirnER 4', 1854 " I am acquaintetl with Mr. II. T. Helmbold ; he ocoupicd tho Drug Store "ppnsitö my residence, and was puccespful in conductinp the business wnere otheré had not been equally go before hftn.. I ba-ve Veen favorably impressed with his chiraoter and enterprise." WILLIAM WEIGIÍTMAN, Firm of Powers and Weightman MunufacCuring Ciiemists, ïïinlk and Brown Streets, Pbilatlelplna. FLUID EXTRACT BUG HU !. For "WcaVneBn rinitis from indÍJcrcton. Thees lmuKted powtra f Nature which hf ficcompauieil ty 8' trrany alnnning sviutom, aptong vldofa wtll b ftiund , f ;i'tin i'iM ii"fj t" fi i liun , i.iivs of Mmory , "nUcfulnoss, Horror of Iiisease, er Forebodingsuf EtU; tnracc(Uni vers;il Laesitudo Prostrü, arnl Inabllity tocnlci l&to the enjomeati of tociity. Tl CONSTITITION SDce alTei-ld wiih Orgic WcaLnesn, requin tlif aid of Medicine to itrengtben and lnvigorsle Ibe êyttein, ■ hicb IIELHBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU ioTarUbl y dei e . I f 110 treatinent 11 submi tted to.Cou eumjtiott ur luKauity cunui n. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU nRffecliou peculiar toKemvles, is unqui lleH by inyothor prtsparation , as in Ch loronis. or lieten! on , i'a i ii or SuüpresïnDof cuBtooitrr li vacua tioiifl, Ulceraad or Scliirius State of tlje Uterus, and al comptainU iticidcDtal to the bcx, or declino o e liante of Ufe. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT ' BUCHU AND IMPR0VLD ROPE WASI1 Wijl nvlically extermínate from tho system diseasc arisin fVom habits of dinnipatiou, at little exifUhfB littl orno chance in diet, no inconveniunce or ex I oaure ; comjiletely supersotïiug those uui-lefcdant and davLerous remedies, Copaiva and Mcrcurr, in all thete disiaws. USE HELMBOLD'S TLUÍD EXTE ACT BUCHU Id all ditrBsrfi of t]iee urgAim, win ther txif-Uiig '■ waleor mle, (rom whnti-vr tauM or$gfouUluj( and no matter ui' how l""? Ktanding. Ie u plflftMin in taete and odor, ' immtïtlitt;1' in actio i, .nd mor1 trergtbcninc tbau anj of Iht; jn-j arations of liark or Iruti. Thoiie Rufíerl ng from brekm dOTBOf delicate canstitutiooB t procui e tb - remedy at once. The reader must be aware that, however liglit m y b'itlic ntt?cKof t)ie above diseahes, it is eertftiu '.o affect the bodily hcalth and mental powers. All the abovo dist-asen require theaidof aDiurc tic. HKI.MbOI.D: aXTKACT BUCHU is a great Üiurttic. Sold by Diuggists Everywhere. Prlce $1.25 per BofeU?„ or 6 Bottles for $6,50. Delivered to any address. Desciibe Symptoms in all coiumniations ADDRESS, H. T. HELMBOLD, Drug & Chemical Warehouse, 594 BHOADWAY, ISTew York. JVONE ARE GENUiWE unlíss done iip in steel engra ved wrapper, Wltb fac-simile of ray Cht-niical Warehoiisë and sis ned H. T. HELMBOLD. I WASHTNAW COUNTY jj i E2 5 CONVEYANCER (EIÜ Ü lïiiiiiih'NirökiA.iL r:L 5p.üi: ■. :'. : '. ...ITJl" REAL ESTÁTE EXCHANGE ! ! The undwtigoed b&lng f-ripct Reeorí huiory of ;ll of th' Kon I Katftte Title m tlu, ;íi y , and m tho Couotjr of Wmiiicnnv, tAkM pla8iro Ifl annminclog to th publfe tliai ue wjli examine tlUo,giT0 ftb: ■■ ■ Ol I'! i -l.ilt: ti'l, in:ik 066da OBOrtgagWIf contracta and otLer Legal papera oo tb pbortenl notiee: Wi tl als mak 6 unie o i City i roperty an-i farm, rent b out Aft ( a oö foracioxfl oiortfffgofi. l'or-iiii - irantlng ;i hiti-rv of Roal Bvtaie t it !, wt 11 r-oo Íleo! that his Book tiak n Tax Titlea and al! colafral maliiii vfaldi t Qph eaob partloalar dborip tion; ii'l all mortgf{e, aaotnt ",-- moftorn. vrfaicfa t ppear to ( Bt 111 su bslstlug of reeürd at tïie yrest'iit time. I oderthe tollowiogReftl Estftt%lbr aalt : ■N'o.lÜO. Tlirt Miilüuy Uuune and Lot on División títrtat, Mo.101. Bbnt ;.tx1 I.ot in Iliiwock'K adultion. lfiice$.;.UOO. No. 102. Two Story Brick House on Spring ftrect. NTo.l03. TwoStocy Wood Soiue on Spring Sticet. No. 101. Nlöe Ilougc, Lot and Barn just west of Law College. No. 105. Fine Hoon, Oiit'house, Barn and 5,icrr of I.anil.Wtir Fuunt(&c. - vtry dcsirablc l'ropi-rt j. No.lOfi. Ilfiusfl and Sacres of Iand Inside corpora, t on . No. 107. Hoqm and Lot juflí Houth of theO'iiireraity building. No. 108. ir'í aerea of Lamloagt of tho University Giounilft. No. 109; City Lot nrly opposite Dr. CLae.. l'rinting Establiehonant. Xo. 110. OuaTwo Stoiy Wood Dwclliug on State Street. No. 111. Oho olegant Two Story Brlck Hoii.ip aear Univfrsitv Square. N'o.tl2v Sfeaccen nith buldifl.;g just north of tlie City. No. 113. One Two títorj House jaat Horth Cemctry (íi oiiinin. No. 114. Two llrick nouge wost sideof University :■'. rtí.. No. Xt5. B ftCiWfljut wescof tilo Cit-y. No. 116. 5 acres with buildings just west of the City. No. 1J7. 1ÍJ0 ncrws with bviilñines and inprovemoots 5 miles oorth - good litUfttioa. No. 1T8. 3'JO acres - fine farm n .hiuwassce. No. 119. S.OOOacres of Wild I.;ui1h in the CouDties o f Wynf, Monrop, Sagina w :iih1 S)ii;i wassep. Üy Abritract Bouks areposlodto No. 120. O'te t'lírant Thrce Story Uuilding on Hurón .-tu'.- f wegt. No. 121, 175 cros on Muidle Roadto Yp.ilanJ.í. No. 122. 40 acroa on Scuth Road witb IíuildiuK and itn roTfinpntü. No.123. 2J0.atweRo-North HextU Kt-n-l. 2% miles 'dt , with improi'i -niftii . No. 124. Altd inucli olhï RmI Enlato oot heroinineluded. Thprc are mtnv n] mortgaf(fl {□ WaslitonFiw Conn ty uodUcba , ge ■ i R coi 'i . and the lawi ol Urnlta tionsas to Mnrtgftges is different frein tbit ajijilicji UN' to Ral Eslate. amfasioo rn salea of HphI Eetate, one pr cení. If ■ le made. Raten fiir searefa o f Real Ei tatú 1 i L 1 f ' ci-iit-- pw v itr foï Di sinii six ccuIh u yeorfoi hlortgags uutü cbantce fff rmíiiv. N eharges wi 11 be made for vxasninattAn of KUc makiog paper or record ing, lo parties leodiag nonfl noe, M-iTii-v vrautód to loan on uninoam be red Keal Estáte Trom on to ftve jcttr, atlOye oent. Interest net t the loodr, Aun Arbor.MarchiO.lHTO, TRACY W. KOOT. A COMPLETE STOCK oí1 1W Al SpNAW GOODS, NOW I3EING RECEIYED FINLEY & LEWIS. WE ASK THE PARTICULAR ATTENTION OF BUYEES rX) OOR UBGE STOCK OF Kip & Galf Boots, 1Í4.DJS B Y HAND BXPUESSLY FOR OL'R TUADE. TOR QÁSH YOUCAN BUY Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BMGAIN, AT THE YARD OF C, SÜTKERLAND & CO. AnnArbor.January ,1870. 125S T UMBER YARD! C. KRAPF ÏJas a larr a rut w1 1 Btookea Latnbet 7&rd : on .iiff('l!l H: .r.irt . i ii t li" sou til pnrl of tho City, rul vrlll kepconstHUtly on haiiil au txcllent va rioly oí' LUMBRIi. SHIN-GLES, LATH, SeO. wliirh will be BOltl as low si oan be alTurtU-d inihis maïki't. QuHlitvnini jirict'Ksmli [li;:l iKKinr mvto go te Detroit. CONRAD KRAPiPi Aas Arbor.Oct.Ut..9SC.1 f A NN AllBOÏl AöAIiiSr THE STATE IN THE FURNITUKE TRADE, And O. M. Maitin against Ann Albor Don't Poiget his Oíd Stand. Go toR.W.ELLIS & CO's i for choicoWinesandLiquore ' for Medical Purposes.


Old News
Michigan Argus