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'SJuimfss íUrrctonr. WM. M. SflNCLAIR, COMMISSION MEROHANT IN GRATM AND FLOUR BOOM 1'", ÍS! USALMt STHEET, CIIIOAGO. Ö. M. MART1, n-tur. IN' PÜRSITORR ofalj kimt. P.irlor ind "ÍJj R n Sets Mirrora, &C. 33 Sonth Main f.rtt. MACK &SCHMÏD, DS(I;V-RS in riry Ooxls, Qrocerios, Crockery, jt. M Sonth Main Street. r A LEITRU&CO., DEUíKS IN DRUGS nd Mi!icincs, Purc Winos Ro.l9i p"7 Bluck. A. WÍDENMANN, ■.pyipRxchanii Broker Rea] TCüHti av-ñ Fire Unnu isent. No. 2. South M .ín Sirect. TRACY W. ROOT, CONDENSEN R'-cords of Washtensw Connty, anl R]Ette ExchaiiKC No. 1 On-jfory Ülock. DH. KELLOGG, pLlCTKUNQ Phyrfdftnr.and L. B.KlloeL Proprlrtür of i)r K'-ÚogiJ CekbraU-d Kemedles, Aun Arbor, Mich. MOKHIS HALE, M. D BKSIDBN'CK and Office No ís, corner WMUnu and Tíumpaon "Hreetx Rebullir office honra 1 to 8 p. M Aíivict and Prescrlptiom from 6 to 7 P, 21. pcb dsj, flree gratis to the poor. 1964 . 8. PROTHINGHAM, M. D., 'gTSICI.VN AND SUROEON. Offirs over Drug JU, No. T Hurón strci-t. Resirtence, No. 35 Thúmiou atreet. Ofticchour, StollA.M ,and ItÍ. M. 11. W. ELLIS & (]()., ISüUOISTSsnrt dealere in Pniuts, Oils, etc No. 2 Ssalh Mrtin S'reet. Anu Arbor. johíTkeck & co., ItiLERS in Furniture of al) kinds. No. !S2 South Kur. Street, and 1 West Liberty, Street, Ann Albur. J. Q. A. SKSSIONS, ATTOUNEV rtntï CounwHor flt I.nw, línl Kwtate.nnd luanDoe Ateeirt. ('onvey.irjcini: jtm) i !ol)ectlon ( i;Uiraíprnni)t!y attencííd to un i!cr:i! term, t J ffee in Oonueiy's Bluck. up sta r, Hurón Street, Ánn Artor nch. WII. JACKSON, ÜE.VTIST, íorerssor to C. I!. Porter. Ofllcp. come. .n in! Hora Streeta, vr tbo atore of H. wlElliíACo , Ann Arbor, Mich. AnKithctice admin Mtürcd if rcqaired . '. F. UKKAKEY, M. D. füTSICIAN AND SÜROBON. Office at renirlencc, wroer of Harón jib4 Dlrlrion Btreeta, Orel door Kjü'jí Prebjtrln Church Aun Arbor, Mich. E. J. JOHNSON, tí.UER IX UAF.S aó Cup Furs, Straw Goode fííDtir1 PuniúoMus Ooods, &c , N'. 7 Soutli Main Strcet, Auu Arbor. BÜTHERLAND & WHEDON, UFEsuiiFiri'IiHuralice Asente nnd dcilersin Real falilc omcc on tinron SU-eet. A.U" rf ürst. du Sewinj Machmee. W. D. HOLMES, WEN'T fur the FloriMire Sewlng XtcUiN . and dealer inPictnres. Frarue, &c. Ño. 3 F.tiít Hurón Street. LEWIS C. KISDOÑT ÏSAI.ER Ín Hardware. BtoTei, ffon Fnrr.lshlng Goodi. Tin Ware &c. No. 31 South Street. BACH & ABEL, DE 'IERS in Dry Goode . Groeorlc-8, &c, &c. No. 20 Somh Main Street, Ann Arbur. 8LAWSON & SON, "WFRS, Provisión and Commlfíion Merrliniite toiflpíi, ,„ w-je, i .„„ i „„,i pHi.t,T oud Plaster Purls, No. 14 E:M Koron Street. 8. SONDHEIM, ■HOWAU anñ rntnil dsler In Iícaily Made ClothJz. Cltrthst, Ca?lmere. Vetfne, nnd Grato' FtirihinjGood No. 9 South Mnin Street. VM. WAGNEB, IÍALER in Ready Made Clothing, Cloths. C,'r !r mi Vwtincs, Hst Caps, Trunks, Ca rpet Bis,&c .Jl S-uth Main Stre-t. GILMORE & FISKE, B(WKSEU.BKS and Stationen, Medical, Law and Collese Ten Dooks School aurt Miscellaneous 8ok. No. 3 North Malo Street. Gregory Block, Arbor. FINLIíY & LEWLs, ÍHALERS in Boot, Shoes, (íaiters, Slippci c, So. SEast Hurón Street. R. TA11HAN T, IA1Í18"?1 Fashionable Shoo lloujc, No. 24 Sonth W -.reet. LJR O C K E ft Y , GUSSWARE & GFOCERIES. J. & DOMNEI.LY rT' in torA larg?tock of Crockery . (ilanRware ■'" . Gr. .cenes. C. Ac, all to b iiuduij11j low pricP ... x.l8Enl HuronStiet Aon Arbor 11!8'f J.fc P.nONNFI.I.Y 0HN G. GALL, i DEALER IKT FHESH AND SALT MEATS, IARD, SVSA(iKS. KIe, "tiolicltednnrtpromptly filled with thebest " in the market. 31 Kast Washington treet n_fbor, Sept. lfth, 1869. ISSttf JTvÈEt AB dALV 8TABLE. J.F AXTELL, m w Hln nd Catharinc strectn. Honen boardC„rwnïhle terra Keconrt hand buiígle, catJJwbDd harne for Ba!e . 18yl ARKSEV, oéHk 1 Manatactnrcr of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, 4S? SLEIOHS of erery style. made of the best faj I?1' ai"i warranted. Rcpairing rtoue pjom,tly L„ SY' rP""'iaWe. Detroit Street, near R. K. IVA&TlW "■pltcitogètiinytlilng youwsiitiB the FURNITURK LINE! i__JfILLNOT BE ÜN'PERSÓT.D. 6otoR.W.ELI,IS& CO'e ".'tnctly Pure Drugs and 5SÍ2.PamtB,Oils,&c. j Tbc tflrhlgaa CriKral Kailruad. nkw rr-K tahlk. TrnliiFon Ihc MícIiíl'íiii Crniral Rallroadnow leave stiittoi! uumcd at followgi Mail Faut Dextcr Eve'f. Taclflc Tralu. lix. Ax. Kx. Ex. )ptrnlt, ff 60 m " .3" AM 4 lr IS.4OVH .00im YpslHnti, 8.n ' 8-'.'S " 5.3.1 " T.(V.' " 11..0S-' VnnArbor, ü.67 ■ 8.43 " dJOD " 7.25 10." textor, i 5S " " 6.i;8 " T S5 " :hlsea. o 45 " - " s.10 " - Tnckson. 104r" " 0.I.1 " 11.45" K.ilnmaz:o. 2 .Of PU 11.7am 14.16a l.M i M Chicago, S.I6 " 40(TM C 80 " T.1U " foonrfl kast. Atlaatlc Nis;i: Daxter Mail ÍMt N'. v. Ex. Kx Ace. Tr.iin. i:.t. Chicapo, 5.1(Mr a s.hoamH M)ah Lalamaioo, I0.J ■.'.(.-.( B.üiru lckiOIl, . 1 .04 A M 4 S5 " 'i.'i-m 5.45" heUca, -- 5 Sft " A.M. 3.02" i,.xi,.r. - 5.4'" :i.'.ii ' - nu .r1or, 2.20" B 00 " (i 4S S.S'i " 0.45" Mllaotl S 40 " 0 50 ' 7.10 4 55 702 ' etrott, Í.45 " 7.S0 " S.40 6.40" 1.85" Hst'Hl.Ma.v.'i'tli.lTi'. A. WIDENMANN, REAL ESTÁTE AGENT ANN AR7S0R, MICIT. OFFERS FOR SALE: "3 acrps of land . wirMn ant half Itftle froin the cHj, to!'' WW tu w!in!r. OT j'irr'-t, fnUoW" : 24 crt'- od fectin 19, Ín ti' tova f Aun ArbO' bordértnp cd Ihe mi en i lie road Icahij t Cornw)l' paper milis, anl on ihe r-u h fti 15) Aeran sitúate! on the oorthwest corner ol the GorUm road iüd the '-1 (3hmwell Padory roid . (Thifi ís ' np T tl"i hRBloinet sltuations ni tté ni(rhbofVood of Aun -Vrbor.} 13í acres impmvrd lnrl fnining t!ie bove 152' aert-s a tid fr-uting Gorhaeo Koad. Fort; acres of First Clans Farniing Land, wl'h pond Orehurd nnd Tlarn, ?niilc-n from Ihfl ÜOUií II mi t . n the upper Dlxboro road. if land with a to story frame hoiiFp on TbömpKUl t('ü"r & rbuiiiaüii aoditiou 10 th Cilv of Aun Al bor . 7 lotü of yt iicre ettch , on TboDipwnf Spoor &Tliompstn" 4ttllüan 9 acrs of lan.-i , with a jilcndid grore, joinicg the FircmDB Park on the West, ; Hum iiri'l IX loU of land, wl tb lïarn, Waftb Klt.-l.-n. ('iiiiii:! Huist', nul k DUBber ol ODOdein lmro"'m(nti on ih riortbv est eoroi oi Fourtli inl l'Kttï.iio Stroetfl I HoiiM-aituLuiin the 2d Wrd, on Soutb I.iberiv 1 HUK iind 3 Iits io the 21 Wanl, near 2d Ward chool ilijn-". 1 Ilcuscapd 4 LnU,iiYar the 1I.C.R.R Depot. - f-t U: tl in tbesouih of the ?tate of Misui.i i . ntr the H;tnnit).ii „ySt . Jorplt iiailroad. 2 l ola nearfid Ward A. WIDENMANN, FQREIGN EXCHANGE BROKER, AM ÜEBOR, MICH. SELLS AND BUYS DRAFTS, ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT ON AIX PRINCIPAL PLACES In GEBAT BBITAIN, GEKMANY, FRANCS, SWITZKKl.AN j '. ,'tc. My direct coiiuectiuns wtth Unropfl etiable rot1 t otfer as fair ;t:niv Ne Vuik Houe. Üeiuembiïr, I am notan apout of nny heuse n Uii cun: r_v , but I hui ht v ing ilirent comai unica ■ Uon wii li hu-t Unnte in Euro h COLLECTIONS IN EUROPE BY POWER OF AVOUSEY OR OTBERVISE.WILL 1!E l'KOMl'ILY AÏTt NDi D Tü PAS8AG. TICKETS p'rSIramfrldliidft NiwYnrk (o all principul pur tu ol Euiojíc 1 wfllaeod&f joïIowb: From New Ycrh tn SontbamptOO, Hnvre, I)ïiclon, Bieiuen. or Hftmburg, Int (ls. flepruRP. íl0. $72. S.MnUold. Beturn tickets. 'J15. 126 61 " " proui above plnccg to New Yorkt ittCte. ïiirisï. 3ilClnn. í 110 $T2. $40 in Uold ('ahin, SSOtn lflOf'nrrncy. gti-crHgf, f tío iu t'uirt-Dcy. From Lircrpool to Mew York,Cbin , tl 00. WIDENMANN, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT Fortbp Howurd lnurnnce Co . in New York one uf theoldfKt and bt-at Coiopanio iD Ihe countr,)'. The Tcntonift Tnsuranct Cumpnny in ClvIan-l Tbelipnontbleand safa muugentCDi oi IW tuiiou htt m(k' it ooe of the mott reiml-lu Fire ïiijturanceCoiinin i;if.' in l:y Wet. I2!nl CUAS. A. LEITEB & CO., CHAS. A. Lfc;iTER& CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEÍTER&CO., No. 1 Giegory Block. Nc 1 Qregory Block No. 1 G-regory Block ■No. 1 Oiegoiy Blcck. ES1" Sign of the Gilt Mortar "Ü3 ÍW Siga of the Gilt Mnrtar '%1 C Sign of the Gilt Mortar 3 Sign of the Gilt Mortar HAVK JfST OI'KNED 1IAVE JUST OPENKD HAVK JÜ8T OPEXED HAVE JUST OPENKD The Tfinent Stock of rPhe JTinest Stoelt oí 'J'he JP'inest Stooli of The Kinest StocK ot DRUGS AKD MEDICINES DRCGS AKD ÍEDICIXES DRf'tiS AM) StDIGIKES DRUGS AKD MËDIC1EAS IN THE CITY. IN THE CITY. IN THE CITY. IN THE CITY. PURE WINES AND LlftUORS Kor Meilicin] Purpoe. The Popular Patent MftHIctnrsof ttie day , nnd everj tbing kept in a firRtctans Drug Store, An . EXCELLENT BRAND OF CIGARS. TRY TH KM. Sols Agenta in th? City fur Otlo & Rejndir' celbmtfd SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS ;y E8PECHI. ATÏKN1ION GIVKX TO THE COMI'OINniNCni. 'ilVSICIANS1 PRESRIPTIUiN ana KAííi;í MKDICINKS. ?266 AT ADAM E CÓTÉ Woold rcptctifuHy In'orm thepnbllcof Ann Arbor and y}tn'rtt that Fhc ie now open to fiifragemente, for prívate lepfons. for nstrucüon in FreDch. Te'ms rearnnahlr. Apply nt No. 33, córner of Willlm nd Fnnrth Streots . REFEItE.vrES.-Prot Tyler. Ecv. N. S. Bnrton, Rev II. L. lliihbell, Prof Banr. Prof. TenBrook, Prof. Adam, Prof. Olncy, Prol UarringtoD. m3-l.s:. Q M. MARTIN IS AGAIN IN BUSINESS, With a full line of dioico Furaiture, Parlor aod Bedroom Bete, Mirrors, &o. Cali aod see him. 1268


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Michigan Argus