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Great Activity In The Brooklyn Navy Yard

Great Activity In The Brooklyn Navy Yard image
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New York, Nov. 15. Order liavo been receivcd at the Brooklyti Navy Yar'l, Iroin the Navy Uepartiueut at Washington, to fit out for sea, all posible disputen, the frigate Miurunota, iirt-t r&lo, forty-six guno, 3,000 tons ; the frigale Tennesaoe, seoond rate, tweutythreu guns, 2,135 tous, nd the Shawmut, t'ourth rato, thrüe guns, 410 totis. Ju coDsequence of tbis order, there are sit(n8 of uauaual activity in the ysrd, nud it 8 more ihan likely thai an additional foröe of workiiicii will be taken in to completo tbis work ut the eailiest possiblo duy. Those worknicu who have boon diseiiarged will be replaocd by moro effieiaut nibD. Tbere are 2,500 expörienced workmen ia the yard. The TenneHseo is iilmnst roady to go ido coinniissioQ. Sbo bas been coaled, and is ready to receive her guns aud provisions. The Mintiesota bas vet a great deal of woi k lo bo done ou lier before she can flout out of dry doek and rceeive her spars and riggiug. Now only tbc lower nns-ts are standing. The Minuesota cannot bu ready for soa undcr two monthsat Kast, ind probably uot ili ii The Sliawmut is still on the stocks liaving beeu ahnost eutirely rebuilt, She will be ready ior launchina ia a few days, and can be mado rendj for sea in two rnonthg, f ner.epsary. Tbe wotk will be pushcd abeud ou her until until sho is coinplctcd. It is utiderstood that orders will bc given to tlio commandsrs at tbe Hos' on, Poitsmouth, l'lii'adelpbia and Norf.ilk nuvy-yards to fit out witb expeditinn scveral sbips o tirst and Bficond lates. No less tban twolvo vcsicls of various classes are to be put in Bca-going condition at onco Work is to he ?urpinduil on tlio Sus 'l'ich'uina, Albany, Harlford, Jioanoke (ietiyoburg uud Minoeaota as 80:ni a tliey leavo tlie dry doek until tbe above tiatned véasela aro completad. Miitley, eays a WVjbington telegram bas beoa perein[itorily rocalled, tht iish'ng uegotiatiODS to be pressod, and tbe President not willing to trust them to bim. It is not certain wbat "latne duck" will succeed bim. Schknck, AloCluro. Diuoq?, Inquhsoll, et al, furniiib a fine list to select trom.


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