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The President And The Mcgarrahan Case

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Elsowhc i ril! I)J fojiij a uuinber ol official docuin:rs a'ri"í a ourioiu hislury of tho McGananun olaini, aud of President Graut's cmiioetion with it. - We nre sorry to liftte to say that t'no President doos nol ajipoar to udvautage iu tilia stery. It eems to be fistablished : First - Taal MoOarrabans c'aim had been within tive year dedided unfounded by the Supreme Court of tbe LTu Itod Stuto, and tbat ooart, in faot, iu its deciaions, sbowod thut same of the pcrd:)i)-( oonoeraed iu it havebuuMi guilty ofgrots fraod StH;Onr] - Tho cla;m liad been officiülly expessdby twft different Attorneyn-Gön eral of the Uuitud States as i'rauduknt. Third - It had befin befoTB Cütigrea, as wo showed on Saturday, and a (Jcngressioual committL-e had üucided againsi it. Fourlh - Aüoniey-Gencra! IIo:ir of ficiftlly instrucied tíar.rutary Cox tliat undor these circums'inoes he ha'J no ritrit to denj Uu ildrtnud of thü ;; i nents of McGurrahau to h:ive their cluim Inyestigftted. Fifth - Under this opinión of Attornoy-Generil Bom Seoretnry Cx ordt ed, not that the New Idria Compony should havo thcir patent, lut only thul in the rugular coursa of bminess their claim shoald Le examioed at the Land Office. Sixth - Hi'reupon, it ssenu one Lqwis Djüt, a lirothcr-ii!-' iw of the President, ran ou'Jto Long Branch, whero the Pres dent was stayin, aiJ in the interest of McGarrihan nud hirt follón claimants. (.crsuuded him to forbid tho act ou of Secratary Cos, Seveuth - At tho sama timo McGarrahau induced u minority of the jiulges ot the Court of iho Di-tnct of Cnlumbia, d vacaliou, and in iho absi.no0 of the mainrity, and iift.ur they hud onca been rebuked by tha Suprema Court fur siiuilar illegal utoi-f -ronce with the coostitutinual provinoa of the Exei'utive, to make an order ngainst tho Su'jrotary to show cauo whjt a miindumus sliould not bc iésued firbiddin him t h&vn Lka Sew Iurla olaiui cxuminod. Eighth- -Ttiereupon Socrctary Cox wroto to the Presidout au acooant of the case, lielieving him to ba uni'mformed of the fiiots; p'iiiitu 'i out In liim that the court prbpoïed a gros interferenoe wiili the Èxecuiive auihoriiy ; and aked biir to come to Washington, cali a Oabluct meeting, and deal wi'.h the busitess iu a businese maoner, Ninth - The Presideut took do notice of tliis request, and did not act upnn tlia iuformatiüu givoii hiai by Secro'.aiy üox. Thui-it appeiirs tliat tbe President, wlio was prob ibly ignoraot of t!ie do merits ot' MoQarraban'e cusí;, alloweá Inmielf to bc persuaded by a broüier iulaw to tuterfóre in it, to the disturbauce of jui'tii!. General Grant does not show well iu the matter ; and lm iiiterferonco ia made woie by the f.ict tbat not only bis brother-in-law, but some DOtorioua iolitiiau8 who happen jut n . i v to bj liifl Coufidential and intimutc adrisers, aro reputed to bu concerned wi;h MoGarrahao in thia claim. jut il (iuj;lit mt to bo forgotten tbat thia whola matter i u ful:'o issuo snt up by tlui Prifsident a!aiust General Cox. The rcul issue in tin) prostitution of the civil nerTioe; and it ia fur that tint tho President is held rcsponsible by the


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