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N'ïw York. Nov. 13. Monoy is a llttle liira lut uo approach to tlghtneaa. Gold haa atrengthened op 'a UtCle, cloalng at a ín:c tioD a'uuvü ÏM Cotton iluciuaU;8 smne, rangingat h 11. iw 1 c pi-r il) lowet llian a ya The trnde in cartón gooda Is n) qnder tbe late rcdactioo in ptlcee. Fiour snd wheat are (jolt e maular. Tbr tendencj dnrlng laat week was downwárd bnl on Honday a belter feellng provailed, whlletodav ilic markct haa alteroateu petweeu depresaton and buoyancy. A e tmparUon ir prict-. woold pluw ■ :;. bul the maiki t on Ihe whola ■ aatd lo be betteraa the teudency a to a tüt theradva ver thal ofMonday. The Liverpool market, whlchmay bosildtobe the wheotbar tae(ei of world ' - lookÏDg tip. Last week we nott-d h declioe of le. i:it. n ' ibis naa íi(l onl i b eij recov ered, bot ■ fnrlher advancu etnbllhed, m tbat the prloes are -il bettei than w feached aaring me ad vanee in October. Tblala " donbl in partdoato (ho thr l of affaire la Knroj In-ïy In Kupsia" A war betweea Qreat Biitaln mi Raasïa would ent tn ■ Ibrmer off entlrely from the Bnltlc p-.vriB ai :t smiri-i; uf supply, mul lo-vohfr bollj dependenl opoo thla ronotry Hut a rnptnre li.' wuan QtW Brltain auil Biwalai noi veryliktly unleís Greal Brltaln 1 prepared to boüor thodraft uf Uu! Unlud Statea iu ceonnt of ih lUbaRia clsiim tulght, !..:■ ahe coiild hardly ataúd a aqoeece fruni Kukm.'i and the üoited StiilM al Ui" aame time, ■-; ,■ itoc's "! brea muSb in Sreal Brltain in not maoh different from tbatreportod li year at thla time, and witba dv poace wonld come a demand front the Contln Dt: bnt oplniina aa toprlcoa naaf ftttnre ar of linlu worlli. Priesa can ,.n!y !■■- il.'i' tuiín.-iI I-v supply mul the (Iemand utliiir nlatioo to each oilier. oa advancedon ü iarae graln unchanei d, Hiitti-r i-in U'm.i fi.mind f r lluo qiüiliti.'x MichU rau tuljs and trklna, 80 81c r ir Une, aiul J8@ï6 fur incóiiim. il'Jïs ara Improved but cuitle aml abeep aru dull. Dbtboit, Xov. 10. Tlic piOtWéÊ ïiiavket i.? stLMrly. Whcat and flonr are ófïóurse affected by the fluc turiii')!is eastwara: P rices are generalij botter, IroWevcr than lit Week, the lakc ftinl river poits iL'inj; fíét bdyert at tliis seasOQ. Extin Vhitc whcat la ?l 30@l 40, ïïo. i . :. nd réd aml artber $1.18 (gl.20 at Board, aml 510c lesa Irort wagons. Coráis quite Irregular, imta li t tic Improved in prlce, ánd ó:its are n d mand and artvanced liiulc. Barley is dtil at $1.50@1.60 per 100 lhs. ftr Ko. 1, aiu $1.15@1.3p for No. 2. Applcs qiiiot at $2@ 2.10 from Store, mul 25:330o less fron wagOM. Bcans are quite ílrm at f i 80(c 1.90 for hand piekert froni store, and $i@ 1.50 from itreet. Beeswax, 30c. Botter s qalet and unchiuigcd nt2Ga28 for fair '6 rood crock and roil, an:l 28@30c for cholee to fancy. Cranbcrries unchanged at $10a 11 50 for swarnp. E.ïrs scarce at n ad' viince, 2T@28 for frenh. Drcs?ed hos have been scarce and prices nominally advanccd. Packers an(l dealers have paid $0(i?0 25 ander píotEt, imllin tht-ir flj;nres for the fnli'.re at 8(8.60. The wcather has made ■ométhlng öf an improvcment In hofrs at all lcnkhis: points, biit the future of the niarket is iërj uricertain. Statlstica, it is claiinea, shovv the stock of hogj In the country to be considorably largeï than last year, while the losses gtuttatned by packers last ye:ir wlll make therii caiitlóü of higli pricea tVils year. American ftir dealers have piiblishcd tlitir list of prices for the present season. They' are somewliat lower tlian last year- say 10@20 per cent. Tliis rftluction is attributable to a plentiful Buppiy, and to Europeall canses: kSy AllBOIt FRObll'fe lÍArtKfcTS. Akods Office, Nov. 17, 1Ü70. We (jnotc thie afternoon af follows : AT- White. 11tc : Rfd. lr. COUN Ï5C OT8-8ÍC8C. HU iNS_!2. PI rTSB- 98c EQGS- 23c. LAHD- :4c. IIAV-iS(3)ïl4. A I'PLFS- S@80c. POTTOKS- 5Cc. 03ICSBNS- ISO TÜTÏKEYR- 13c.


Old News
Michigan Argus