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The Recent Gift To The University

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The Unlverslty of Mlchlgnn lias uoi bc i eeueWill] fortaoate in recelvluc elthcr larg '■ f. ■ .-.-i' ui donatlons The admirable r niapdÈ ■-■■t by -Air. II. X. V,r. i-.k, son icon yeá'rs ago, In furnlalilng m of tlit besl transit instraiiiertts fór tfte ise of the Obscrvstory geema nót to llave ávVaitened Dny vcry con3iclcrabfe spirit of eAiulatloti nmong the wcaltliy cltWensof i.' ünk tlicir ñames fot ill timo witfi the name of the Duiversily The Iriatltütion luis grown bevond ;!! pveoecicni, ftnd Iims come m poto - Bciise t' pride of the Si ate, i u it luis lo be confessed tlial this growth iri the result of good management on the part of Regente and Fgcaltlea nitiicr lliaii of any liberality on the part of' prlVute inllvldunls. [t is i'ii reeen tl y ihnt the feal icedsofthe Onlverelty have comic to be recogtilzed. Two yeara the Ijcís:;!tCire, by a tiinoly. appropriation, saved it from is vvorst einbarasstncnt, and, t is to be boped, uül MiU do more in the future. - To any oiiè who conteiaplatea tlie pr condltioo of the Institatlon, auü is :it nll r.iiniiiai' id Whnt la iloinjr for Harvard and Ysle and otlicr píótíl Inent schools of learnln: lu tlie coontry, It is qnite appar ent t it Michigan must eitlier dó iftorc for l!ie Univcrsity titan ehe luis yet done, or else abandon that peerage in educatioual matten of wulcb she has been so pron I. Bnt t Ie a subject of ;i"e:it satlsfaotlon that th Attentlon óf private ladivldnalg la cömiog. to be called to the d ftlie case as never bclove. Nöt lon stnee 3 ■■ ge PtBTtCBBR, of Boston, euriclied the Law Llbrury of our Üah'évslty Ui Iiis oun largc aiid vuluable collectlon of professional works, ftiiü just now the General Ijlbrary has reccivcil B l'.ir more inij':ort:iut aildi tion throagh the munlflcence of Mr. Peslo Pausoxs, of Detroit. The Library pfeaeuted ljy Mr. Faiisoxs cóntalne góme foftr thóusund flvo hnndred volume?, and two tliousaml partiphlets, aud was óutredvfl to be llie best collectiou of wiivks o poliUcal ccononiy in Europe. It biloHp'd to Professor Rau, of the Unlverslty or Heldelbtrg, wlio, for . (marter een tnry before his doa'.h, n'tóod at tlie head of !i!s próft'ssioiï ïn Germany. Surely Mr. ■ NS coulil not have done a more appropriatc acl tlian to fnrolsh the largesl State University of tl'.e country witli the largcsl and best Ilbrary on tliu subject of Political Ecuiiomy. lf otlier.s will show similar inerosily for the equipmont of other departmeots of learntag1, tliere would seein to be 110 reusón v.liy the llbrary and mnseuras may not becoine so attractlve ai to cali liither not only great nunibere of tliosc who scok nn educatlon of average Universitv merlt, but also considerable [tambera of lliose. wlio desire the very lii.h ■si educatlon whlch the country can afford. We learo wiih great satinfactloa Utal ■■'- similar wülinguesS tö coiUvibute tó the enlargement o', ttate llbrary and mosènma tms been eipressed by other cltizeus of the State, and tbat Mr. PaIrsons liime!f looks upon Uiis domitioii, important ;is it is, only is a beglmring of v larger contrlbtttlOD wliicii Ite aii'l other fïlends Iiope in the futuro to make. It lias even been statert that one of the Regenta (who but Mr. Bubt could it be ?) expressed a frllllogness to tlie matter ofpaylng for the H.r llbrary upon bimseir. If tliis be tlie f:ict, we wotild SBggest that, at thls morrteüt, the European markets, both In Snglaad and on tlie continent, are full of librarles which coukl bu purchased, on account of the war, at an astonlshiflgly low price, and vlii-h would add Imraeosely to the value of tlie fcollectiOQ now held in the Law BalldlDg. Ir i iet au easy fcliiüg to perpetúale oiu's name & tiiousand years, but in 110 way :nc tïe fllïBcoHiea ro few, ;is when by a gift of mpoey or otlierwUe one connecta it iudUgolubly wlth a grat Instltatiou o' The Board of Supervisors, at its roemt gestión, lixed the salary of llic Proij tte Register at -ïüoO, with a provisión that liis eraolument#, fees for maklng anol copyIng papers inciuilcd, shall nut exceed $1,000. - Tho Board also mado au approprlatioii nf (W lor the p:iyniciit oi'tiic board billa of Judge Hioby. WhllcJ-odge Hioby's salary s altogèther too low, we doubt etther the expedleacy t rlght of Increaslug it in this i;ay. If the "ftalary" amendment has been defêsted, the L'jgishituro at the c- :n in ficSsion shonld propose a nuw one, lim'.ting the ïlumbcr öf circuits to not cxceed twelve. and increaslng Xtx salarles uí Jqdges alone. SncU an amendment wonhl be adopted by the peopte. The ri' r.-U lii.bii'glio Fsems at last settled. The injXinctio'n procured agains't the Cortimlsstoner8 luis been modified ; tlie $700,000 of stock rnbecribed for by A. L. Williams has beca tfësigned by lim and diBtrlbuted by the Conimiss'iouers to Gov. I'i ) in and Jul-;e in trust fcr the Company, to be assigned by such Trustees lobvnafule BUbscribeTS ; anolhtr election has been called by tlie Commlssloncrs ; and everythiug promiscs to run smootlily in the future, that is if the Btockholders can elect a I'oard of DirÏNjt'oVs ia whom tin y wlll have confldence, wh'ó cnii bannonize wlth themselves and who wlll give time, abtllty, and energy to tht? worfc. Libera Bubscriptlona nnd a little confldence are in demand just now. The ''2'ribuns Pri:itin; Goinpany," Detroit, has issued an nnnonncemeiit lor tlie " Mithigan Alnuinuc for 1871," to be issuert early in December. The Astr.oQomIcal depaitmcDt wlll be full, the calculatiou.-; pelng computed for tlús [atltade by Prof. Watsoh of tlie Unlverslty. It wlll also contaln coiiu'itc census tables of tlie State, by townsiiiits : l'ull election returns, also by townsliips; Ubííi of Natioual, State, aud offleen Hlcüigan postodices, time-tablesfor Coarto, the progresa of State institutions, etc. It wlll be, for our citiKtt, tlie most vaiuable almauac jssued. - For sale by all Uews Dealers, or mailed freu oí postage on reccipt of 15 cents - Adctress "Tlie Tribnue," Detroit, Mich. Frkd. Sciimiu, of the firm of Mack & Scumii), has been in Ncvv Vork for some days, and liis purcliases aïe now coming in aud beiog opened. Next week thty will present sCrong iudueemenls to the Auous readers to give theni their custoin. We had quitu a flurry of Bnow on Slonday morning, and since that the weather has been pleasairt, changeable, windy, sqiKiiiy, röugh, cold, alternatlog tooquick ly for our pencil to record, but ctcsing at the last qiiotatiou as we wrlte, Thurstlay afternffdtt. A pon having been born to "Mark Twain" on election day, he imiuediately ' telegrnpbed to tho "Literary Bureau" to raake engagoments for a lootïre tour for tho yinilig advenUircr : Subject, that of Josh ÜilÜDg, - "Milk." The VANDEitrooi, trial s not conoluded.. Va.v Arman probably closod his argument, ud tlie uase fur tho defenso, yesterday. LotheoP is to oloïe the caso for the proseoutiou.


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