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A Naval Duel

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Harán, Norembcr 11. On Jlonday, the 7th, the Prusnian war etcamcr Moteor, oarrying thrce gons, aid the Frcnch war stoaracr, Iíimm et, arrying íive guns, entcrcd tliis harbor The Moteor sailod out ngain aft'jr the Freuch maíl stoamcr Nouveau Monde had s;iSod, but tlia mail s"eamer iiiniicl:.;! ly returnod fearing capture. On the night of thc 8th the ]3ouvet left port, but wsited outsirle for the Gcnnan war steamcr. Af;er ihe expiration oí 24 hour'B, i!i! timo prescribed by law, ihc Btetaor follón cd, a naval duel liavíiií; boen arranifed beiween tho offiiicrs belore starting. The SpWnish wai: steamcr FerOHDdo Cortes aecompanied the tvvu vussbíh. 'l'Iio Mdleor ha J a crew of 00 men, Bod t'ie Bonvet u crew of 80 n.'on. Tlio ]?i)uvct wal 10 miles bcyond the ofling. Upon thoooming 'it t' t!e Meteof, -lies ean:oJ itiwarda tonard tha iR'utrul line. Tbe Jio.i vet ojviiVid the e mtot b}' firiiiíí Í)TO lio1, wliich the Meteor promptly rclurueJ. Th o J3juvet then atteupted lo board the Mateor. In tliis 'he as U'isuccjs lul. lier rig ging beoarae ontajcd, oarrying aw.iy Ier ra iin and rnizzon uias's ilie ri.'ging 'illinp with thu m:isí3, Recame èntaogl(1 in Sbe Mefeor's acraw. At the satne nomen t ins'Ueteor sent a símil into the oeide cf tiie Ij juvet,stn-J8liing Ii.t stean) I i po. Tlio iMöfeor, hyreison of thu disabiinit of her screw, becamo aeablè, and t!io Bouvet, tindiug lier ijuartcrá not pleasint and her oapture curtiiin f sho wantod uiilil the Meteor could discuta ng !c herself, set sail rap d y und made for port, tlio Moteor contiouing %u fin1. 31enunhi!e, with n fair wind t!io Bouvot w;is cuablcd to cross uto tko Sp&oisn á'firs beforo the Mateor couM diso;itan;ie her screw. At this time the Hernando Cortes fired a aun :is a signul that the conibat h:id closod. Both foiiclit hravcly. Tlie Mrtoor was acoordeil the victory. l?nth vessels are now in port, repairiiig dainagea Tho ïlebaor hid three Uilled and one woanded. Tbe Gennans io Havaot are uiuoh elated with the affair, whieh , caused intense etoitenien. Latbr- Tiro of the P.ussians Carbonior and Thmupson, killed in the navul engagement, were burlad here on tho lOtli. Tü Gurtnan marchan ts attended their funeral iu a body. It is now fvd that the B.mvut It-ft the ssene of the fight under stam and ftfctl, ïho fïcnnan residenta are arranginp a grand bánqaet for th ■ uiBoerjj of tliu Meteor.


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