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QE. (J. JÍ. PGBÏBB, DZ1STTIST. Office in the NEW BANK ELOCK, ANN AEEOR Ml Operations on the Natural Teeth PBRFORMBD It'ITH CARE. ÜNSURPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPERIÉNCE anise artífIal teeth, TO UIVE EACH INDIVIDUAL, Dcnturcs of the proper size, skape,color, firmnetanó natural erpretsion. 1244 ucrfoNEEiTP Thé nndersisned offers his een ices to the pub'ic - espccially to farmers- asan aactioner. Wilt attend to all c;t!!s on short QOtlce :itid w'ih priinptll08H, nuíi chalí f!iilc.i or to Orders mav be U-fl ut ïhu AKGtü OFFICE, or at my residence in l'Htsfielil. R. L. GODFREY. Üatctl, Oct. 13, 1S7012124 Pull SALE 0R RENT. A brUfe hoase, Uai . , ri ofl.irKl trithin ':;; thirc ;niin' walk of th'.i Post Omeè. iuri; is % ttae 'M-'-h-ii'd, góod well , cistOFEi, &c. t'& p;irticulura cnqniru of S. Wtfih, At the office of J. Veil & Uro'e. Sept. IJtü, 1870. IÏS8 SÖTÏCÊI Carne tito the pnclo-i if th pubscribcr, óii ö'r about the ifilh of Julv I , ■ i kkd STEER, SDppoRed tobetwo yoara old. ilus lult ear cropped on the ander slde. Thoovnei 3 regnetted to prove property, pay charges, aud take lata antmaj away. GILES W. TICKNÖR. Pittifleld, Nov. lOth, 13ro. is)5wo vTöticeT" Tlin GERMÁN FABUBB8' FlrtE INSURANCF, COUPANY of Washtenaw i' ,iy 11 bold thelr Annnal tieetlof in Qgrmati School Hoase, naar -lï.uns Ohurch. In 8do on Uie flnt Monday ofüfi(. ii).1"-r, iv7n, ui iu o'chit-k, to elect iirw ofilcera and to traiaact euch other buïiuosd ns may bc dcuid UiiceBSar. LKWis FRITZ, Secretar. Dated November oth, isto. tSMI f USGIOÜS CATAWBA GRAPE8 Excelle&t Jersey Sweet Polatoes, Large l'resh Oyslen, and new Chettnuls, constantly 8,rr!ving at tlic Clry Arcade. Como unto tae Feast. ' A thing of bpauty 'm a joy torevtr." 1292 CLARÍÍ & CKOf'SEY. JPURNITURE LaTgest and Iïest etockln tbeolt, of all varietÍL'.s aotl nty Ii-h, at Ut o oíd Store of O. M. MARTIN. ipOR SALE CHEAP FOK READY PAY. Tho west balfof t be soathweal qaartei nt sectlon Iwo Cï)i towD "f Saline, tweuty aeree underimproveH'-nt, -tïio halancfl tionrt timber. Inqiï ju i..c. Hisdun's HnrdwureSiure, 31 South Muía Struut, Ann Arbor, Mich. L. C; RISDON. Anc Arbor, May 18, 1STO, JS7Om3rf J UöT HEOJEIVÊD .AT WIVL WACNER'S, A Largo a ml Choice Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, 1KCLUDIXG CLOTÏIS-, CÁSSTMERES, VESTINGS, &C. LATEST STÏLES &ND BEBT QUAL1TIE8 vmcu hf win. MANUFACTURE on termt ïo tuit, and in the line (f rbady-Madé clöthjng ANÖ Gents' FÜRNISHING Goods EEST É5T-SrXí35J AIoo LAPIEi'andGENTS MOROCCO SATCHELS No.ül South Mals Street- Ktitslde. CALT, AND 5KE THE5T. WILI.1A1I WAfiNER Ann Arbir . frpi. ]S70. FaÜIES' FASHIUNAJiLÊshöe riotisÈ. '24 South Main Street , Delei in LADIE'S BOOTS ANO SHQES, THE NEWEST .STYLËS iasr Kid? Öalf, and Cloth, Alwayson hand,and Stock and Work GuaranteeS. 1F YOU WANT A. BOOX, A. GAITEH, A. BUSKIN", OR A. SLIPPER, CALL AND EXAMINE HTS STOCK BF.FORE PUB CIIAiING. PRICES LOWEK than the LOWEST. R. TARRANT. Ann Arbor, May "1870. FüRNITURE. J. KECK CO. HanrifMtanrti wholr-ale and rctail iealen n PURNITUEE AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS Ö5? EVERY DESCIUPTION. Wc Manufacture our goods and will not fee Unrteïsold by any HOUS12 EÁST oi'VVEsT. UNÖÈRTAKING! We Keep Cöitstanlly Üii Hand a fiilí assorüiient of ■wböö, Metalig, CLOTH COVERED CASES jJSTTD COFHNS which will be sold at pricës so L0W as to defy all Competition. Sales Room 52 South Main St., and 4 West Liberty Street. MANUFÁ CTORY ! Comer of Williamand WestFourth St. J. KECR fc CO. pBOPÍB'8 DBUQ STOrir,; R. W, ELLIS & CO' -A.2SïIsr ARBOR r - -- - ""-7-. -,-. -- ...--„ - - .. DETROIT ADYERTISEIBÏTS. Thtcarda in ihis column are all of legitímate n terpriiet. Vot of a qutstiunab'.t ckaracter accepted. L OJt Ü7.00O ACUKSuf Vnluablc PiNE AND FARfóING LANDS, ON TIME, At Prfce Ranging from $2.00 TO $10.00 PER ACRE. WHEBE LOCATKDÍ fi,rs:j ttrron J'ine!s on Un; WUconsin RWr. 7,280 aerea on tl-o (JheboygaH RItct, Blich.j leading to Chebojgafa or Danean. 3 .ioo arrei on Thnndpr ftay water, leading to Alpei, 1,210 cres nu the Vítulo teo Iíivr. S.0 acres nn tltc Tiilbawansee River, ,2l!0 nero n GladwlD couijty, Mich., fnr f rmw nri'l timbrr . 1,272 dioico mineral and hnrd timbftr lando near Onl"rae;on. l,íM0 acres pralrta lanl In fMraska, nar '.lie l'nion l'ncífic H.R. 4i'O cr's un hf Au S ble Fot full lescription. prcen ati'l term, sni'l fnr circula r. PATTD PRE8TOM & CO., Bankern, Deitolt, M. DETROIT I.Oi OHOTiyR WOHK8, M'VCHIN SHOPANliFOUNDEY. M4NÜFAGTUEER8 OK Hie:h & Low Pressure Engines ForBjat, rropellerít, Snw llills and Mining PurFOIÍiKRS,of all kloda an.l risa for Tsicamoirv. S' ffl: i' r :■ ! 'I S ;'v Vi'! ) i:i t it , M H'lpifK'f ( Hr'(hii tfs , &C. fcc ; Iion nd Brjisf i'astinna ol rrj dp ucripliun ttwarlni flor Snw Mills. 6rlst Milis, c. U ni n riaiiCr and Wond Workinpr MncliinTj, Gal Rorifa Áini-ri.nn pang, made cntirely oí Irtn, and tie nnual etyH of 8an "i II Gangfi ft Re(nÍ4-fl of all kinds done fn short notice, r(plit or í a y . Works oa I.fl rnpd and ConfrrefK, from Thtrd to FurthSts., Office cor.I.arnod nnd Tlilrd SlreetK. f,II. BUflL, Pros't. D. R. PEIKCE.Sec. knd Trean. .1 W. BARTLETT. Mfchaniral Sop't. DKTROIT STV. A ]I FANC1 IYLIKG KSTABIJSIIMKNT, 42 Congrcs-s ISlteet, East. íiicv Pvrincr dono on Pilk, Woolcn and Mixed Ql '.. ■- ' inds , tirst clasH . Kvery description f fl ;.v. !s f laiu.d, dypd nd Geni Garhoi i'; ' i i t vpry bent tnanner. GpodsáeHt by Ka:irer;8 prumptly attrnded to ARCHD. URANT. FflTlBLlBBHD 1F54. TAMES JKNKS I Dmlerls al) kiodaof M ACHIWEKT AND SUPPLiES, DRTnOIT, - - - MICH. 2') Atwatcr 8t., bctweea Haten nnd Randulph Sts MAi III.Ní: Min!' umi Iirnu Foil"di. lo yon wnnt first c!;ism IRASS W0EK OR BRASS CASTINGS Iroti Pifio á !!■! Fitting fur Qan, Ste&ra and Water. JI .'li :iii'i Low I :■ i - - 1 1 r Stoiiita Snjthea aud Bfilprn. BfevhousQ and ijítillury Machiiu-ry , c "?en%d íoY Circular an-l Pricn l.-t. ', JAP. FL0WFR & BEOS. Briili Bt, , Detroit '. í -All kindrt i SteHin Hating done. 1j RVIT AppUs, Penis, Pluma, ChertlttH) Pchwi, (ímpex Ino , Currants . CEaxitfbenietj Haapberrljrii, BlackbcrnV, Straw-1 bfTjic, AU o! tl abive at ]o rates hr the thtiWnnd. Orrinmonta! Trco and Shruhs, all the Tiutetitt Mji1:ible for our cliniate, wtll be found ín wrr-ii nl)UH'li ncOi Holland Hulhs, jiiKt import ed. Oí b-st quaji y. (ï reMihoux t'lanl. Vegetable aiu PIowarSftvAs, &c. Addrteí, WM. AI1AIR, Detroit, Mich." nAUlllAGK MANUPACTÜRRR9 y JOHN PATTON & SON, # Ap olTerinií the lanjflt nd bext aKortmfnt of CARRIAGES ATO BUGGIES, IH TMK VMTi At Gfpntiy Roducfd P ricen. All work nifte undor bar flwn suinrvfiioi and Ftlly Wabrantkp. r":irt'ry nnd W&reroontSj coran Woudbndgeand n. -i. jitrceu. Detroit. j 3S J&. T H 3R H. SHOE FINDINGS. Tanner's Oils? 5cc., (íeo. E. C'uriis & Co., o, US Jefferion Avínnp, Detroit. Michleíin. I WUTtlOUK V VOii 1 Wlnilcjülo i)enlera iu Crockcry, Ulassware, ,t China, gas fixttjres, laeps, fruit ,t.a.:r.s, scc. 1MP0KT A8SOBTED CRATE3 FOR THE TRAPE 100 Woodnsrd Arcnun, Petroit. JAMES OJL-SS Sc BÖO. Importors and Drnlors in LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 11 Grand River Street Wet, DETROIT, MICHIGAN MAIItI,F._ GE(). F. HBBI-TNO, TS CnKrr..í utreet, Vast, Ilftmit, ronniifucturer ct liluf Stonn Slntc MnrMi' Manlles, Imltatlon of 11 the mrt solore Murltlpp, Mich as Egyptian, Spaninh, íínUway Grei-n, Brdratf llet í:c. DKTKOIT ltiI.I.IAi:l TAIil.i: NmillInl-tory- OcÓBOI Smith. Pcnler in Froi?h C&rom anI Kourl'ocket Billiiird Tabh-g, Hihicüí', Pijreon Hole, 4iltvil Aiu..tiK'-t TlbilOf" Tahlon 1 ii-I üize given by Midi. itutrFnir '07(18, 'tu '70 TF YOU WANT A " TIP TOP " HAT OR CAP. 1F YOU WANT A WLXTER HAT. TP YOU WANT A STYLISH HAT, TF YOU WANT The Hat of the Season, TF YOU WANT A "HatasisaHat,1' TF YOU WANT Hats Cheap---for Cash. C3-O TO A.. A.. TEEËY'S' 15 South aiain Street Wher you rtl] aiio lind k f u 11 line of Gent Farsishlqg CíocIf. Aun Arbor , Octobor 1ST0. 124:1 l PftïSICIAHS1 PBËSGBIPTIONS II ACCfRATELY AND ' CAREFÜLLY PREPAEED BY Ii. W. SLUIS & 00., DRUOGIS1S.


Old News
Michigan Argus