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Sketches Of Dress

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ty of nippaut deuuuciations of nne dollies, and a:i abui;dunce of grave animadverfioDfl of the sin nnd folly of extravagante in apparel, but soarcely an ecsay eau be fouud touching thuathelics and mor ah of dress, iih cuuslituting a study worthy to be rankcd ainong the fine arts, not leas thaD architecture, music, and scu!ptare. It was an fbserralion of Lavatci that persons habitually attentive to dress, di.-plfiy the same regulariiy io tbeir domustic affai'R. ' Young womeit," saya bc, "who ueglcut their toilot, and manifest üttle concern abou' their appurel, indícate, in tliis very particular, a diírefjard of onier; a inind but little adaptcd to tbe details of housekeeping ; a deficieney of taste and of qtmlities that incpire lnve. Tho girl of 18, who desires notto pleaso, will bc x slut and a sbrew at 25 " It is a great mistake in women to suppose Ihat thcy may ihrow oÖ all care ationt. dres wilti their celibacy, au if husbands had less tasto than suitors; or as if wítoh had lees need than mistresses of tbe advtntago f cletjant and tasiteful apprel. An oíd writer saya, with a heavy emphitsis : "It is one of the moral duties of every married wotnan to appear wcll dressed in the presence of her husband." Po ciluct this, howevecexpennive attire s by no mcans ersential. The simplest robo muy eviuce tho wearer's tatto as truly as the most costly guwn of moire uiti.jue. - John G.Seixt. T'.e Badicals in Washington really supposed that tho bajonet business would secure them a gain of threo mem ure o( CongreKs, and limy went to bed sadly dinappointed at tbeir failure.


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Michigan Argus