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( -OM 4 AGAIN WIT]I A FL'I.l. STOCK OK CA3INET-WARE, TO BI SOi.n OH E AP ER TIIAN ANVVVllKHK EL8E IN' TUF, 8TVTB. AT IIIS OU) STÜKK, MAIN 8TBBET, AS'N" AKBoli. pKOPLE'S DRUG STOxvi.. R. W. ELLIS & CO' ■A.lSTE'J ABBOR Tö ITOi:iMS! Nf.w Vokk, Aogmt I6th, 1868. Allow me to oall yotir altontion to my PftEPARATION OP C'OMPOUND EXTRACT BUCHU. The component paris are, UUCIITI, Lo-o Lkaf, CÜBEBS, JUNIPKli I3E11RIES. Mode of Pkkiaraio-x.- Buohu. in vacuo. .Tun'per T?errip; hv dN'i'lfinn. to fiirm n fine gin. Cubi'liH extrnctci) by d'siphoe-nunt with spirits olitaincd Froru Juniper Berries ; very littlcmgir ia sed, and n sinsil proportion of spirit. It is more pahtablc tlian ai'j how in nse. TJvicliu as prcparert Dy Pmeirifilfl, iu of a dark cnlnr. Jt is a p'ant llint emita its fragrance ; tlio aetion of n flnme destroys tliis (ite nctive principio) leaving a, dark and ptutinous decoc'imi. Mine is tbe color of ingredients. The Buchu in my prepnration predominatos ; the .mallest qiinntity of the other ídgredients nrp ndded, to prevent fermentntinn ; npon ïnppnctinn it will be fnnnd not to bc a Tinofure, as made in Pharmaoprra, nnr i it a Syrup - and therefore can be usnd in enne wbore fevor or inflsmmatinn exist. Tn tbis, you hare tlio knowledpc of tho ingredients, and the modo of prepnration. Hopine that ynu will favor it with n trial, and that upon innpoction it will mept with your npprobation, With a feeling of profonnd oonfideDce I nm, very rpppectfuily. II. T. TTELMBOLD, riiemist and Druggiet ofJIO Years' Experienoe. (From tlifl laippot Manufanturing Chetn ists in the World). Novembkh 4, 185-i. " T ara aeuanted with Mr. II. T Rflmbold ; lic oociipied tlie Drug Stor npposito my residencc, and was puccipss ful in conducting the business wher ntlicrs had not lieen equally so hefor bint. I have licen favornbly impresaw with liis ohsraoter and enterprise." WILLIAM WETGHTMAN, Finn of Powera and Weightrann jMouufactuiing Chemists, Niotl and Brown Strcets, Philadelphia HUïTfflinTll'C Ili'liflULiJ ú FLUiD EXTRACT B UC HU ! Por woilm arisInK froiti nfll-crctlon. TtieexImuütcd powi-r of Nature which M aci-orapnird Ny S' mnny Ijmlonu, anmnf; whloh wlll bcfoun'i, Inlijip')itioD to ext-rtioti, Lonk nf Metnorj, W;lk.lulncss, Hnrror of Hineasc, or Forcbodings of tvil ; in fací, Uni versul LftMltude l'ro-iiraïion, and lnabilily tooutcr i&to the cujormtnts of tociily. THE CÜNTITÜTIÍIV once a(Tco(ei with Orean c WealDes, requlrvl tlie ald ol iledicine to lr.-iii;i h.-:i nd Inriorate the Vftcm, Kï.ich HEI.MBOI DS EXTHACT BUCHL' lavariabl y i3of . I f 110 treatment i submi ttcd to.Con Bumjition or liift&uity i-iisues. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BTTOHTT nafTec pe&ulir f fum Uea, is niioqunUed by anyoiliftr prupnrntinn , nn in Cblorosti. or Ketent on, I'ainfwlnfssorSiinnrecBionf custoniarv KvacuaHonj, L'lccrat ad or Scbirrj-i i-'tate of the Ulru, and al cnmptaint incidental to the sex, or dclioc o cliange of lifo. II ELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU AND IM PROVEÍ) ROFE WASH Willralically exterminóte frora the sytem liseRBe 1 i.s: : f;-i'in linbit r. ut -lsij;tíi(iii, at little i-xpfiiM'Éi little or no chance in Jiet, no inoouvenience or ex 1 ourt! ; completely AtiperReliu}c thost unploasani and dftDgcious remedí, Cojmiva and Krcury , iu alltltfii' die&s8. XJ8E HELMEOLD'S JLUÍD EXTRACT BUCHU Ín nll .liíenp of thee orgsns, wliether cxirting in maleor íeiuule, trom wh tover original Ing .uu! uu ïiiftt: i-i ■■(" hi w Loog titinling. 1 1 ia pu-n-inut in tante An'i ni(rt ' immMijitc" in actioi, and mor (itrcpgtliening titan acj of the -repurations oí Brk or In-u. Thoae Ruffcring frcm troten ('ownor delicate confitltutioDB . p roe ut o the rrmedy at once. The reader mud bo aware tlwt, however nliglit ni;.y b the attrekof the above dineaueR, it is eer tuin to affect thuboriil; health and mental powerfl. All tbe above dUcaiett rfquire theanlnf Diure tic. HKLMBÜLD'Ö KXTRACT BUCHD ís & gitat Diuretic. Sold by Dxugglata Everywhere. Price $1.25 per Bottle, or 6 Bottlea for $6.50. Delivered to any address. Desciibe Symptoms iu all comir,Lni;;atiorj8 ADDHESS, H. T. HEL5VSBOLD, Drug & Chemical Warehouse, 594 BROADWAY, ÜSTew York. JVONK ARE GKJNUiNE nnless done tip in steel engravecí wrapper, With fac-simlle of my Chemical Warehonse, and signert H. T. HELMBOLD. yl-KST. ! ■ WASHT E NAW 3 rr r Q yy . l H p rp n n n :r1 n bl Ml id gr: fel N ÖNOTAnYPUBÖCï sL=ü t ]s ü GENERAL i J_J J . Jj CONVEYANCER UL-JL Hilllllllilllllllllllllllilfl.l-I'l ■l,lllí-l!'!;l,i'''IV' , -A-KTX REAL ESTÁTE EXCHANGE ! ! The nndtwilffDvd liainjr pflfftct Rteord histry of all of tb; Bral tétate Title iu thi ftt jr , and in the County of Wmslit-n iw, ta&d plMffirè la announcIng te tlu' pnblle tbal ba wjii rxHminctiilc.crfveabti-'i(' (S o! V.'-H I I' -!..lL" li'lf, HU kf i, rr.] ! Il n] !;'_"■-, contracta and ot hor lt-ffnl paper on th sbortMi notice: Will olso mekr Mlvoj Cit.v propvrtj hd1 r":m , rent It'u8ï, an1 fnrclo Dorteigw. IVrom raaUnffa bUtory ofRea) Sítate tiilf, vUreoolleoi tlmt BookttaksiD ïax Titleg and ll rt,.lateral nittf if rhlCli touob ■;■ h part ion I. ir dttACription; anl til mortgaAf, antttont or mrjiif rn, wbtcb xppi'Ar to be till dub.sitUing of record at the re.stnt time. I qfft-r tliQ ïollou-jng Rfinj EtatP for n$ê ; N'o.100. The Malony Houne autl Lot on División Street. Mo.101. tfonfi uri l-ft in IIiscock; Mdltlon. Pi ice ÍÍ. 000. Ko. 102. Two Story Brjck House on Hpring ftieet. Xo.IOJ. Twn Story Wood Hmiit on Spring Stieet. Nu. 104. N'ico Hniise, Lot and Barn jut wetf Oollan. Ko. 106. Fine IIoimc, Out hmiH, Barn and.iacrí"; of I and, Water Fount, kc.- yery dtsirublc Propcrty. No.106. Hntise mi'l 3 acres of Land InsMe corpora, t ion . No. 107. ITousí and I,ot juut soutb of tlieCulrercUy building. No.108. 15, acresof Iand eaat of the UuiTersity (rountls. No. Ip9. City Lot nearly oppnuite Dr. CbnBe's l'rinting Estnbhsliuient. N'o.HO. OneTwo Stoiy Wood Dwelliug on State StreetNo. Hl. One eleganí TVo Story Brlck House ncnr Ufiiversity Sqoare. N'o.112. nOncrcrtnith buildian juit north f the City. Xo.113. Oofl Tmo Ütory ÏIouoo jat north Ccmetpry Qronndii No. 114. TWo Brictt Houbc west sideof UnÍTflrsity Square, No, 115. 6 acreri jupt wet of the City. No. 116. 5 acres with buildings juut west of the City. No. 1 J7. ifiO acres with builntnn and mproremcntH 5 uortlt- good situation. Xo. 1 1P. 3í!0 acri'.x- fine f;irm In Shiawnsee. No. 119. 2,000 acre of Wild Iindn iu the of Wityno, Monroe, Sajiioaw and 8hia wa."ee. My Abstract Bouks are postedto date. No. 120. One i-!ixn' Three Story Building on Ilia-on Street, mat. Mío. Hl, 175 aerea on Uiddle Road to TpMUntl. No. 122. 40 acïes on Scuth Road with Building ind iruprortment. No. 123, '240 acres on Vorth nCxter Road. 2i niles out . witli itriprovcinentn. No. 124. And murh ofhor Resl Ksiate not hereioincluded. Tlif-re íire tnny oíd in Wn&htcnaw Csan. ty un'Mscharafd of Kecord, and the law of Limita" ticins M to Mnrtggeii in difforeut frra thr t appllca' tu Heal Enlate. of C ummission en nales of Iïal Ettc. tno psr cfut. if Huif maïo. Ratea fnp warch of Real Fbtate Tille fi rt-ut per yrar for Dtvdü ni hÍx ctnts a yVHtfT Moitgnpee until chani;'1 of DotlCti fTo 'hir gftti wi 11 be made for vxt mi nut i m of Iltic, makin pHj-crs'or recordlog, to parttM [ndlnd moiey throueli me, Honey wanted to loan on noincuinbered Keal Ei-tate from one to flre years, at 10 por cent. interest net t' the Ifinder, Aun Albor, March 20. 1870, TRACY W. ROOT. A COMPLETE STOCK oí1 m AND 8EA8O5ÍABLE GOODS, NOW BEING RECEIVED '.33 Y FINLEY & LEWÍS. WE ASK THE PARTICULAR ATTENTION OF BTTYERS 01 LARGE STOCK OF Kip & Calf Boots, MADE BY HAND Elf TOT m PUR TRAPE, pÖKTCASH YOUCAN BUY % Lumber, Lath and , i Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT THE YARD OP C. SUTHERLAND & GO. AnnArbor,.Innur7,1870. 1252 T UMBER YARD! O. KRAPP Han a 1 ih-l-i an-1 wll stocked Luiuber Yard, on JefTerHon Street, n t!ie outh pari o f the City, and wil] keepconxtHUtly on hand anexcellto tra riety of LUMBER, SHINGLES, &C. whicli will be gola au low e oan be aflorded inthie mRTknt. Qunlitynd priceemich thut nooneneedto go to Detroit. OON'líAD KltAI'F, Ann Arbor,Opt.lst.l8(B. 986IÍ A NN ARBOR AGAINST THE STATE IN THE FURNITURE TRADE, And O. M. Martin against Ann Arbor Don't Foiget hia Oíd Stand. Finest Assortment of Toilet ! Goods in the City, by fl. 31). BUS & 60., Ujigígis.


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