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Adventures Of A "russian Count."

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When the Russian fleet was in tho1 harbor of New York a few yearg sgo it j will be reinemberod that a ball was eu the officers in the Acaderoy of aio. On that occasion appeared a young I uiun, a ttussian of high family, under the title of the Count-Metzkewitsen, wbo was, of course, one of the well-received guests of the evening, Ho ent ■ splendid figurejproinonaded and danced I witlj all the leaditig beauties of the city wiib most admirable condcscension, our j younL republicao dauphters being easily j ewituhed by the blue blooded rprijg of Suropean aristocracy. He wan introduoed to a younc beauty ot highly resicotable family. and devoted l)inielf to ler through the evening wiih the most latteriug attentions. Hia Dtroduction ;o the daugbler and inother had been u the most formal and correct stylo, and he retjuepted perniission of the later to oall upuu tliem the next duy. It was granted, and when be carne he quite succeeded, by hia gracelul mannen, in winning the heart of Ibe old lady, as well as the young one. a long eonveraation nbuut the ordinary affairs of the dy, yestcrday'a atl, an I similar euperficial mattcrg, the 'Count" directed hi attention, a if by nere accident, to a brilliant diiimoud which the young lady wore on her finger Ie openly expreesed hia aglonidbment at he jewel, and the fair possesanr, in order to afiord hini a butler view of it, ■olitely drew it from ber finger and iHndcd it to her ditinguihed friend. ;Iq was enraptured, it wag the fiuest stouo be had ever beheld ; it was like ts fortiinate posstssor - exquisite, in. comparable. Aftor holding up the ring to the light for bohío time, with the uir f a connoisftur the elegant geotlemao, n a p!ayful manner, piare 1 it u pon hts ittle finger, as he vory ekillfully turned he conversation upon other subjeots. - lie wag bandeóme, he was elegant, and ciad n the highcst style of fashiou ; hid uuuncrs were bewitohing, and besides - ie was a Ru-sian Count. One or two joure bad thue passod away lien o;her v ui tors eotered and Count Metzkewilsch rose to take his leavo. Could ie be permi'.ted to repeat liia vi.-it ? O, certaiuly. Could he be so inexpresHJbly appy as to place the young lady upou jis list of fricnds ? Not ttie slighicst objection. 'But, Count,' said the artless young ady, 'you forgot the diamond ring I ; lauded you a few minutes ago.' 'The diamond ring !' exclaimed the stocrat, with an air of virtuocs astonïühmeut, 'I liiindcd it back to you as suou us I had lonked at it.' The young ludy politely ossured him that he bud not received it, while the Count, on his part, soleinuly declured j Lhat she had taken it back. The astouslied young lady not liking to muke any diittiirbiiucc, tlie distirguished foreigner quietly look hm depailure. Sood üfter üe luft, she, howevcr, detertuined to look fter her ring The tirst jewelry store into whioh she went wns Biliop & Rein, and there she found tbu jewel, which ti.c Coutit had sold for $600. The ring was reclaimed, and the Knssian uith the uuprououuceablu naine arrested aud put in the Toinbg. Ha only escaped further punishmeut because the young lady would not appenr ngaiust hi'n as eomplainaut in a place like the Tomb. The Russian grundeo then dw inpeared, and uext turued up a prisoner in the London Central Criminal Court for ouie other pieoe of rascality. Ho was sentenced to five yerg itnprisonment. - A few montbs ago this game Husaian Count or pickpooket appeared in Paris and managed to squeeza himself again iuto elegant society. Two inonthg ago he suoceeded in getting bimoelt into the American Club ia Paris, but this lasted only a few days, as his bcautiful antecedeuts sood got wind, and ha wag ignomiuiously turned out. At pregeut the Count Metzkewitgch is once more blooming in our happy me tropolia. He eau be seen every day strutting aloog Fifth avenue, dressed at tho top of fashion, and generally wilh a dafhing young lady on his arm. This young lady ia the duugbter and heiress of a rioh bunker, reoently deceuged ia one of our Westera cities, and tho Count is said to be affianced to her. This, ia the abore recital proven a miaerable adventurer and despicable rogue, and it would be but an act of ohsrity to rescue the deoeired young lady from bis olutcheti. Ho i well known, and it ii tbuught that the Clarendon Hotel ia at prpsMiit honored by bia diütiuguixhed patronage. - Ntw Yorker Tagt Nachrichten.


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