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Specie Payments

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Wheo tbe exciteiutiut aUendant upon the political c;i[ivbs sliüll liuve paw-tui away tlie public mitid will be more directly turned to i eousideration of the final posiion of the country. It is now ncarlv six yeur-i 6Ínce the close of tb war, and yet ÚMe vrho aro at tho hea'i of public uflars appoar to havo mudo no effort to give thu people a eound and convertible cunoncy. Gold aud p;iptr 1 have raore (ir loss co itinuod to approximate eueh other in ;lue, rather ngstiunt tho financiul p-'linv f tlia i tion than tiirouh it aid, atid proper effort on its part wiuld Havo secured a resumption f specie pnyiuent by a pro cess so gradual a 10 h-tve h-iriity been folt by the C'iinnerciHl iutero ts of the country in Ihe (listurb:iiiC9 of valúen. - Senator TrumbuU, of itltntd, in a re cent epeech at C!)icsgo, sagf8ti'd tliij plan for an farly resumpiiou of specie pavmeDts: - F f et Prent. lst. He wouU coinpel the natinal banks to holfi in reserve the c in p iid j them for interest on thcir bonds, anj he would advnnct) iho value of treasury notes bv mak:ng them reccivülde for two thirds of tbe import duties, aDd destroy i the notes when received 2d The banks are paid bíx per cent. interest ou their boud-1, and it wuld take ahout six yuars to accumnlate coin eoough from thi sourco te cmmeuce redemption in hard rannny. They should have at least, of the ntuouut of their liabilitics ia coiu befoie they beain redeiup'ion. There arenbout $'20f),000,000 oñoio in the couutry, and oue-half if' tlns sum is in the United States troasury. 'J'o meet the interest of the publio debt, and dtiiergold ndobtednesB, it íh Boeueary for the treasury to keep a reserve in coiu aud vvere two-thirds of the import duties made pnyablo in greeribacks the reserve would have to be largely inorease,l. Suppjse 8110,000.000 a year in ourrency be received for import duties, aod tbecurreui'y destroyed, vrbere would we get the cireulation to f511 ihe void thus rasde V ''M:ike naiional banking free," "and organiza cew banks,"' says Senator TrumbuU.


Old News
Michigan Argus