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When The Toledo Commercial Uttered

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the follnwing parsijruph. in a recent article tonehiog l'2'hn l'oicer of Taxaticn," t coaM scarcely hve fw-rtitiiiizd the return" of tbo recent election in thia State : Tlicre can be ïunloubt but tfre voJce of Michigan I eTnphMioully fbr tfifs species of tnxRtlon, which leaves Wlsconsln alone of all the SI rite-; wh'cli have ncted ITpÓli the quosticxi, ll onposition to t lic viilidity of taxes levicl for the piyment oí Rajljbad and like stibscriptions. Tho "voine of Michigan ia emphatioally" atfainut - not for - "this snecies of taxation," the msjority probably reachidL over 30,000. The Commedal having uiisinterpreted the fact as to Michigan, is without foundation for the fol lowïng paragraph, ck3Ín the samo article : At the present day thcre are comparativoIjr few wlio doubt the ri.slit of t lic peóple to cxerclso tliis power or the Justlce of lts e:iforccnient. Communities liave interesits M vi:ll as individuáis, and Who I etter calculatcd to indure of those InterestS thnn tht) people comprising the communities f It is evidently in this Stato aa in Illinois - and & it wilt bo in all States wliero the opportunity may be offered - the "comparatively few" wbo ooncede the riht to exerciae thia power. No coniraui ity has the right to tax onc citizen to gtve to nnother, no matter whether the rboipidiit nveate the donation in railroads, milliug, manufacturing, printiug or ruiming a ooruer grecery. IÍ the comtunuily joiutly is to own and opérate the road thequestion may not bo one of right but rather one of expeóüuocy, but owned by a corporation no power of taxaitón posteitsL'd by State or municipal autlionty can cotnpel the individual to subscribe to its stock or be taxed for its btiicik, aud 8ooncr or later no man will owu to huving ever advocated such a duetriue. Ckrtain Radical journals are demandng of the State Board of Canyassars thal tbey hold all votos relurued for Judge Sutherland as illegally polled and void, reject them, and give the cortificato of cleotion to Johx F. Diugos. Thcy ground this demand on a claim that Judge Sutherland is ineligiblc under the State Constitulion, and they refuse to recognize the well-estublished principio tbat that document nor any State law can not íix and determine the qtialifiuatious of a moniber of Congrees or other United States officers, - say tho Pre-ident or Vice President. Now let us remiud these sticklers for "State Rightd" and State Constituiione - new converts, all - of an old ad:ige : "Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.' A plain aud deünite provisión of our State CoBstitutiim, and of uil the statutcsenacted uuder it and rcgulating our electioDB, confine the right cf gufl'rago to witiTis mon. By döhance of these prorisions of the organio and ptatutorj' law,- -superjeded as is claiuiea by the XVth amendment and Gongressional legislation,- ncgroes vofed oll tbrougb the Stato on the 8th of November. - Now, if the coustitutioual provisión under wLiicli the votes cast for Judge Öütiierland are claimed to be void, is the hightr law, so is that disregardiug which negroes votcd. That is, one confiicting provisión is just as biudiogaá another. JteoogLizo the binding forca of both, and we ghall only lose Judge SlTIIBRLANI) to gain El.DREDQK and Stout, ud, perhaps, Hlghks. Vhat say these greedy Radical journalists to such au exchange ? - We notice that the Lunsing Repullicun takiM uo i-tjek in this iut-ligibility -lamor, aud that it pniuts its friends to eoroe ngljr proccdents in the wny ol grantiug thoir demauds. The amendments would have obtained uí:'.iiy more votes il thúy luid beun all pul on a single ticket. Persons who wislied to vote for them were confusca by the sepa rute slip, and in maiiy iMUmcM could uot vote iuti-Uifícntly. Tlierc was also ouly one box lor llic l'uiir aineudmuuts, and thert .vas nothlog to prevent oue pergou casting votes tigaiiist one ameiwmeut, iinl wc have no doubt, tliis v:is doue In nuuierous insta nces. - Detroit 'lribuue. Considering that there tcere four boxes for the our amenamente, ani that the polllists shownd tle exact number of ballots poiled upon eaeh, the above i luminous aud valuablu aliko. Nevertheless, it is about us near tho truth as the following prophecy, frotn the 6amo articlo : The liability of municipaltties will riow be lestml in tho U. 8. ooiirlti, aiul COUBsel have Uready been retalned in this cily to briug snit in these tri bunals. Eventually, the niunicipalities will be compelled to pay these bond.s, and it is to Iheir honor, as tilt! returns show, thal those eotnimimtics that liad tlic av-iil of bouds, generally votcd to pav them. Does tli Trilnne remctnler that in rfiHCUcetng the imrits nd demerita of the "Coiiititution of 1867," we objocted to theaid clnuses, und ventnred an opinión that tho present constitution piohibited or did not pennit aid, and that the Supreme (üourt soouer or later would so deelde. The Irihime retorted that we liad no right to so presume and that our argument waj unfair. We now venture an opinión that it is no prophet, and that it will Dever sec the United States Supreme Court reverse the decisión of our Supremo Court and bold the aid bonds valid. Thk VANDKitrcoL trial teruünated on Saturday last - the twenty seveuth day - in a disagreement of the jury, scven being for a verdict of guilty, and fivc lor oue of not guilly. Tbough tho result was nöt uuexpected, we have no hesitation in ssiyiog tlmt the better pu'olic opinión of the State Iiolds the respondent guilly. It uas not been determinad when and wliere a third trial will be had. Meautime Vandkutool is in the Kalamazoo jail, a niotion made in his behalf to diücharge him on bail having been wilbürawu. John Oesska, v.! fuileJ to procure re-eledioD to Corgress f rom the Siiteenth Pejnnsjlvania district, proposes to niitesl. He lus more O'i'ifidenre in bis IvaJical (cllownicinbeis tliau in the people of lus district. - Gen. Schenuk, of the Tliinl Öbio district, also propones a contost. Hin hope is in having gevcral bundred votos allowad fur bim wbioh wero tuvtr pollid. Ou tluit plan t is p asib'o fur tlie Hu uso to uncat a!i tha Democratie iubihIats - at least in diatrifts wheie allrged absentcu8 frou) the poll are more uumerous tiinu naj inties claimed. Two more tmresuuits :iru natiied fov tho Cni_rriH -ioiuil prize ring. Uowen, Repubiican, ut preaeut a ineinber fro(D South Carolina, baving been dcfeated bv De Laiioe, mutatto Kepublican, proposea to appeal to Cougrtsa. Aud so ExGov. Nkwki.l, ltef)., beaten hy Fohkkk, Democrat, in the Second New Jersey dietrict, chants the od nec;ro melodj, "It. #111 never do to g!b it up so' and proclaims a oontest at Washiugton.


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Michigan Argus