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Il is proposed to cali Mr. ö. D. IIir.T.'s lock, In procesa of erectlon, "The Atheneum Bloik,'' nul as theliail isexpectc-d lo be iis.-a Sor Uutverelty Rtherlng8- Commanceinent, Class Day, Junior Exhibit iems, &c , - no name conki b more proper. This hall, the Brat we have ever liad w!ic!i conlcl properly be callefl in opera ha.ll, does credit lo Aun Albor, a ml Mr. JIii.i. iliwrvfs t.ix tii.uiks of Olir citizcus for supplylug a want herctofqre scriously fult, whereby wc have been hludered the enjoyuieüt oft'ic lut iiiti-iral and dramatic talent ; nnlesB of late ycHrs when ii tamo ander the patronage ol the Studeuts' Asaocl ition and had u liearing in oüc of the ehurche. "The Athcueum Hall," wben coropJete, will be io.r) bv 66 (eet, n-ith walla 85 tin high, g.-illcrli'M on the throe t kies, and will MMt, boy 2,000 peraous. Uuder Ita resto ui'anl, lo accuniuioiláte 800 Btudeats, on Sri:vAitTs plan, so tliat board will be clioap - from #2 to $8 per weéfe - the front buüdlug lo be linislu'il olí for offloes, stores uiil roodMi and tUe nrhole to be beated by ïtenm. "The Ladies' Llbrnry Association" are moking arrangement to frive a haódsome ente.rtaiumcnt at the opcirtng, which at the malies t wil] not be later ilmii tho flrst ofJannary : Tableaus, reoitatlous aud pantomimen, and probably other arauseinciits, wliicii wil! well ivpay the atiéndante of the public. Aun Arttor, Nov. IS. 18T0. # Thirr-oiu' yr;v SgO- Npv. 18,109- Mis-. ('i.m:k's school was opeaed In Aun Aibpr, wbere it lm continued its teaching without iiuy luten-optlon- the oldest iustitulion oí learnlng in tlie State. A mecfing of clnrod persons wbo in.iy deslre to attend a niglit school, for adulta only, il le iiolil at ilie chapel of the Episcopal Church on Monday eveniug, Xovcinber 38th, at 8 o'clock. All persons wlio are intcrested In the establishment of gnoh 'i scliool, are alsu nvit.cil and roquest(.■(I alt ml. As all ladiea lik a g od article, tliose of the cl role wlll do theiaieivei a favor by readlug the item amoiig our "Business Noticeg" headeil "lyillüioii Ihread?' Il la claimed to be a superior threaJ n svery respect.


Old News
Michigan Argus