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uíittf00 múm. 'wmTmTsinclaib, COMMISSION MERCHANT IN GRAtÑ AND FLOTJR, 800 16. 131 LaSALLE STREET, CHICAGO. "07 M. MARTI N, ncitrR IX FÜRS1THUR of all klndc. Pnrlorand "fi Room Sets Mirrors, &c. 83 South Main S;r(tt. MACK & SCFIMID, nclLKRS n nrv Qoodn, Qrocerle, Crockery, it 5 South Main Street. 0. A. LEITKK&CO., DEALERS IX DRCGS and Medicinen, Pure Wlnes lid Linaor for Medicinal Purposcs, Cigurs tc. So.lGr-ory Btock. A. VVIDEN5ÍANN, ,tisll)XglclinsP. Broker. Ri-al Kütate anáfrlre I!"ce Ant. No. 25 South Mulu Street. TRACY W. KOOT, . COOTBN'SED Recoril of Woslitenaw Connty.and RMl&'tate Eichnnce. So. 1 Gr--i:ory Block. J)i. KELLOGG, ►BiCTICINOPhvKidan.and L. B Relióle Proprlrtor o( Dr Rrliogg's Cel-brated UemedieB. Aun Atbor.Mlch. ÏÏOKKIS HALE, M. d7 liBSIDBNCK and OíBce No 18, córner Willlamn and Ttinmpson streett Resrulnr office hours 1 to 3 T M Advicp and Prescriptione from to 1 P. M. íhd), free gratis to the poor. 1SG4 "Te frotuingham. m. d., fHTSICIAN AND SÜROEON. Office over Drup Sturf, No. 7 Hurón ütret. Relrtence, No. 8 Thompson street. Office hour, to 11 A. M ,and ítoSP. M. _____ R. W. ELLIS& CO., HUOGISTS . and dealere in Palnts, OHs, etc No . íí Sooth Main Street, Ann Arbor. ■ JOHH KEGK & CO., t't.tLRRS Ín Furulture of all kind. No. 52 South Mea Street, and 4 West Liberty, Street, Ann AfVxr. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, ÍTTORSEV nad Oounfellor at Law, Real Kstatennd Iniatsuce Ajfent. Conwnmdng and Onüectlon o CUimí urompílr artenced to n liberal iítiür. OfíceisUniiiielyÑ Bluck, apelara, Hurou Street, Aon Krhor Mch. W. H. JACKSON, DEST1ST, (occespor to C. B. Porter. Office, come. Main and Haroa Streetó, over the atore of R. WSJIiiíCo , Ano Arbor, Mich. Arncüthetlcoadmin isiered if rcqulred ■ W. F. BREAKEY, M. D. HITSICIAS ANDSUIUiRON. Office at residence, tnier of Hurón and Divinion Streeté, flrst ioor Buo( Preslijterian Church Awn Arbor, Mlch. E. j. JOHNSON, MlLKB IS IIAT8 and Cap Furs, Straw Ooods Ocntf' Fsrnifhing Ooode, &c , No. 7 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. SÜTHERLAND & WHËD0N, UFïiodFire Insurance Agents anddcnlerpin Real tfxít. Office ou Hurón Sumei: A.(" aell nrslclksaSctfriuíí Maclilnea. W. D. HOLMES, 10KXT for the Florence Sewing Machine . and dealer liftóíreí, Frir_ea,Ac. No. 32 East Hnro? Street LE WIS C. RISDON fMLER in Hardware. Stove. TIousc FMTt.{fihfiig Qoodí.Tin Ware Ac. No. 31 South Main Street. BACH & ABEL, DRALERSin Dry Qoods, Grocerifs, Ac, &c. No. 26 8&fc Main Street, Ann Arbor. SLAWSON & SON, 380CERS, Provielon and Commiiion Mercliant ud dralen in Water Liuie, Land Platter, and Piaster Paris, So. 14 EaBt Unron Street. S. SONDHEIM, MIESALE and retail denier In Ready Made ClothKg.Cloths, Cawimeres. VediinLf . and Gents' Fureiihins Good . No. 9 Sonlh Mnin Street. WM. WAGÑER, ■Him in Ready Made Clothing. Clnths, Cafllt(re. Vertln'e. Hit Csp, Trunkf, Jarpet E5, 4 . :i S uth Miño Stre. t. GILMORE r FISKE, BOOKSEIXERS and Stationcrs, Medicnl. Luw and uilege Ten Book. School and M'.flcellnneoui Bnobi. No. 3 Hórtb Main Street, Grei;ory Block, Aon Arbor. FINLKY & LEWIü, DHlERS o Bonu, Shoe, OaUers, Slippei Ac, No. ! gast Hnron Street. R. TARRANT, UD1ES' Fwhionable SUoe Hoaêe, No. 24 South o reet. [mTo c k e r y , 8L4SSWARE & GPOCERIES. 'T. Se P. DONNELLY "Te In Horca largentock of Crockery .(MafiiiwAre Wir,Ciitler) . Grocerie, c.. c, all tob "luDusunUjIow prifK ... N'o.lSEntHurrnStitet.Aon Arhnr "f J.kP.nONXELLY JOHN Q."0ALl1 _ DEAtER ITST fRESH AND SALT MEATS, LAR. SWSAGRS. Etc. JJ"kfiolcltedandproinptly ftlled wilh the best "" "i the market. SI Kast Washington treet Arbr, 8ept. Ifth, 1869. 1236tf IVERTAÑD 8ALK STAB LET J.B1 AXTELL, Mi?" "'" an'i Catharine trect. Hore boardii "JiMe term Second hand buuglej, cnl-J?jJmd harnees for a'.e . 12-Siyl -j ManatactEPcr f "arriages. Buggies, Wagons, ? ?LEIOnS "f eTery tyle made of the best i,i '' "o wsrranted. Repairing done pjom _,tly BtBiJi' ÍM 'eonble. Detroit Street, near K. R. ■Mt,Ann Arbor, Mica. ICTOyl IVARTIIM'S I"1'PUe.toi.tnyth(nl yonwaatlath FURXITüRK LINE! -- _JjL_Wtl-I. VOT BK UVPERSOI.n. pEOPLE'H DRUG SToZT W. ELUS & CO' Tbc .Tfirhlgaa Central Rallroad. NEW TIME TABLE. Train p nu the Michigan Central Kailrond lenve statioQf namcd at foliow: GOlItU WE8T. Mali Faut Dexter Eve'g. Paclflc Traiu. Kx. Ace. Kx. Ex. Detroit, 6n f H 7 30 AM 4 lli.p 5.4 PM 9.00 PM Ypvilantl, 6.38 ■ 8-28 6.35 "7.0?" 10.08" AnnArbor, 8.6T " 8.43 " 8.00 " 7.25" 10.2 " Dexter, 9 28 " - " 0.28 " 76 " t'hi-Nr. 9 46 " " 8.1 " .lacksnn. 10 45 ' 9.4S " Ü.1.1 " 11.45" Knlamazoo, 2.06 r M 11.37 a k 12.16 a m 1.ÍS Chicago, 6.1:6 " 4 00rM 30" 7.10 " imiMi KA8T. Atlantic Niht Dexter Mali FnM N. V. Ex. Ex Ace. Train. Kx. Chicar", 6.1"p)i ixip m 5.00AMH 3IIm Kalnmmoo, 1'.36 2.06 a xi 10.S0 ' 1.(9 p m JnckPOD, 1.05 am 4 36" 2.06 PM 5.4o " Ohi'lsp, S.26 " A.M. 3.02" Doxter, 5.4"" 6.10 3.20" -- Ann Arhor, 2.20" 8.00" 6 4i 3.6 " 6.4-1" Ypillantt. S 40 6 20 7 10 4 66 ' 7.02 Detroit, 3.45" 7.30" 8.40 6.40" 7-55" Dated. May 2ith, 1870. A. W1DENMANN7 REAL ESTÁTE AGENT, ANN ARBOR, MICII. OFFEBS FOB S-A.X.E : SS cr of lnd. within fine half mi 'e from the citrf tob old in wliolo,or pnrci-lí, f tollow : 24 acre on ertin W, in th ton of Ann Arbor hori'cri K ' n 1 e fiM on Ilif roafl les'Mi'p tr Cornwell' paper mili, umi on the ion li on 13í aeree nitnateil 'n the nnrthweat corner of tlie (ÍMrliam r"'i nd tlm aói Cornwll Pastar? roid. íTh'g i one of th# hundomeAt situationiin ihe neifchborbood of Ann Arbor.} 13i acre iniprovcd land joining tlie aboe 15K acref and fronlins Gorham Road. Fortv acres of Flrt Class Farming I.and. with good Orohird nnd Parn, Si milo fr..m the Couit Ilonx. on the upper Dilbnro road. 1 acre of land with a new tiro "tnrv frame houie on Thompson. Sior S ïüompou' audiliou lo the City of Ano Arbor . 71ot of % acreeach.on Tbompnon, Spoor i Thomp scd's Addiiion. 9 acres of land, with i nplendid grove, joininp tbe Firemeu't) l'ark on the Weit. 1 Home and Ui luts of land, witn Barn, Widi. Ki: cli' n. Cariuipe H;Ue,and a numb-r of roon ein luiprovnuiiu-, on tlit nurtluvest corner ol Fourtli aud l'clcrd Street 1 lioufe and Lot in the ti Ward, OB South I.ibertJ Street. l Huuec and 3 Lot In the 2U Ward, oear 8d Ward r-chuul House. 1 Uouaeand 4 Lot,Brthe H.C.R.B Depot. 20 acres olland in the soulh of the ?late of Missouri, neac tlie Umaibat 4-Sl.Ju-rph lUilroad. 2 City I oU neai 2d Ward School Huuse. A. WIDENMANN, FOREIGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANxi ARBOR, MICH. SELL5 AND BÜYS DRAFTS, A.3srr ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT ON ALL PRINCIPAL TÍ.ACES In GREAT BRITAIN, GEKMASY.FKAKCE.ïWtTZKKl.AM'.etc. My direct connection itli Enrope enable meto offer a Tair rate an) Nw Yoik Huu-e. Kemember.I am not n aeent of any hcurnin thi cualr . but I m living direct coinmunica ■ tion withtb te-t houeesln turóle COLLECTIONS IN EUROPI BY POWFR OF ATTORNT.V OR OTHERltfE, W1L1 UÜ i'KOMl'TLY AlTrNDlU TO PASXAG TICKETS per Steamer to and from New York to all principal po rta ot Europe L niil end ajo!lowh: From New York to SouthamptOD, Havre. Iindon, Bleiuen, or Hamburg, Ut Cl. dOlam. Steerage, $1ÏO "'2. 2-" i f'oW Return ticketi. 225. 125 61 " From abore plac-i to New York, lt Class. 2dClas. 3dClaiB tl'.O $"2. $40 in Oold Cihlo, 8fl to H10 Currency. ieorage, $30 iu Currency. ïrom Liverpool to New York. Ctin, $100 BtMtag, M7. WIDEÑMÁ NN, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT ANN AKBOR, Fortte HowarlJnfriioce Vo . lo Kew York one uf the oitiwt bd beet Companie in the couutrj-. The Ten ton ia Insurancn ('nnijmny in Clevflanfï Tbe hnorblf arnt hate maiiatifirn-nt of this iaii tut ion hm made it une of tb most reliable Firc Iogurance Cumpa ni-K id the West. It57yl CHAS A. LEITE1Í & CO., CHAS. A. LEITEK& CO., CHAS A. LEITKR & CO., CHAS. A. LE1TEIÍ & CO., No. 1 Giegory Block. Nc 1 Giegory Block Ko. I Giegitj Block No. 1 Giegoiy Block, E3T Sign of the Gilt Mortar "3 tW Sign of the Gilt Mnrtar " '■■. I T Sign of the Gilt Mortar "3 L2T Sign of the Gilt Mortar "%3 HAVE JUST OPKNED HAVE JUST OPKNH) HAVE JUST OI'KNED HAVE JUST OPKNED The FHneíit Ptoek oí The Funest Stook oí The ITineut Stock oí The fTineet Stock oí DRUGS AM) MEDICINES DKLT.8 AXD MEDICINES DRL'GS AND MEDICINES DRUGS AND MËD1C1ENS fj THS CITY. IN THE CITT. IK THE CITY. IN THB CITT. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS For Mfti-Iirinal Purpo1'. Tlie Poiuliir Patent Medicinen of the dny , and ever thing kfpt in a 6rstcUkk Prug Store. An JE3JCCELI.ENT BRAND OP CIGARS. TRY XHJFCM. Solé Agenta in the City for Otto Reyndpr's cel ebrated SÜRGICAL AND DKNTAL INSTRUMENTS ïf F8PF.CIAL AT1ENTION GIVFN TO TUF COMPOUNHINO OF PHVSICIANS' PRKSRIPTIUNS Süd FAMll.Y MEDICINES. 1266 VjADAME CÓTÉ Wonld refpfCtlMly in'orm the public of Ann Arbor and vicinity that Fhe is now open to eneacmente, for privtt liK'cm. for inotruciion in French. Temí reaporahle. Apply at o. 38, coruer of Wllllam and Fonrth Sireits . BFEREy'KH.-Pini Tylir. Bev. IJ. R. Bnrton Rev H. L. Huhbcll, Prof Baur. Prof. TenBrouk Prof. Adam, Prof. Ulnr-y, Prol Barrington. mS1.8T. í Go to R. W. ELLIS & CO'e for choice Wines and Liquorf i for Medical PurpoBes .


Old News
Michigan Argus