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Fresh Aztec Ruins

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Snme diícovritís have lately been made iu New Mexico wbtah wil], duub leas, be the subject of protracted and highly interestiug archas logicl research Governor Arny, the Special Indian Agent for tht Tei ritory, ii the authoritv fjr the exUtence of these curicnities bis kiiowlt(Jio of wbioh bas been gained by personal inapection It becarae neeea-ary, in the discharge of his official dutits. for Goveruor Arny to víníi the Utah Indiana, at he wet of the San Juan Hiver. Td do this, he had to traverse a pan of the great lange known as the Sier a Madre Mouniains, tnd here paniculurly iu what is oulled the Canon de Clielly, the disenvoiioN referred to have been made. Vn have, of late, beeu eo overwUitued with Boooontl of uhtouishing Dulmrul wi'Ddxia newly found iu the huurt of the 0'n'inent, that Q-oviTiiOr Arnj's) description of trungo mvines, whose whüb tower perpendicularly to an altitudo of from 1,000 10 2,000 fet, '-Üw. ruck trata bting us perfect &h if laid by the skilied ha-:ds ol murtODS, and enliieiy gymmetrictil," may oxcito only (la-sitig coiiitnent. I3ut the ruins found aiuorg llie-o lonely canons will at:rael more eager aud eubstantial attention. These consist, wo are asaured, of tho des rud retnain of ancient Azteo cities 'many of vfhich bear the evidence of Iniving ben popnlous to the extent of iiiMiiy thouMBHiia of iuhabitants."' The tenn Aztrc is here ued in iis common Mid i:niicirae senst, being applicablö, iu Btriiti.ess, to only oue of ihe seven Mexic in tribt-e which collfctively b'ire the uame ot iNahuatlecas. These trihes are gup.osed to have enne froin the Nortii, fro:n a regiou knowu as Aztlan. TiR'ir truJitions gay tht they emerged in-in ïevtn cavems iu that región, which tno-t investifjutors have placed uorth ol Ihe Ruer Gila. The iu eresting quostion now arises wiiitter these vast canons or mouutaiu gorges, describcd by (Jovenjor Aruy, nre aüinnud by hun to be Ulied, in bohío us unces, wnh ruins, maj uot have beea tho onginil Aztlan It is at least evideut, on readiog his dessription. and c mparing tbeui with suob traditionary chronicled us m already pos-ess, that tuis suppoi-ition is extremely pusible. Tue period ot the depar ure of the sev en irib. s, and of their armal inthevall"y ot Mexio ', is coiumouly reckoned to have been tK-tweon 10G4and 1164. Pr ti ups a clise exuu.inHiinn of newly-dis cotered ruins will have the effoct either tf affiruiiiig or reclifying this estímate. In auy oae it will doubtlcs turnixh us with important revelatioD of ihe past history of the continent. The account already rec.eived from üovernor Arny and bis party are ubKtautiaMy to the fullowing purport: The ruius d scovored aro of stone and of groat extetit. In each town or collec non of buildings oue ediñee lii been fouml Iicwii out of the solid rock, about twtfiity feet square, containing one roum, and iu this room a single hum .n Bkele ton. In the centre of tlieee apariments there are tiaces of ii re, and tlie tbeory ot the observers is that these solitary rooms were altar place-, and the skele tons those of the officiating priesta. 1' vvill be mij' inbired ihat fire waa ahvays kept burning, a- a ruliffius rite, on the ul'aiBot' ibe Azteca; the Indian tradi tiu being thut ultminteiy it would light Moutezuma back nain to bis pi" plu - he beug iut an earthly ruler only. but tbxir .lirsniah or Eierual King. It i usserled by our Dformnn:s that the structu-tis coritüin handüome arches and otlitr arcliiti-uiural devices uiid ornanirntH ; and that tha biálders mu-t havf b en killed io the manufacture and use of e'lged tools, in niHsonry and otber in-cbunu-al artx. S'me of the b'iildiiig-, uiil ke itio-it of the ruios furtber HOütb in Central America and elsi-where ure rcportcd to ln eve:i or eightstu ics in huiiht. There are no s'air-aiscs in these !ty piles so that it in interrei the upper glories were re ickeii bv la' dur plantod against the wal Is. Otherti of thu edifices are p rff ctly rou'd, buil very gubtitautially of ent toue, mi'l plustered ioside. Tokem iboun'l of tlif )ccnpation "f theje plttoeii by dense and acII ius'rui-.tcd populstioiip, snd t si-eins ( easonablu to anticípate tl.a', tj tlie won , der-" of ratural scenery anl tuim-mi i treasure ahdundni; n tliat neiglibi rbool i there is ubnut tn to added luch records af the men ho once dwelt tbereio as will be, ut l'-a-'t, as iutiTestin. Tbe ouly douln likely to be raisnd rclative to the imj o tanca nr probubla '._'- uifkanee of Goveruor Arny'd dTsooveries, is wlieiher hia buildings may uot bnlong to the cl;iss ot ''Capeas (-rrundes" onoe held to mark the 8iicce-sive bteps of the Aatec migruiion (wliich i-nupioscd to have taken over 150 yare from tlie ctiiriing point before reachintr Olispuheper) but since a'tributcd to the Moquia or to tlie Puublo Indiana. If tlie accounts flut have coma to us ure precisely aocurale, we ebould say thig bypothtfsifl ws out of tlie qnes'ion ; - ince tbe build:iiH wonld 'if-ce-saiüy buve lcen the work of a far bigher civ t'catioA than nny of tbe oíaos last nam ed.1- N. Y. Timet. ■■■44 i - i i i Niágara is do longer the most wonderftil of oataractg lts rival has been discovered ia British Guiann, in South Amerioa. Tbere are two falls, one of Eeveo hm dred and seventy feet and auother 1 fifty. 'i'bo volume of water pacsing over these falls is seventy-eighf ieet dep and three bun(lre1 leel broad during the dry season The colonial governmeut of Guiana is arranging facili lita tor viriitors By nay of e'aipa.rieoo, it may be well to add that Niágara Falls on the American is 164 fi et Higl). and on the ('anadian nido 150 feet high. Tbo width of the American falls is 1,100 f.ot aodof tl e Canadian falis ah.'iit doublé uuuiltr.


Old News
Michigan Argus